>Feel like playing a wild west game
>Remember RDR was literally the only good one ever made
Why is this allowed?
>Feel like playing a wild west game
>Remember RDR was literally the only good one ever made
Why is this allowed?
everybody wants tacticool gunz with noskopes not silly revolvers and horses
Have you played Gun?
>I only started playing video games last gen
Thanks for letting us know.
Came here to post this. GUN was awesome.
Gun was great but holy shit it was short as hell
Sunset Riders nigger
call of juarez
Sunset Riders and Wild Guns
unless you a nigga
Call of Juarez Gunslinger is top-tier
Outlaws is an old Lucasarts FPS
It's pretty good too
Umm, Wild Arms is a JRPG with a western aesthetic
Does New Vegas count?
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood/Gunslinger
I love revolvers and repeaters in games
this game is a solid wild west game.
>no one mentioning Red Dead Revolver
underage faggots
This. Gun is my top 5 games of all time. Fucking amazing.
I literally bought this game because of a WebM posted here. It's a ton of fun. The story was surprisingly great too
Sounds like somebody needs to play Desperados
That's because it was average at best
Not that one
>2 double-barreled guns
>Shoots 5 times
this has to be a joke
Where my /FistfulOfFrags/ fags at?
>playing on anything lower than hard
C'mon now, how can you forget about Sunset Riders?
Because the only people who play video games and enjoy the wild west themes are normies who can only think of Ennio Morricone when it comes to anything wild west related. Nobody has any real experience with the subject.
how do you know what difficulty it was on?
Well it is told by an unreliable narrator
>dual wields double barrel shotguns
>fires five times
>proceeds to load 4 shells
I really wish GUN wasn't unfinished. I remember after finishing the game there were relics of possible features that were never finished.
nothing wrong with ecstacy o gold boyo
So make a wild west game op
focus mode or whatever it's called gives unlimited clip size
I never said there was, retard.
What's the one western game that's being remade/remastered for PS4?
Best in the West, huh!
Dropped that game after I learned what a cunt the lead dev was. It wasn't so good that it was worth supporting that dick to keep playing.
What'd he do to trigger you, user?
Wait a couple of years and someone'll make a Westworld game. Screencap this post.
Is there a way to remove autoaim in the PC port?
It's simple, video game devs are mostly anti-masculinity and anti-American. Also globalization of media means that kids in Russia don't give a fuck about cowboys and traditional cowboy myths and legends
>forgetting the perfect shooting gallery game.
Best 10$ spent on a game.
will the rise of Trump lead to a western resurgence?
on that subject will Brexit lead to a revival of stuff like King Arthur and stuff like that in Britain?
>Ignores the ten million guys you have to shoot manually in between those.
I love these.
CoJ 2
CoJ gunslinger
Fistful of Frags
RDR was mediocre at best
What's the one lightgun western game? Not the realistic one, but there's one that kinda looks like Sunset Riders
I would hope a lot of artists turn inward due to a Trump presidency (for better or for worse). I would love nothing more than for media to become more insular. The reason I play Japanese games is because they feel so Japanese, same for American media, European media, etc.
Who the fuck knows though, we'll probably just keep getting tryhard indie shit that ignores it's own nations cultural identities and history
Nevermind, it's Wild Guns. That game is great too
Call of Juarez Gunslinger, you baiting sumbitch.
>Hard West
Greatest soul selling and injun killing simulator out there.
Only game that lets you play as chinese loli drugging illegal immigrants for freedom and democracy.
Is RDR really the only game that has the same feel GUN ?
If Trump is legit not full of shit and does in fact revive the spirit of American exceptionalism there's no reason why not it can't make a comeback. Same with Brexit and the UK but in that case it would probably be less King Arthur and more being unashamed of the Empire.
Mi negro
Literally the dullest game ever made
Too bad nobody gave a shit about this series until Gunslinger
The game is told by a drunkard and shit constantly changes, like one part he says "I got attacked by a group of apaches" and a bunch of apaches show up in the cliffs and shoot you, then somebody says "wait, apaches?" and the game freezes, the guy says "did I said apaches? I meant I was attacked APACHE STYLE" and all the indians dissapear and become regular thugs.
Paths are also revealed that way "I noticed there was a small cave in front of me" and the walls open and reveal a door.
Bound in Blood was very good
Wild Arms 3 to be honest
What about the Desperado series
>The reason I play Japanese games is because they feel so Japanese, same for American media, European media, etc.
Some of the most American games are made by Japanese though.
>"I had to make a choice which path to take"
>"it would be dangerous..."
>game has you going through tons of crazy shit
>jump out of an exploding mineshaft
>get killed by a minecart
>"and thats why i though the plan was fucking dumb so i took the other path"
greatest storyteller of any generation
I wasn't gonna spoil it but yeah
to add to this, i think the Wild West is a topic that most game devs probably have no interest in or exposure to, so it isnt a genre that game makers are going to focus on much unless there is unusually high demand for it
That game was on my backlog since it was released. Beat it earlier today.
It's really a unique gameplay, and honestly things get really silly by the end of the game. But once you beat it, it'll all make sense. The CoJ games really had nice plots, Cartel being an exception though.
You shut your whore mouth. RDRevolver was great and I will defend it to the death. I defy you to play the hardest challenges and not have fun (assuming you are capable of having fun)
really ? what was missing ?
The multiplayer alone was better than all of rdr
New Vegas maybe? The game has a lot of oldschool guns (fuck laser and plasma shit), you can craft stuff, mod your guns to lever action, etc.
>PC port
You got me.
I was able to fuck a whole town up with just the snake and Cooper's knife