keep it vidya
I dont get it haha
Oh I get it
His name is glitch
And he dressed up as a glitch
This reminds me of middle school. So many master balls.
So...... relatable......
If you raped Glitch from behind here he wouldn't be able to stop you.
This is out of character for best husbando.
I unironically enjoy this comic
Can this guy make any other jokes than LOL MY LIFE SUCKS?
That's what spiders do.
I hate those comics so much.
Apparently not, positive comics are too boring.
I don't get it
why r they pet cats if they walk upright and wear costumes make no sense
Why are people still making "Dark Souls is so hard" jokes in 2016? It's literally a over five year old joke. Is the level of creative bankrupcy these people face THIS severe?
>"oh I'll act all innocent and pretend that I don't know about this insanely popular game that everyone on my social media talks about"
>plays game
Is there a worse setup to a "joke" than this?
Who cares about positivity? Just make jokes. Jokes don't have to be positive or negative.
nigger have you been watching Sup Forums and the rest of this website for the last few years?
this was only a matter of time
It's as if no other hard game ever existed before them
the pie is untruthful
the entirety of yotsuba proves him wrong
yuk yuk
>reading a comic about a little girl
lmaoing my ass off
no surprise here
I could understand that joke if he were talking about Dark Souls 1, or even 2 where the game will kind of just toss you in and leave you to your own devices, but 3 definitely isn't like that.
Its linear nature means that there is a very deliberate difficulty curve. It wont "overwhelm" you like the other games might. Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you.
>lol positivity in comics makes them boring
>but I'll produce the same depressing comics with the same punchline in EVERY comic
I don't even disagree. Just stop repackaging the same fucking joke.
>Prove me wrong though.
He browses Sup Forums?
It's how they met
Yotsuba is cute but it's literally made up of the same three facial expression jokes over and over
Honestly fat vegans aren't quarter as bad as fat ghouls.
Vegans put much, much less of a strain on the environment and animals than ghouls, even when eating 3 times as much.
Still, when I see a fatty who claims to be a vegan, I always suspect that she (always she, vegan men aren't fat) is sneaking eggs, cream and cheese into her diet when no one is looking.
You can't
>it's angry
Can this cuck do anything right?
First world problems
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___.
Subversion is in right now.
Wholesome comics are gonna be the new fad soon.
>males chickens are slaughtered for chicken nuggers
>somehow a bad thing
>Lol haha i'm apathetic and depressed all the time my life sucks
>But look at my webcomic that I take personal effort to draw because i'm depressed lol
But the joke isn't the happy part - loss is still negative in its core, as it is just about making fun of B^U's failed attempt at feelings.
>All those "LOL SO RANDUMB" Artists will now draw "Le drumpf" political comics for 4 years
Fucking hell it gets worse
>le "internet personification" meme
Is there a worse cliche than this?
That's the disturbing part, they aren't slaughtered for chicken nuggets. They're just tossed into a garbage disposal and wasted as literal trash. It's kind of fucked up, or it would be if chicken had any kind of intelligence.
There is literally nothing wrong with this argument
Still gonna eat meat because it's cheap and convenient knowing full well of its downsides, much like how most of our shitposting devices were made under work conditions that westerners would find unacceptable
I'm not talking about loss, I mean in general, wholesome comics with no express negativity/edgy "i wish i were dead nihilism xddd" will be popular real soon, just watch.
> not the original