Why should you even play a Japanese video game if you can't even talk about it in public...

Why should you even play a Japanese video game if you can't even talk about it in public? At least you can talk about how great and artistic Western video games are with other people.

I don't really hang out with people who would talk about 'artistic' things. Perhaps you hang out with a bunch of homosexuals?

>implying there aren't absolute kino JRPGs

If you only play video games to talk about them to other people then you might as well just watch a Let's Play

>Talk to friends/family about any videogame at all
>Everyone puts on 'that face'

I honestly lose respect for people that tell me they play western RPGs instantaneously.

Also, you can discuss Japanese video games all the time. Look how many normies enjoy Mario and Zelda games. RPGs are basically for losers, no matter how you cut it.

because I enjoy them?
And I most definitely can talk about jrpg's with my family. My older brother got me into them with his ps1 and pokemon rolling out about same time. While I did the same thing to my little sister with kingdom hearts.

What the fuck does kino mean?

Why do you have to talk about it in public anyway? I'd only talk games with somebody if they actually want to talk about games anyway.

Something that's objectively shit but you like it anyway.

>if you can't even talk about it in public?

You can though. Well, maybe not closet faggots like you.

Is bottom the new muso game? Watch that get censored.

Saber was a mistake.

>talking about video games in public

Get better friends that are cool with weird hobbies.

I talk about about jRPGs with my friends in public all the time. What kind of shitty friends do you have that look down on you?

>His society still has a video game stigma

America is really shit tier.

>talking to normies

It basically means cinema. Sup Forums has re-purposed it to mean any kind of media you like, good or bad.

>not being able to talk to your friends about your hobbies

Its one thing to not talk about weebshit in public but your friends are supposed to be the people you can actually be yourself around. Even when you're a flaming faggot like OP.

>Dishonored 2
user pls

>Talking about games in public


>your friend is currently playing Neptunia on PS4

I don't play games to talk about them in public

Us Americans hate change. It's just a fact of life.


i don't care if chad had fun playing fallout all night, the entire genre is fucking terrible and i'm not going to suffer just to have something to talk about with a bunch of fucking normies

>aren't you a bit old to be playing nintendo?

>Ever talking to people outside of work related reasons

>Westen RPGs
>Is a stealth game
>Japanese RPG
>Is a beatmup

bottom game?

Extella isn't an RPG though.


Boku no Historic Figures

Pokemon is a japanese video game

You haven't a clue about what you're talking about.

>tfw the only vidya people you know talk about are CoD

>Being over 22 years old
>Watching anything on TV besides sports and the news
>Doesn't read at least 20 books a year
>Didn't marry highschool sweetheart
>Doesn't have their own house (apartment basically means you're a failure)
>Doesn't read the newspaper while taking a 2 hour shit so you can have a break from your bitch of a wife
>Don't smoke or drink

Fucking manchildren, I swear.

I know it's a Fate game. But which one?

Newest one

I talk about a ton of shit with people i know. Hell we talk about h doujins sometimes and even quote them. Gotta find some better friends.

It's the Musou. Was released in Japan a bit ago and will be released in the states in January.

why can't I talk about good and interesting stories, ideas, characters and plots, regardless of where they where made?

are you that fucking autistic that you think "normal" people can't talk about this outside their comfort zone? How do you think people fuckin function you imbecile.

So, the muso game? I hope nothing gets censored with it get's localized.

I hate this thing

But I talk about Japanese video games with myself


Kino means movement like kinetics. Cinema shares an etymology. Basically it's an elitist word to separate good movies from trash, much like "graphic novel" and "comic book". It goes flick->movie->film->kino

Ahhh, console video games (or vidcons as I call them), the ultimate medium of expression, able to convey any emotion ranging from hatred to love, loyalty to fear, all in front of our eyes. Ah, and with lovingly crafted art, music, and the ability to control the action, vidcons are the ultimate combination of the high arts. While I tend to play the stoic, I will be the first to admit that vidcons have driven me to cry, to scream and shout, to feel actual hate; such is the power of this force beyond our wildest reckoning. And here I am, before you, to tempt your tongues with the taint of such a tantalizing topic. And the Japanese, the true geniuses behind the world of video games. Pah, I throw my scorn upon such incompetents of the West who would mock the true art of the Japanese with 'games' such as Baldur's Gate and Madden. Perhaps it is that the West is not as intelligent as the East, but this is a matter for another day. Japan has given us such masterpieces as the Final Fantasy series, Star Ocean, Wild Arms, and of course, Arc the Lad. Yes, some of the finest vidcons in the world were created by Japanese. I come to you today to ask you in all earnesty, what is your favorite vidcon? I will reveal mine after the grand debate has illustriously begun, but not before the first poster falls victim to my plot of discussion.

