What went wrong?
What went wrong?
The developers try to enforce certain metas instead of letting the meta game develop on its own
Tried to copy dota without the person that did the most work for dota
IceFrog is literally a genius of game design and development, Riot has no idea what they are doing compared to him.
1 word, stale. Doesn't matter how much change they try to squeeze in, its always the same map with more and more new tiny interractions/ changes, which dont feel important enough to keep the experience fresh ir entertaining for such a long lifespan.
Enforced meta and esports.
stop shilling your shitty game here Tencent
Nothing. They keep adding depth with every update, a few more updates and it will be as good as DotA 2.
Nothing. It's actually not that bad.
Game is more frustrating than fun after awhile.
Even after seeing all the nice features they are adding and the shiny new stuff it won't bring me back.
I do remember it kinda fondly though, at least for leveling with friends.
>Nothing. They keep adding depth with every update, a few more updates and it will be as good as DotA 2.
>a few more updates
Forcing it as a "sport"
No one is "forcing" it. It just has a competitive scene like most multiplayer games that evolved to paying jobs for pro players. Also the game is fun to watch when played at a high level, check twitch and the amount of league related YT channel (not that I watch any) obviously people enjoy watching others play.
Changed the game too much and completely strayed from the original winning formula imo.
The last two years have been a complete shit show in terms of changes and if you haven't moved on by now then nothing more can be said to save you. This game ruins lives.
When they started banning people for being "toxic" the game died for me.
You mean you dropped the game because it changed from point and click shitfest to a game that actually requires you to land skill shots and think ahead of your enemy in order to win?
They keep buffing tanks and assassins and let everything else stagnate
I have never seen a game just make sure you will never pick half the roster like LoL
draven and banana girl are why I stay
Fuck off shill
LOL's Meta is a fucking joke
and he doesnt know what holding rmb should do...
How can it be as good as DotA2 when it is already better than DotA2?
As long as league of legends has god tier champs with infinite skill cap, it will be a superior game to dota2. I have played league for 4 years and still can't play these champs perfectly, these champions skill cap is unlimited:
Zed, Yasuo, Lee Sin and Riven.
I am master tier btw.
Why would anyone play this third-world subhuman clicker trash in a world where Paragon exists?
Don't bother arguing with them, they are low IQ subhumans who hate skill shots and actual skilled gameplay, that is why they suck dota2 dick, because champs have 50% passive abilities, the """"game"""" dota2 plays itself, that is why it is full of drunk/high russians and shitters from Sup Forums.
Fuck off nigger, League and Dota2 are the only 2 mobas worth playing and they are 2 of the best PC exclusives ever created.
>How to spot a dotard
"I have no taste": The post
Kys you casual shit
Fuck you, say whatever you want about Riot but at least they've done a good job of filtering whining faggots who spamchat everytime they get towerdived by a Yasuo.
Meanwhile in dota you can't start a game without 3 ruskies or a BR spamming raggaeton into his mic, even if you manage to win, you still have random spam and shit out of nowhere, then 2 out of 3 times one of them disconnect, leaving the trench when queuing alone became impossible and the report system does jackshit.
So yeah im all for the ban of toxic shitheads, filters these weak fagget out of my games
Game is 7 years old, seems good that its still going on
How fucking deprived do you have to be to care about something being an exclusive, especially when it looks like trash designed for toasters?
Everyone is Master tier when they're anonymous, and NA Master tier is EUW diamond tier
And im a Dota player
It's like Valve stopped giving a shit about the state of Dota2, i was an active player and managed to get some really tense games with lot of shits going on.
The i stopped playing for nearly one year due to uni and actually having to choose between playing only dota or playing other vidyas.
Three months ago i tried to come back, apparently i was out for too long because in the near 50 games i played there was no more than 4 or 5 games that weren't some RU instapicking carrys and fucking around giving free kills, the trench is too fucking real and Valve does nothing, don't even plan on starting Dota2 without at least to friends to play with.
Could someone just set up a private server of s3? Pretty sure everyone in diamond or above would leave if so
Riot decided to force the "Meta" and create everything around it. Esports is for shitters.
Every item or combinations of items that could be used creatively have been taken away, modified, or split into multiple items.
Mobility creep.
An overall "no fun allowed" attitude. And now slowly taking out normal draft to make the other two ques even more cancerous. Yes, they plan to remove it even on the servers where it's not currently removed.
>Zes, Yasuo, Lee Sin and Riven
Do you like them because of their character in general or do you like them because you want to feel important if you master their skillcap in order to get your dick sucked by others like you.
It's been the #1 game for the past 3 years. What's wrong about it?
RIP Youmu
It started out with a frustrating concept of having the game be divided into 3 mini games that you only have major influence in one of. Then they made sure that was the only viable way to play. When a teammate is playing badly all you can do is wait for when you start grouping, the enemy will also be strictly stronger since they will have more items/levels, you you are fighting against not only the enemy skill level, but also them having better stats.
To make up for this they started making changes to benefit teams that weren't as good. Such as making comebacks easier, which is frustrating for the winning team as the game can be instantly lost with one mistake. Lowering the value of first blood, removing red pot, adding ward limits, removing oracles, adding timers and global sounds, summoner spell cd reductions, boot enchant removal, and tons of % hp damage(so you don't need items). Changes restricting the games pace, so you can only win or lose so hard early, such as early tower armor, baron spawning later, longer death timers.
