The Caesar has marked you for death, and the Legion obeys! Ready yourself for battle!
The Caesar has marked you for death, and the Legion obeys! Ready yourself for battle!
Time to die, Nigger.
>kill vulpes and the other legionaries
>the assassins come by helios one
>all i have are 10mm pistols and cowboy repeaters
*unsheathes golf club*
Why is that werewolf still had a human face inside his mouth?
Literally ISIS.
>Implant GRX
>you are already dead.gif
GG no re
>it's an "I killed Vulpes at Nipton and have slaughtered so many legion assassins that I already have an endless supply of caps in the first act of the game" episode
>Implying i'm not playing Fallout 4
inb4 underage toddposters
what did the hit squad have? I imagine at your level even a 10mm SMG would be big time for them
dont tell me they had brush guns and thermic lances.
though I'm a fan of realism, and as a lowly courier I wouldn't step on any toes
>It's an "I thought I could be clever and shoot the messenger bringing me the mark of Caesar in the back, but it turns out I now have have to spend the rest of the game with the legion on my ass with no way to get them to back off" episode
I usually have Boone and ED-E with me, so the legion squads typically get shot to pieces at long distance before they can reach me
>mfw I snipe them with the ratslayer and get lolcrits on all of them
Serves them right.
>no Enclave faction besides remnants
>Can't purge Legion and NCR scum off the earth
first time i played this i was a melee focused underleveled character who was having trouble just clearing primm's bandits
when i got to novac and these fuckheads attacked i lost to them easily 30 times
Mostly mid game weapons. Trail carbines, .44 magnums, thermic lances. And most of them have a pretty high DT so my weapons weren't doing much damage.
>At lvl 35
>Feel I made the game too easy for myself by going energy weapons & crit perks with 9 luck
>Want to restart but I know I'll burn out in the early game because bethasoda cucks you into taking a certain progression direction.
Guess I'll finish dead money to see what the hype is about and check back in a few years.
If he is at the most hated level the group comes with a Praetorian, which at the minimum has a trail carbine.
God damn these fags always show up at the worst possible moment. Except that one time I was roaming around quarry junction sneaking on deathclaws. These poor bastards got obliterated
I know DM gets praised pretty highly here but you're probably not gonna like it. The story is great but the gameplay is awful. The gold bars are the only thing that I do it for.
>Caesar has below average intelligence and mediocre charisma
Really makes you think...
Must be fun having the combat part of the game play itself.
>Randomly wandering around the wasteland
>Suddenly cut to a raider ten miles away getting their head shot to pieces.
Fucking Boone.
When ever I pissed off ncr they only sent one hit squad after me. But when I piss off the legion I can't go 5 minutes without stumbling over legionnaires.
I don't know if it was intentional, showing how decadent the ncr is while the legion never forgets. Or if it was just Bethesda's shitty engine glitching up.
>Sup Forums likes the faction that has cute dogboys instead of a, somehow, less degenerate United States based in Cali
Really makes you think
>First playthrough of the game I happened across a grenade launcher and a small amount of ammo for it.
>I saved that grenade launcher for an emergency that never came.
>Fast forward to nipton, I found a worthy target.
>The 4-5 grenades I had were enough to kill all the legion, plus some crusified shmucks.
>Once i make it to vegas, lupis respawns for the whole 'serve ceaser' thing.
>I kill him again.
Dead Money is awesome
it was fun, challenging, and just the right amount of stupidly frustrating
>cute dogboys
are u playing the same fallout new vegas as the rest of us here
fuck meant for
I wanted to like the legion, I really tried.
But Caesar is such a grade-A douchenozzle with no interesting qualities whatsoever, and the legion is so fucking edgy they should wear fedoras instead of dog skins.
>the gold bars are the only thing that I do it for
not trying to personally bash you but that mentality is whats wrong with gamers if I'm allowed to say that in a toungeincheek fashion
you didn't like hiding from ghost people? scavaginig for shit? barely surviving? being on edge everytime a beep sound starts? the fucking gold was why you do it?
dead money is fun and challenging, the only people who disagree are the kind who are used to have 40 stimpaks and 300 pounds of weaponry on them .
>you didn't like hiding from ghost people?
They had a crazy high perception which made playing it with stealth builds pretty much useless.
>scavaginig for shit? barely surviving? being on edge everytime a beep sound starts?
I hated the radios, some of them were indestructible so going through certain areas was a pain. Also there was way to many traps around that coupled with the cloud made it extremely tedious.
It's challenging for sure but it's such a slog for repeated playthroughs.
I accumulate 40 stimpacks and 300 pounds of weaponry precisely because I keep pushing the envelope of cunning and thriftiness. On my current playthrough I haven't put a single point into energy weapons yet I've been carrying the recycler laser rifle since Goodsprings, because it lets me fish crits at extreme range without expending ammo.
And when I get to the SM vault I am sure as fuck going to punch the ghosts to death and try getting all the gold out. Because that's the challenge.
>TFW I'm on the mod team and testing team for tale of two wastelands
Feels good man, I'll tell you something about the next version though, DLCs are bug free including Zeta and also we are thinking of making super mutants in the capital wasteland New Vegas difficult.
Speaking of lasers, are they quiet? Stealth in these games is a complete mess and guns with silencers don't seem to be particularly useful unless you get ohk crits on every single enemy.
>mfw consistently looking over my shoulders for legion ambushes when im south of the map
how the hell do you enter the legion camp than?
You kill anyone that crosses your path.
hard to deal with them if your melee build. have boone with you so he can spot them early and draw most of the aggro. get ED as well if you can.
if your unarmed build, there is a nice power fist in a cave near helios one.
the only thing i hated was the raido sound. shit like that makes me paranoid as fuck.
i mean, how do you even get there in the first place. do you still take the boat?
