What are some really good non fighting games that have satisfying hand to hand combat specifically satisfying punches?

What are some really good non fighting games that have satisfying hand to hand combat specifically satisfying punches?

Is God Hand one of them? No shit like Street Fighter, Smash or Mortal Kombat.

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Die frogposter

God Hand is exactly what you want, frog.


I know you said no Mortal Kombat, BUT....

Mad Max

Isn't that an animation? By any chance is melee viable in any of the Souls games? I've only played DeS and I might try hand to hand in it if it could be done reasonably.

Came here to post this.

I hear Breakdown is pretty good
I keep forgetting to download it

Seeing as how it isn't one of those '2D' arcade fighters, I'll accept the suggestion.

it sucks dicks in Das 1 but it's still playable

The throws in Sleeping dogs feel satisfying, are real world legit, realistically animated and feel like they hurt people.

Source: Judo fag

pepe is so handsome

Condemned 2


lol no. that's just button mashing like arkham games

The Warriors was GOAT

so are you talking about brawlers or what you stupid frogposter

The other sailors were angry bitches.

I fucking loved it, especially that tomboy mercury, all gettin naked n shit.

By any chance do you know if any martial arts games have combat similar to this video?
>setpieces you can use to move around or dispatch enemies with
>you're in control of your character 100% of the time without any "qte" animations inbetween
>every punch, kick and throw feels satisfying


pepe is a sign of cuckottery regardless of your tastes. Quickly end your pepe love or end your life. Only one, final solution.
