Recently found that video again when I was cleanning my hardrive

Recently found that video again when I was cleanning my hardrive.
Truly Sup Forums has never topped that moment

Other urls found in this thread:

The lead singer died last year.

Yeah that too, he probably didn't care for vidya anyways since he could kiss girls

I have a gf yet I care about vidya

sure you do champ

So uh
What is this thread about? Is it vidya related?

Watching your girlfriend's bull play Madden doesn't count.

How do I make anime look that good on my media player?

I just get ugly sharp lines

She just likes gaming too
We plan on getting subsistance on black friday (and 3-4 more)
Anyone want to add a specific reccomendation? We like rpg and fps mostly
But survival is cool too

>she likes music
>she eats bread
That's literally what you just said. And I don''t believe you because it's stupid to make such a statement if it were true

Nah, gotta get the hot new shit bruh.

Wanna help the list or not you lovely faggot?

>I'm vegan die meat eaters
>hillary trump
damn someone is milking that kid, kind of sad he doesn't get any of the money

I think he does get a cut of it. Watch his other videos where he talks shit about how he's the best youtuber, and everyone else is cancer who doesn't get laid.

What video?

>I think he gets a cut of it because you should watch another clearly scripted video of someone exploiting the kid
he should get all, 99%-100% of all the earnings. If he doesn't, he's getting milked, it's that easy. Laws probably don't even allow him to earn any.

I remember when this guy fucking died and we had a sticky for him

Shit, I remember this.


I was there when this was live.

please dont say this was like in 2007 or something

I was there and left the thtead thinking it was some stupid fag. My biggest regret


Where can one watch this video online? Someone had to of saved and uploaded it.

I don't care if he ended up a chad no one deserves to have their life cut short over an accident completely out of their control.

That tripfag on Sup Forums a few years ago deserved it. No one will miss him.
In fact, i remember him just because he was a stupid fucking faggot and got hit by a truck.

He got sideswiped from the passenger seat because his dipshit friend ran a stop sign. And are you talking about Quentin? He didn't die hes just getting his ass reamed in prison he was right though, playing vidya in public is for manchildren.

Nah, i was talking about Kangoku Senkan.

oh god is that really a girl under that yoshi costume

I feel for you

>Quentin in prison
Is this real.

Bump, I'm interested in this.

I think he threatened to shoot up his school and got arrested. There was an image that explained it but I can't find it.