Yep, you just kill the ferryman and take the boat yourself.
Yeah, the boat still takes you to the fort even if Lucius is killed.
alrighty than.
>this time support NCR cucks
>piss off the legion because "LMAO UR LAME XDDDD"
>Good enough to make a NCR tropper come to me and give me the radio backup
>Legion squad comes in
>Doghead tells me "le death we kill u"
>Use radio backup atm
>3 mins of gunfight and dodging brush guns and no sign of NCR pussies
>kill legion football team and wait
>finally NCR team comes to aid
>literally nothing and just me watching how they hold service rifle for a moment and put back on
Somebody post the character roll image
Fallout 3 and New Vegas watered down the grittiness of the originals.
The "evil" factions feel like movie villains. Just corny.
You need rape, slavery and child killing to accurately portray the kind of scum that would be in the wasteland. Every faction in the newer fallouts feels like they exist somewhere in the middle of grey areas. Without evil there can be no good. Playing as a good guy doesn't feel like playing as a good guy and playing as a bad guy doesn't feel like playing as a bad guy.
Try harder Bethesda and Obsidian.
Fallout 3 had factions?
I didn't even notice.
oh man I might have to fight the whole 40 people in his army wew
It just take the 3 primary factions
>You need rape, slavery and child killing to accurately portray the kind of scum that would be in the wasteland.
The Fiends have all three of those covered at once in one sidequest
BoS, raiders, BoS outcasts etc
I didn't mean factions as in a faction system but in the sense that there are different groups representing different ideals.
The Kahns were the most watered down in the new versions. They used to be vile and soulless now they're noble savages with hearts of gold. So fucking queer.
not again
I just heard it
>Not now, im busy
Started a new playthrough the other night and it's become literally this.
This is me right now on my first playthrough.
What's your guys favorite build to run the wasteland with? I'm making a shotgun oriented build right now basically playing Mad Max and the shotgun specific perks let me shred most things to pieces.
hate these guys, they have such a high movement speed and sometimes they flee which makes the game bug out and sends another full hit squad right after you become undetected again.
>go to sleep in a random bed in the middle of nowhere
>wake up surrounded by Legion Assassins
I just make my starting character always tailor mad to get every single drop of EXP from speech options and combat in the first part of the game before the strip
After that, que sera sera
what the fuck is his problem?
Considering you're telling the truth, then say it to me straight man, does the mod work on pirated copies or is it just that the guy that wrote the page for the mod is some kind moralfag that hates pirates? In the main page for ttw it says it doesn't work on pirated copies but it could be a bluff for all i know. I'm asking because I want to play the mod but I don't want to have to buy fallout 3 again. I have a legit copy of nv though.
Which quest?
>tfw you get awoken by Lucien Lachance for the first time in oblivion
I got it to work on a pirated copy
It was funny, I actually couldn't get the pirated game to work on it's own, but something about running FO3 on the New Vegas build made it start flawlessly
That said, don't ever fucking mention pirating in the forums or you will be banned until proof of purchase, but still be labeled as a pirate through the community
Not him, but I'm a site mod
I kind of turn a blind eye to it
I don't care, it's a "don't ask, don't tell" situation
If you pirate and it works, awesome
If you pirate and it won't start and ask for help, banned
If you go around talking about how it's not legit, banned
I can't very well not enforce the rules when members openly talk about it
So if you pirate, keep it to yourself
Some pirated copies will work though
>thermic lance
>mid-game weapon
Are you serious?
he's talking about The Coyotes. you don't actually see that stuff happening but it is described in one of the character's journals.
>Noodles added
why did I kek
So we all agree this was the best DLC, right?
Okay thanks.
>I actually couldn't get the pirated game to work on it's own
That may be because fallout 3 doesn't work on modern OS's i think. That's what i heard at least.
The long, winded dialog gets tiresome, but still top tier
All except for Honest Hearts really
That's why I love NV DLC, though. They all offer something different.
>hear trip mine start beeping
>don't see it
DM is better.
I did say mostly. The hit squads always have a melee guy and he usually carries the thermic lance or the super sledge.
It's true, FO3 is atrocious on Windows 7 and above
So many tricks, edits, .dll files, and bull shit just to get it working
*tips prewar hat*
Play low intelligence for once
And do all the Low Intelligence speech checks
>killing children
Is the Legion too watered down? They do all that stuff and add misogyny to it too.
>be me
>never fucked with Caesar's Legion much because I slaughtered them from the start
>start a 2nd game with a female because my last character was male
>can't do the arena at their camp because female
>slaughter them again
In the name of Ceasar my paper plate armor will defeat you!
Okay, thank you and don't worry i'm not stupid enough to openly admit to be using a pirated copy in the forum. In fact i very rarely comment on forums, so if it doesn't work for me i'll try to fix it on my own and if it still doesn't work, well bad luck for me.
I'm currently doing a low int, low speech run, and the failed speech checks are fucking hilarious.
I'd recommend mods for more authentic retard simulation though.
The best weapon to use is one of the 40mm grenade rifles you get soon after Nipton
One shot cripples their legs
Second shot kills most of the assassins
Third shot kills the Centurion
Is the guy on the left even holding anything?
>assassins sent to murder you
>have the courtesy to wake you up before attempting to kill you instead of just murdering you in your sleep
looks like a shotgun
hard to see
when you get to higher levels they buff up considerably, it takes three or four plasma grenades with a 100 explosives skill to take them all out, and they'll have a guy with a brush gun and another guy with a 12.7mm submachine gun.
bald manlet that was raised by a signal mother. no wonder he was mad at the world.
>go to sleep
just admit that would be terrible
It could be a brush gun
Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face.
*limp behind you*
Nothing personal kid.