Why didn't you buy Tsubasa's game?
Why didn't you buy Tsubasa's game?
tsubasa is so cute and sexy I didn't want the sjw-cucked version of her game that you get from buying it, i pirated it for the real tsubasa
>that pose
J-jojo reference?
I rather wait for emulation.
And there's no fucking SFM porn of her. I want to see her fucked until her eye rolls back while she's wearing a sweater two sizes too small for her. That's the real crime.
because im not a fucking weeb?
Post Tsubasa lewds
Why does her rack so huge? That's too lewd.
Because it's not a good game
Not the crossover they promised
The game itself didn't look appealing (and this is coming from someone who plays NEPTUINA of all things)
No WiiU
>make semen demon
Fuck off you NoA shilling shit.
I bought one game last generation, and that was RDR.
I will NEVER buy Nintendo shit.
Daily reminder that waifushit is a cancer that has ruined more game series than feminists ever have, and should be resisted. Autistic beta waifufags will kick and scream and defend ALL waifushit no matter how bad things get, no matter how terrible the games. If it gets their dick hard: it's great. It doesn't matter to them how fucking awful the game is. They're exactly like furries who will hand over $100 for some piece of shit drawing just because it tickles their fantasies.
Remember, the future these NEETS want is a world full of Senran Kaguras. Dogshit games that get their dicks hard. These people need to go back to their hentai games and leave mainstream vidya alone.
People only interested in a videogame for a waifu, and willing to drop it because of a threat to the waifu content? Why the fuck should these people be catered to when they don't give a shit about the actual GAME? How is this any different to some idiot SJW who will only consider buying a game if it features a gay romance, and will then abandon it the moment it doesn't fall completely in line with what they needed to get their approval? Both waifufags and feminists don't give a shit about anything beyond being pandered to and they both need to fuck off.
Why dont you stop posting this fucking thread?
Because i can pirate it uncensored.
I'd probably buy the CE if it wasn't censored to.
Fuck NoA.
>Remember, the future these NEETS want is a world full of Senran Kaguras
better than what western games shit out
>getting triggered because cute girls exist
not really
How did we go from a Shin Megami Tensei + Fire Emblem crossover to a Persona clone waifu simulator?
Did they switch directors half way through development or something?
user cute girls don't exist irl. And that bugs him because then why should they exist in art which is supposed to mirror reality? He would much rather have games with realistic women like DAI
>can can either have cute girls or quality content
Why would you write such a stupidly long post bases on such an obvious false dichotomy.
i actually enjoy this game way more than i should, the combat is awesome but some of the side quests and story stuff is painful to get through
Because ut us gud.
What makes it good?
It's persona with better combat, and much less Social Link bloat. It is a better balance with story being an element and decent amounts of cut scenes, without distorting gameplay.
also because waifus
I pirated Kiria's game instead.
>Could have been the perfect marriage of the the two series' like the teaser trailer made it look
>Got idolshit with FE references. Neither FE or SMT stand out in it
>Censored by NoA for some ungodly reason to the point of one girl having all of her skin covered up in an outfit that wasn't even the slightest bit revealing
Fucking leave idolshit to iM@S and Love Live.
The game could have been brilliant.
I've missed this pasta.
What if I don't like Persona but prefer Devil Survivor? And none of the girls ever caught my eye.
I'd give it a whirl. I have never played devil summoner. But it is probably closer to mainline smt except the story/themes are more persona tier, and it's not particularly hard. If you have a wii U just pirate the uncensored version, maybe don't go to out of your way If you don't like persona.
Censored content and over localization
Stop making this thread every fucking day.
>Persona clone
Surprisingly it's more like Nocturne and DDS.
NoA butchered it.
Because anything idol-related just makes me really fucking depressed. Also, it broke my heart for what I actually expected this game to be so there's that too.
All memes aside, it was pretty solid JRPG.
>>Like Nocturne or DDS
Literally how????
Has anyone been able to make the EU DLC work yet through Loadiine?
Came out on wrong platform.
Even if it came out on the PS4, it would still have the stigma of not being the SMTxFE crossover
It's actually a pretty straightforward game, you just go in dungeons and kill shit, no calendar system and the "social links" are just glorified sidequests with mini-bosses. Your party are basically 7 Demi-Fiends that learn skills from their weapons, no fusions or fixed movesets.