These changes seem like quality of life changes, but if you really look at them they all benefit the losing team and give nothing or even punish the winning team (hey they're all at dragon lets take top tower). This artificially makes the playing field more even to compensate for any actual skill discrepancy.
I love Zed and Yasuo as characters, as well as their kits, I main these two at master tier.
I don't like Lee Sin and Rivens cahracters, but their kits are fun to play and I play them quite often, but not as much as Zed and Yasuo.
I don't care what others think or play, I had 55% win rate with Zed back when his global winrate was 42%, don't know when exactly, but he was one of the top 5 lowest winrate champs back then.
normalfags pretending to play "competetive"
is this surprising? isn't like 70% of the games playerbase in bronze or some shit?
>This game ruins lives.
this user says the truth.
quit while you can.
Bronze and Silver yes
It is ran by one of the most incompetent and bloated companies on the face of the planet and only survives because they have had the wallets their player-base held hostage for so long Stockholm syndrome set in.
yeah, that's crazy to realize. They're basically doing what blizzard did and catering to the lowest skilled players because they happen to be the majority.
Id also like to add that I think season 3 is when the game was at its most enjoyable, if they stuck with that framework and tried to balance so all champions were viable there, the game would actually be very fun today. The placebo tug of war hadn't yet been implemented and as a result was much more exciting. The game now makes you feel like you are doing much more than you actually are, it is quite brilliant actually.
Silver and below yes. These changes were obvious crutches to anyone plat+ but they don't listen to us, only the whiners on reddit and esport 'celebs'. The changes make pro play more "competitive" by gimping the best teams. This makes it more entertaining since SKT doesn't just wipe the floor, it at least looks like the other teams are competent in comparison.
lol no, the changes improved the game especially in higher elo, no more getting nuked by; rengar, leblanc, shaco. Now there is potential to outplay every champ if you're good enough, I have almost 5k games in and been playing since season 2, I stopped playing for a few months when rengar was meta and was able to 100% you in half a second, and now you rarely get extremely one sided games. Maybe people would play s3 for nostalgia, and the realize how ridiculously overpowered some champs were, then go back to live servers.
Where is it riot?
Where the FUCK is the replay system
Where is the 1v1 map
It's still more popular than any other game? I don't see a problem dotababs
>NA Master tier is EUW diamond tier
>people actually believe there is a disparity between western regions skill level
They developed a liking for Reddit so Sup Forums decided to hate it because we're all sheep and can't think for ourselves.
I didn't mention anything about getting oneshot. The hero balancing has been mostly good since s3. Riot has tricked you into thinking that all of those changes together were good. The same way they convinced everyone that dynamic queue was making everyone happy and friendly even though it was really the new automated chat restriction/ban system that they pushed out at the same time.
For example:
Rengar being able to oneshot you with no recourse is a result of his stats and abilities, not the skill of the player.
Sneaking dragon and keeping your own timer while the other team has no idea when it will spawn because they didn't ward, thus giving you an advantage on future dragons is a result of the skill of the player. Riot added global sounds and timers and thus removed that aspect of skill from the game. No one benefits from this change but the team that didnt get dragon.
Riot has taken much of the skill out of the game, but has convinced you otherwise because you can now "outplay" champions.
i dont get it
its still most popular esport so it did nothing wrong i guess?
Thought this was a reply to me for some reason. You can ignore the first sentence.
Retard morello fucked the game up
IronStylus and Lyte quit working at Riot games, tho?
pretty much everything, it represents the casualization of gaming. literally everything wrong with vidya today.
I quit around plant girl release, hows THE CHAMP doing
Isn't that a good thing? One sided games are boring for winners and losers, therefore decreasing it = increasing fun? And sneaking a dragon doesn't add anything it rather takes away the intense fights at the dragon pit and timing your smites right for that dragon kill which actually requires skill.
>I have never seen a game just make sure you will never pick half the roster
Some of the best fighting games of all time (Mahvel 2 and 3S) are pretty restrictive of what you can play if you want to be anything close to competitive. Marvel VS Capcom 2 is especially bad at this.
>Tribunal non existant a bit does the banning and customer service doesnt do shit
>Pay 2 win or grind forever
>Shit balance
>20 min of farming
>Best NA player is Danish.
>Best NA team couldn't make it through group stages
>TSM lost because Bjergsen wasn't able to carry the 4 americunts on his team
The game isn't one sided if you are matched with equally skilled players. And no, it is not more fun. Maybe if you play league just to run around and kill people, but there are more fun games to do that in. But at least in ranked the fun is in winning, and when the enemy team is given countless 2nd chances to make a comeback the game gets stressful and winning becomes more of a relief than a joy.
>le epic fights
Just another chance risk for your team that you didn't have to take before, giving the behind team the option to contest you is significant whether they decide to or not.
>timing smite
With 8 niggas in the pit trying to nuke the thing it takes reaction time at best. Add latency and chance becomes a huge part. Sneaking the dragon takes vision control, planning and knowledge of where the enemy jungler is.
>Best NA player is Danish.
>Best NA team couldn't make it through group stages
But the second best one did. which means getting out of groups isn't worth shit. only reason h2k got to semis was because of pure luck of the draw. cannot debate this.
Artists drawing Sona with tiny boobs.