So is the little emperor super op now?

It should be no surprise to anyone with a passing familiarity with vidcons that pocky is the ideal food to snack on when playing mentioned object (although 'playing' is an inappropriate word, because you experience, rather than play, a vidcon; I shall use 'playing' for the sake of simplicity). For those ignorant to the intricacies of this fine Japanese cuisine, imagine a delicate stick of sweetened bread about the width and length of a chopstick, its tip coated in the richest chocolate imaginable. The bold flavor of the chocolate is complimented by the small nuts that caress the tip, creating a culinary juxtaposition of sweetness and saltiness that can only have been hatched in the mind of a chef versed in the subtle paradoxes of Eastern cooking. They are light and easy to eat and hold, useful for vidconning on the go, and their sugar content add that extra boost for late night vidcons. Therefore, pocky has garnered itself the precious title of "Ultimate Vidcon Snack". Perhaps the only drawback of pocky is its limited availability in the West, though this cannot be attributed to the snack itself, but the infuriating baboons that think they are running grocery stores.


All Sabers are OP.

It has come to my attention that in certain circles, simian-minded individuals are refering to vidcons as 'vid cons', ignorantly placing a space between 'vid' and 'con'. Perhaps their brains have dulled by years of Madden and Quake, rather than mentally invigorating games such as Arc the Lad and Growlanser, because even a child could tell that placing a space between the 'vid' and 'con' in vidcon is perhaps more profoundly philistine than a certain American administration that need not be named. Placing a space in vidcon completely belittles the meaning of the word and displays the user's blatantly miniscule intellect and misunderstanding of the basic precepts of grammar. Vidcon is a perfect marriage of the words console and video game, creating a short and effective portmanteau that quickly and accurately labels mentioned objects and anybody who does not immediately recognize 'vid con' as absolutely outrageous clearly lacks the mental faculties to correctly operate a vidcon other than perhaps FIFA Sports. I make this point because I have recently been belligerently barraged by imbecillic 'vid con' references that unnerve me to no end and have taken it upon myself to correct the damage that your poor Western education (though this is a subject to be discussed on a later date) has wrought upon you. You should personally thank me that I did not see it fit to correct your preponderous mistake in Japanese, because I am thoroughly positive your neanderthal mind would be incapable of deciphering the Hiragana from the Katakana.

>implying Ludo isn't what we're calling video games on forward slash v forward slash

I never thought I'd see such blatant trolling as I have in this forum. Step away from the computer, drop the ham sandwich and back the FRACK off, gaijin. I hate to use that word but you've made me that serious. As hard as it may be for you to fathom, some of us here are actual fans of the Final Fantasy series (pre FFX) and Square's work in general. You can try to bash me for an avatar that I bought because I happen to be a dedicated fan of perhaps the most poignant, painstakingly woven tapestry of love, loss and vengeance ever to be put from pen to paper, but you would fail, just like all of you flamers do in real life. Who can say that the minds at Square Enix (note: appropriate portmanteau is SQUENIX, not the laughable SQUEENIX) were not inspired by the works of William Shakespeare or Chuck Palahniuk? Cloud's bastard sword has more akin with the bastard sons of Macbeth than it does any armament of basilard of the time. The Honey Bee Club in Midgar reminds me more of the Fight Clubs than any brothel. So please, use your brains, not your sarcasm, and step up to the intellectual plate, or leave this forum and take your "haterade" with you.

Why would I talk to other people about video games.

God I hate this place.

Fate Extella

>not reading more than twenty books a year

>Dishonored 2
Fucking what.

The differences between Japanese and American vidcon consumers are as blatant as the differences between seasons 1 and 2 of Otomoe wa Boku ni Koishiteru (a nod to my fellow Otomoe wa Boku ni Koishiteru enthusiasts). Whereas the Japanese vidcon consumer is informed and discriminating in his or her purchases and endeavors, his American counterpart acts as a foil, stumbling blindly through the vidcon department at K-Mart, groping for the first vidcon with enough explosions or mammaries on the cover to slake their slavering decidedly non-intellectual lusts. Their hunger for Western garbage such as Madden and Halo is fueled by an almost sub-human ignorance that is as profound in the rest of their lives as it is in their choosing of vidcons. This disgusting display of American mass stupidity is no doubt the result of Christian indoctrination, adding another point on the list of reasons why the Japanese are more intelligent than the West, as contemptuous Western culture has left its people with little more than swiss cheese brains and an unquenchable urge for repeat football vidcons.

Post animes

Not all of us are insecure and afraid to speak about things in public.

Do you not even see how pandering and childish that shit on the bottom looks?

spotted the SJW

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

The amount of garbage I read on a daily basis on the internet surely amounts to more than 20 books. Does that count

There are basically 2 tiers of japanese games. One is usually better than western games. dmc godhand dark souls etc etc.