I dont understand how people can be attracted to animated cartoon girls or why there is such a huge demand and market for it in games. It's absolutely pointless and adds no value to the game
PS4 is still a wrong platform.
Because SMTXFE already got released in 2009 and it was called Devil Survivor.
Because this is a shit meme. Fuck off, vagina bone.
normalfaggot please go
1994, you mean.
>I dont understand how people can be attracted to fake/not naturally born girls or why there is such a huge demand and market for it in games. It's absolutely pointless and adds no value to the game
Cool dude
No paizuri porn.
you know you could buy the game and still uncensor it easily, right?
I bought Tyranny instead, been enjoying being bronze age Judge Dredd.
"Localization" (wanton censorship), you got too much Persona and idols in my Fire Emblem, those long-ass loading times.
>this thread again
literally in terms of gameplay if you'd bother playing games and not believing everything the internet is telling you
So nothing like Nocturne or DDS then
How is it not?
The crossover idea was dropped shortly after Nintendo announced it in favor of a FE spinoff. In a way, it's Nintendo's fault for getting people's expectations high.
I bought it, it was a pretty good game. After P3, P4, and SMT4, it was refreshing to get a game with actual dungeons that were well designed, along with a lot of polish in general that just didn't go into those games. Gameplay was enjoyable on hard, without having to go nuts grinding.
Is it worth it to keep everyone evenly leveled?
No follow up attack in Nocturne/DDS, you actually can use the turn, you get by attacking weaknesses
No change command, because you know DDS/Nocturne weren't made for casualfags
no turn order bar in Nocturne/DDS either
In conclusion, plays nothing like it.
Their stories have nothing in common either.
So again literally how??
>I bought it
>buying a cracked game
I enjoy having money around
Wii U piracy is just too easy and the localization was pretty shit considering they went out of their way to change costume and dungeon content but couldn't even sub all the dialogue.
>>>>>buying Wii U
What is she so disgusted at
I'd at least use whoever has the lowest Stage Rank in your party so they can level that up. Get as many ranks of "Watchful" on characters as you can just in case and you won't even have to worry. Between that and sessions, everyone stays consistent enough.
By the end though, Mamori and Touma were my go-to characters. Touma for tarukaja/rakunda, Mamori for healing/tanking, and Itsuki I pumped shitloads of incense into and had him just ruin enemies.
That's just the battle system, I meant it was more like Nocturne and DDS in the way you build the characters and how the game is structured. It's closer to these games than Persona.
the people saying her game is like Persona
>Only Fire Emblem in it is characters that look nothing like who they're supposed to be with their names
>Only SMT is something vaguely resembling the battle system
>What is she so disgusted at
that her crossover flopped
NoA and the people who bought that version.
>pirate the game
>apply the restoration patch
>mfw I didn't pay a dime and I got the experience the developers intended
radiant silverlel
pineapple on pizza should be a criminal offense.
slightly clearer version for you
You know you can upload Wii U screenshots directly to Sup Forums, right?
You mean Tsubusty
Because idolshit it is the fucking bottom of the barrel, there is nothing below it.
i want to FUCK le girl lmao...
Fujoshit is the true bottom of the barrel.
except for harems
I'm not going to pay for an inferior product
I want to play Tsubasa's game but what Nintendo released wasn't that, I'll just pirate it when I'm well and done with my Wii U.
>Wii U
>triggered the SMT fan in me
At least in harem the MC get some (implied) pussy. The idolshit losers do not get even that.
I did though
>At least in harem the MC get some (implied) pussy
not in the harem anime they are shitting out every season
Not interested. I'm burnt out on weeb stuff.
That is why I said "implied." They get the pussy *after* the show is over and off camera.
Because Idol culture is probably the worst thing to come out of Japan.
You too? I did a superweeb binge this summer, this game included.
I'm ready to spend the winter shooting people in the face online.
Because I'm not spending $60 on a game that should have been a $30 budget release. Nintendo didn't even bother to pay for an English dub or even translate all the dialogue in the game. I guess they just want American weebs to help make something out of the flopped Japanese release.
Like an extremely easy, casual version of Nocturne or DDS*
It's harder than DDS for sure.
I rather buy Tsubasa
Pic related happened.
because weebshit