Which of these characters would win in a fight between all of them?

Which of these characters would win in a fight between all of them?

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I only recognize genius, samurai jack, and dead pool, so I'll say dead pool because he can't die.

Either Deadpool because he can't die, or Vergil because of his feats

It would end up being between Virgil and Deadpool

Probably Vergill or Dead Pool

Guess that's settled then.

go back to >reddit retards.
Obviously the 2hu would win.

I think it's probably a tie between Vergil and Deadpool

Vergil or Deadpool

She is a dork and an gardener, what could she do?

Which one is that? I only know Vergil and DEadpol

Pretty obvious Virgil or Deadpool, tbqh

Hakumen by such a large margin it's kind of sad.

It would be close, but I think it would definitely come down to either Virgil or Deadpool.

Hakumen's sword prevents healing, retards. Deadpool has no chance.

The oboro style is supreme.

Which one is Vergil and Dadpool?

Probably Deadpool, since he can't die.

Though, I don't know, Virgil could be pretty good....

Deadpool is immortal because of his deal with death. He doesn't need to heal to be immortal. Healing just lets him fight effectively, he would still be unkillable either way.

Vergill, hands down.

That said, Deadpool would probably be a close second.

Brotag reflects everything but almighty damage. There's like 3 guys I know nothing about, though. Do they have some sort of magic that's similar to that?

Deadpool because he can't die, but Virgil is also a legit choice

>Hakumen's sword prevents healing
Which only works in the Blazblue universe, not in Deadpool's or Devil May Cry universe.

He just can't die, even he hates it.

Honestly, no idea.

As the other anons have said, it's probably between Deadpool and Vergil, but who can say, really?

It's not even just that, Power of Order lets him just bypass practically anything except the incarnation of death itself, provided he wants to hard enough.

There's a reason he never got to fight at even remotely full power in the games. Power of Order is one of the most broken things in fiction because it allows him to plow through anything.

How is that even a question?

Most of those characters aren't even in the running. Only characters of even close to equal powerlevel are Vergil and Deadpool.


WTF OP you just answered your own question

Deadpool, desu. I mean, he can't even die!

Though Virgil could also win, I suppose, but Deadpool still has my vote.

>Top tier
Haku-Men, Deadpool.
>High tier
Raiden, Sephiroth
>Mid tier
Genji, Vergil
>Low tier
Yu Narukami (Personas are actually quite weak), William, Ryu Hayabusa

Anyone not listed is because I don't know their strengths.

Except Hakumen already specializes in killing otherwise immortal characters.

Sephiroth has Meteor.

>Having genji with Virgil
>Not Virgil and Deadpool

>making a powerlevel list
>including Vergil and Deadpool

How is this even a competition?

If it was possible for him kill Deadpool, Deadpool would be dead.

Remember, he's suicidal - if he could find someone who could actually end it all for him, it would be over in a moment.

For this reason alone, it's Deadpool.

Jesus Christ, OP, really?

#1 is Deadpool
#2 is Virgil.

The rest don't matter. You can fight over which of the top two get the top spot, but there's no question it's either Vergil or Deadpool.

>Vergil vs Virgil

What's the most Vergil has ever been able to do in terms of destructive powers? He doesn't have any literal city-destroying attacks or reality overwriting powers like Haku-Men, Deadpool, and Sephiroth do.
His only great feats that I know of are his abilities to passively block bullets and his AOE Judgement Cut. (Or whatever that move he uses in DMC4SE is called.)
At best, he's high tier.

Who's the guy at bottom right? seems familiar

>Unique IP counter hasn't gone up once
Fuck off with your spamming.

Aside from healing factor, of course, which a good chunk of the cast can easily outdamage or straight up ignore.

It shouldn't even have to be explained why the top spots are Vergill and Deadpool, honestly.

Do you know nothing about them as characters? Clearly, they are the best of the characters listed.

He's been in TWO special editions, he should be in special tier desu

Hey, you only got me twice with that.

So who do you think would win in a fight, Virgil or Deadpool?

Hey, you only got me once with that.

So who do you think would win in a fight, Virgil or Deadpool?

Hayabusa easy

I think I have to hand it to Virgin, Deadpoo might give him a run for his money though.


What could Vergil even do to 100% Hakumen? Power of Order is flat-out broke with no actual upper limit. Even while weakened as shit, he was straight-up able to prevent Jin from dying.

He's able to survive in the Boundary, which is a space that flat-out erodes anything into seithr in moments, all through channeling his willpower through the Power of Order. He's able to kill creatures which exists outside the plane of "logic" just through the Power of Order.

The game had him stuck in the Boundary for 100 years and be salvaged through imperfect means just so that they could justify him not beating everything with 0 effort.

>Clearly, they are the best of the characters listed
Tell me what Vergil and Deadpool have over Hakumen. Power of Order is bordering on Speedforce with how ridiculous it can get, since it's basically written as the reason he was able to beat the unbeatable which even the God of the world couldn't even oppose or intervene on.

power level wise the strongest boys in this image are the 2hu, vergil, and that guy to the left of deadpool by far
rest of them can't even compete

You faggots are all retards
>pic related and it's not even close


You know, Deapoo? Immortal, shit-talker, super-powerful? So strong only character thus mentioned in this thread who can rival him is Vergil?

Vergil's feats, as far as I know, are
>Mid-tier regeneration
>Long distance cutting (Judgement Cut)
>AOE cutting (Rapid Slash, Judgement Cut EX)
>Devil Trigger for a temporary buff
>Expert swordsmanship (blocking bullets, cutting fast enough to destroy rain)
None of this is particularly impressive compared to Haku-Men, who can literally cut through timelines and deal comparative damage to a fucking nuke with his sword slashes, among other, equally impressive powers.
t. someone who's played both DMC3SE and DMC4SE.

