>Need toilet
>Game has limited pauses
>Only 1 pause token left
>Can't find a pause station
Need toilet
>Game has limited pauses
what in the name of fuck
>not buying the 10-Pause-Pack for only $8.99
How poor are you, OP?
Name 1742865478 games that does this
need for speed?
What game does this
>not keeping a pissbottle and a poopsock within reach.
The only game I can think of is Supreme Commander multiplayer
>Game doesn't have a pause function.
>Find a safe spot to wait.
Piss in the memory card slot you fuckiging casialingalting8il.
You fit the mouth of the sock over your asshole and shit directly into it. Then you freeze the sock, slide the turd out, and you can reuse the sock.
What are piss bottles
What if you have diarrhea?
Then probably better to use a plastic bag or large tupperware.
Double up with a plastic bag. Discard the sock.
Thanks Sup Forums
Dota 2, most RTS games I can think of (WC3 or Civ, online) has these pause mechanics.
Its too bad they are often abused, as they are quite an utility in long games.
I think one Hitman game had it. And there was some indie action/puzzle sort of game, where you had to figure out how to beat all enemies in the level that did it.
Name me 6.5 games that do this.
Hahahahaha I gotta go to the toilet *plllrrrrp* UH OH POO POO
All joking aside. I used a piss bottle during a raid. I procedurally tried to remain as medically clean as possible. My room still smelled like piss for a week. It made no sense.
I'm currently deployed overseas, the nearest latrine is about 1/4 mile away, so everyone always uses piss bottles. they just had a room inspection. One soldier had 47 piss bottles under their bed. they forced them to move to a different chu because the odor was so bad. I always wondered how people put up with that smell.
Isn't that a mobile game anyway? Take it to the shitter with you