Sup Forums told me FFXV was bad

>Sup Forums told me FFXV was bad
>Play the demo
>It's actually good and the demo already confirms it's GOTY material
Last time I ever listen to any of you faggots

well said

reminder that the main reason Sup Forums shits on FFXV is because fags are scared of the weeaboo meme so hard that they developed a complex that makes them hate anything that is japanese to compensate

this is tricky, but there is a chance that OP is a falseflagger that purposedly posted an animu girl to bait Sup Forums into "hurr durr, anime waifufag poster of course is going to like japanese trash" instead of coming with actual arguments

Ryuko isn't edgy either.

Please tell me that demo is actually going to be how the game plays. I heard it got changed up a lot before that point.

Nope, I like the demo and 50% of my reaction folder is anime, I'm 100% honest.

Will they release the demo on US PSN?


>Sup Forums told me...

Stop there. You're a brainwashed faggot if you honestly take to heart anything Sup Forums says. Sup Forums isn't one person, meaning it has an infinite spectrum of opinions.

>mfw ryuko is cuter than all the girls in FFXV

Satsuki > Ryuko

This is actually true.
>F-fucking trash! I watch Jojo's so I'm not a weeb unlike you! *Bows to photo of filthy Frank*

>listening to Sup Forums in the first place

>weeb is an idiot
not suprised

>implying filthy frank is serious about being anti-weeb
>implying he is ever serious in his vids

Some opinions are just louder than others. You are delusional if you don't think Sup Forums and other boards have a identifiable culture around them.

>GOTY material
How can anybody acquire such shit taste?

Okay dude my point still stands

you are right

>listening to Sup Forums opinions
The only time Sup Forums was right it was with Nu-male Sky.
They also said XIII is shit when it's just good and fun

>Ryuuko posters are still shitposting in the year of our Lord, almost to be, 2017

Discuss video games or fuck off.

why not both?

>t. Neo Sup Forums


>telling off half of a packaged deal of perfect sisters

i meant it. the girls in the game are bland as hell; the only one i kind of think is interesting is the dark haired dragoon lady, and she is nothing special, really.

it's almost like they want you to focus more on the pretty boys you play as...

Or maybe you're a schizophrenic

>surprised that Nomura is gay
Did you SEE Sho in The World Ends With You?


Ryuko is for breeding user

why the fuck can't I drive the fucking car by myself after reaching the beach?

Mako best girl