That's not Deadpool or Vergil.

WHy do you think Jack is better than either Deapool or Vergil?

Okay, new and improved one since OP is a colossal faggot.
Deadpool, Vergil and Sephiroth are dismissed because they immortal or just too strong.

The correct answer

Vergil's feats include being in two special editions, how many special editions have any of the other ones been in?

Hakumen and 2hu lol

Explain how Hakumen could kill deadpool.

That's all you have to do.

Unless you can do that, Deadpool wins as unless you can formulate a way to kill him that no one else has yet to, including himself, he's just simply not going to die, no matter what you throw at him.

the answer is still samurai jack

>Still leaves in Haku-Men while removing the only character that might have been a match for him
>Too strong
Stop this meme

I don't think anyone else has even 1, let alone 2.

Haku-Men has been in three special editions. Continuum Shift II, Continuum Shift Extend, and Chronophantasma Extend.

Point proven, Virgil is special, get destroyed

Deadpool is a close second

If Momohime has the Muramasa would be a great showdown between her and Hakumen After they wipe the competition and Vergil decides this isnt worth of his time and fucks off

Hakumen might be strong but he is not immortal so it counts.

It says extend not special edition, just as extending a penis doesn't make it any special

You don't have to kill someone to win in a fight against them.

Deadpool can be ko'ed. Deadpool can get incapacitated by being decapitated. Etc. These are things that have happened... lots.

I love me some samurai girl, who's this?

Only Deadpool is, that's why he wins.

Even Vergil can be killed (reminder that apart from him and DANTE, al lthe hybrids are DEAD, KILLED by demons)

>Explain how Hakumen could kill deadpool
Power of Order. It allows him to surpass logic and really anything, as long as he wants to hard enough. That's why not having an upper limit is ridiculous. Do you not know this is the reason why WW Hulk is always considered to be retarded? It's entirely dependant on his willpower, he can do LITERALLY anything provided he wants ot hard enough.

Momohime, Demon Blade.

>Top Tier

Just because you have a regeneration faction does not compensate for a lack of super human ability. Half this cast could just cut him into pieces only to listen to him bitch which would be appropriately amusing for him but he would be effectively disabled after that.

Fucking Raiden threw a god damn metal gear ray.

You forgot his teleport, which is instant even in slowed time.

The Deadpool would already be dead.
He'd have made it his mission to have Hakumen kill him.

Remember, Deadpool wants to die, ASAP.

First Susanoo was Terumi and Terumi is dead.
Hakumen was future Jin and he's dead.
Now Hakuwomen is Tsubaki and we don't know how well she handles the Susanoo armor or how strong it made her...

Ryu because I beat black on master ninja and I'm literally getting angry at the prospect that some weeb shit I don't know could win cuz DUDE POWER LMAO reasons

This is also true, Deadpool wins due to immortality, but he's a shitty character.

It'd be better to remove him from the running, so some actual fighters can well, fight.

Virgil and Deadpool all the way

>Hakumen was future Jin
He was not. He was Jin from an alternate timeline, thrown into the past of the current one. That has been the case since the first game.

Perfect Yu wins

Samurai Jack, Vergil, and Hakuman are the only really top tier fighters.

Deadpool isn't particularly unique or good in a swordfight, he just has regeneration, which Hakuman can just erase him from existence.

Raiden is almost literally just a Hakuman without reality magic.

if 5 Deadpool and Virgil are the only 2 real competitors

What is it with fighting games and having the dumbest fucking stories?

Why does that one idiot keep saying Deadpool because he can't die? Does he think all fights are to the death?

Does he irl go and fight mexicans at bars and win fights because of his superior living ability?

he has his feats but he's not full god killer. a match up against Raiden would be good though
considering Raiden is a robot and Jack beats those things all the time

Deadpool has died several times before, and he can't regenerate from being completely destroyed on the atomic level or incaped via getting cut into pieces by Hakumen's heal nullifying sword.

See Not him, but Haku-Men is able to cut through timelines and is able to straight up ignore certain magical/pseudo-magical effects. (He cancelled out forced teleportation)
That aside, his damage output is through the roof compared to every other character. At 1/8th of his power, the ground violently shakes when he prepares for battle. At full power, his slashes deal damage comparable to that of atom bombs.
Even if you assume that this somehow isn't enough to completely obliterate every cell in Deadpool's body and destroy his very soul (he has killed ghosts before), his defenses are so high that Deadpool has no way of damaging him that I know of, unless he makes use of his reality overwriting powers. (which Haku-Men might very well be able to passively resist.)

The only question as to how this match-up would go is how strong Haku-Men's resistance to reality overwriting is and whether his all-killing cut can cancel out Deadpool's immortality.


depends what Persona Yu is using

Hakuman is the best overall fighter, Jack has the most powerful Sword.

Deadpool > Vergil > Raiden > Sephiroth > Genji > Ryu > William > Samurai Jack

can't tell you about the rest

Dude has a holy sword it only affects people with malice in them it would only affect mostly half OP's pic

>Jack has the most powerful Sword.

My bad, that might put him in top tier.

Deadpool can overwrite reality and technically can't die. I assumed these fights were to the death, so I put him at the top for that reason.

>no FFX Yojimbo.


Sam lost to Raiden but I can't help but like him more than anyone in OP.

Hakumen probably comes out on top though. His abilities are the definition of retarded.

Power levels are retarded, mate, don't worry about them.

The moon bitch is the superior sword user. The celestial brat is better than youmumu too.

assuming you've played all these characters in one game or another, who would win just based on how good YOU are as each character?