The other is bottom of the barrel pandering garbage like senran and neptune.

Jap games are simultaneously the best and worst in the industry.

Among the most prominent Japanese composers (although I use the word 'Japanese' superfluously, as even the most well-known American composers are barely competent at best), one in particular stands out to the enlightened vidcon soundtrack consumer. His name: Yasunori Mitsuda. For the record, this is not to undermine the amazing works of other incredibly talented vidcon composers such as Uematsu-san or Sakuraba-san, but to highlight the unique, almost celto-tropic music (the word music is an understatement) that Yasunori Mitsuda has been composing for years. It would be sheer ignorance to deny that the Chrono Cross soundtrack is anything but the magnum opus of vidcon music; its lilting and oftentimes hauntingly peaceful guitar melodies soothe all but the most savage of breasts while its tense battle themes and mysterious donjon tunes ignite a blazing passion that can be quenched only by the vidcon's profound story and gameplay. It is a wonder that anyone can listen to anything besides vidcon musical compositions after listening to Mitsuda-san's immensely powerful soundtrack, but given that the primitive thuds of hip hop are America's current choice of 'music' (I use the term music liberally), once can see little hope in the mass appreciation of Mitsuda-san's work.

>DMC is good

Different companies make different games. Shocking, I know.

What kind?

never use that word ever fucking again

its not good its the best, literally outclasses all other game series

There is, perhaps, only one medium of art that matches the excellence of vidcons and that is (obviously) visual kei. Combining absolutely exquisite j-rock and j-pop, sprinkled with hints of vidcon melodies, with the pyrotechnic visual flare that the Japanese are known for, visual kei takes its viewers on a rollercoaster ride of lights, fanfare, and music that even Beethoven could tap his toes to. Would that I were Japanese, (though under careful scrutiny, it appears my geneology tree does in fact show signs of a Japanese presence) I too would participate in this art of the 21st century and even perhaps venture onto the visual kei stage myself. It is no surprise that the impotent minds of Western society cannot fully grasp the total splendor of visual kei and instead choose to squandor their time listening to rap and country "music".

Nope. In fact you're worse off intellectually than someone who can't even read.

A reaction image and no response is just your way of admitting I'm right.

Yep, but there's a pretty distinct and obvious divide between the two camps. "Let's make a good game and sell it" or "I dunno let's just slap some shit together then put tits on it".

>implying people actually know about my favorite rpgs

You've got a lot of people to tell off.

I try to limit my interactions with normalfags. What is there to gain? Just an exercise in futility for all parties.

The west does the same thing, but manifests in a different way.

Either you've got decent AAA stuff (Dishonored, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Just Cause 2)

OR you've got the SJW pandering shit like Revolution 90 and Gone Home

>1 is shit
>2 is garbage
>3 is mediocre
>4 is half assed
>DmC is terrible

quite the series

In the course of my career as a vidcon specialist (my own coinage, spend it wisely), I have never seen such blatant and frankly, sickening ignorance as that exhibited by the "people" (if, in fact, they are homo sapiens at all, as their intelligence implies elsewise) that claim that Zelda is not an RPG. There is nothing that Shigeru "Shiggy" Miyamoto could possibly do to make the vidcon any more of an RPG as it meets every single criterion for being one, particularly that it takes place in an imaginary realm with a fantastical beastiary, the damsel/villain ratio is at or above standards, and that the core emphasis of the gameplay is on bedazzling all foes with impeccable swords and sorcery. Furthermore, this line of thought can be extended to all vidcons in which the player controls a character (hence, roleplaying), though I cringe slightly at the thought of such mundane vidcons as Madden being RPGs, as they do not even include exotic weaponry such as the tonfa.

1, 3, and 4 are all great games.

That's like... your opinion, man.

Yeah, shit like revolution 90 doesn't sell a shitload of copies though. As far as I can tell there's almost nothing redeemable about kancolle or granblue for example, but they literally sell because tits.

In other words it's Sup Forums autism that's been altered to be a retarded synonym for "highbrow/quality"

think what you will but you're a retard

I'd be more ashamed of being found out playing retarded edgy teenage shit like DMC than DoA Beach Volleyball or Yakuza

Bad bait is bad


Posting better saber

>his country isn't filled with retarded normies
What language do I need to start learning?

No we don't. We just hate change when it's for the worse. Unlike say Japan, at least we tend to look forward, not just in games but in general.


I'd like to get stabbed by Saber's saber

Yakuza is great, please don't ever lump it in with DOA beach volleyball again.


Best gear

>saying that after you country went from godfearing traditional conservative society to the origin and spreader of marxist ideology through the world without people so much as batting an eye

>In the same sentence as DoA
Go fishing dude