Ubisoft teases space cowboy game in watch dogs 2


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I'm getting some cowboy bebop vibes from this.

probably the best part of watch dogs 2, which is not saying much

Literally shots from Cowboy Bebop


>climb on towers to find pointless collectibles

Nice JoJo reference.

>another space game
>after NMS


It's ubisoft.
They have already fucked it up somehow.

It's Ubisoft.

So that means the game will be all about collectibles.

Some very shallow appeal to the most common denominator.

And the rest is just going to be Ubishit as usual.

So my thoughts on this are that everyone involved with Ubisoft should be flayed alive, shot, burned at the stake, disemboweled and fed their own genitals.

What the fuck Ubisoft?


why would i support a jewish company?

ubisoft is the living embodiment of monkey's paw. they already fucked it up.

needs more space dandy though


>only cowboy bebop is allowed to use the entire genre of space western xD

Hmm.. Yes?

Cowby bebop is a poor man's Firefly

You take Far Cry 4

instead of like 5-6 regions in the same area
make it 5-6 regions but on different planets

is this another space western?

I like firefly but I think you're wrong there, user. Firefly is great and "comfy" (bracing for some retard to get triggered) but Cowboy Bebop has its own distinctive charm.


Let me guess; I have to climb the Pillars Of Creation and reveal a bunch of collectables on my map

Bebop has better music and action sequences. And honestly I prefer the smaller bebop cast.

>Mfw when Ubisoft avoided showing this at E3 cause No Man's Trash

Damn, they must feel bad about that


Pillars of Creation don't exist anymore, what we're seeing is basically the afterimage at this point

>being excited for a space game
>after No Mans Sky and Infinite Warfare at least trying
>by fucking UBISOFT

Cowboy Bebop x No Man's Sky = shit cashgrab if anything

because theyre both great?

oh, shit, im an idiot, flew right over my head

you mean because theyre both REALLY GREAT

>Ubisoft buys out KSP

Space western is a underrated setting.
Loved the redneck marines in SC1.

at least people arent referencing Firefly, as if that has any cultural value

what a shit show for idiots

also was the girl from To The Moon named after this girl? if so, what a shit game for idiots.

This. Shut the fuck up about Cowboy Bebop. This thread is worse than the Jewtube comment section.

1 : How is that western
2 : Looks like a cheap 40k Space Marine bootleg

Trigger you nigger

lol epic

>Spacesim people wanted
>ubisoft is making it

Fuck autocorrect.

ubisoft is french tho

what a cool hipster you are

Faggots ITT don't know Rebel Galaxy exists.

Wow thanks Neil Degrasse Tyson

BG&E 2

That's because everyone has finally recovered from whatever lunacy made them think he was so great in the first place.

Well starcraft 1 WAS going to be a warhammer game originally.

It's "black science man"

oh shit you're probably right

That artstyle just screams NMS though.

>space western


Yes and then Game Workshop sued Blizzard for stealing the Tyranids

Could be this

>Rebel Galaxy
Easily the best space trucker sim without all of EVE's spreadsheets. Good podcast listening vidya.

Kerboy Space Program

Dark Spore 2, congratulations everybody.

super secret gameplay leak
>go to relay
>a part of the map is revealed
>missions consist of going to x and shooting x amount of enemies till you own the quadrant or whatever
>once quadrants are controlled they can be attacked by enemy factions
>10/10 like skyrim with guns in space


>ubisoft game
who cares?

Looks way too aggresive. Needs a goofier expression

Beyond good and evil 2 has already been confirmed 1 month ago
look up on the beyond good & evil facebook page

>That artstyle
(or lack thereof)


Its automatically trash and I don't know why its even being brought up

Name ONE good ubisft game after Black Flag (which was a lucky hit)

>What is Rainbow 6 Siege

A flop

I think it's an ubisoft game from the 2010s so it will be shit

>Space cowboy blues truckin game where presumably you get to pilot around with your own ship in a comfy way
>Wanted something like this for a long time since I was into trigun and bebop when I was a kid
>Rebel galaxy kind of scratched some of that itch.
>FTL kind of scratched some of that itch.
>Were great games but not what I had really wanted
>Star Citizen isn't lookin good
>Elite wasn't what I was hoping
>I'm so desperate I even fell for X Rebirth when it released
>A teaser comes out and looks super promising
>Ubisoft is making it
Fuck you so much you god damn cunts. I'm mad as hell.

Finally, we can get a AAA space game instead of these shit low-budget indies like Elite Dangerous, No Man's Sky, and Star Citizen.

But ubisoft is making it

>Star Shitizen
>Low budget

KEK. It's the 4th most expensive game ever created

Will it come out on Nintendo Switch?

>tfw can't freeze myself only to be unfrozen when SC is done

>he backed SC

you said good not succesful

>can't wait for a game if you didn't pay a cent

>not backing the game for 30 USD in 2012 and get the singleplayer campaign for it too

Has a bit of Homeworld vibe to the look

just buy the dlc to auto collect the collectibles

Sup Forumseddit is real


play more space games, so you can have fun, and also come up with more meaningful comparisons

It will be exactly the same as every other Ubisoft game, a big empty world full of shitty collectibles and towers to climb

>a bit: A small portion, degree, or amount

read more faggot, so you can understand the English language, yurocuck

Don't tell me people still buy shit from these guys.

not him (he's stupid since the homeworld comparison is appropriate), but do you know about the verb to bite?

ok, mans, i am believing you, but tell me what is exactly about the trailer that rings of homeworld to you, friend?

Doesn't seem to be the same style

I said the look of the game only, as in the aesthetic (colours used, design and shape of ships, even the video is reminiscent of a Homeworld cutscene but in color).

Not him but the stark contrast in colours between spacecrafts and the background definitely is reminiscent of Homeworld.

>Presumably open world

Oh boy I love climbing towers and playing the same missions over and over again.

I would like a space cowboy game, but I'm not sure if I want a space cowboy game made by modern Ubisoft.

yes, but it is only bit when used in the past sense or used subjectively.

i can't wait for an open world space/alien planet game where most of my time is spent platforming up various towers in order to uncover the map.

I can't wait to adventure my way through space only for the final boss fight to be a QTE

wow looks like 2016's hidden gem No Mans Sky


I don't play Ubisoft's paint-by-numbers and focus tested to hell and back AAA shovelware.

If you're still buying games put out by companies like Ubisoft and EA, you're the cancer contributing to the stagnation of the industry.

Farcry: space

Towers in space? But ho-

>see a glowing light in the distance on your HUD
>fly to it in your space hyundai
>it's a space beacon
>exit your ship
>climb the space beacon
>click on the indicator at the top of the blinking light
>brief cutscene of you looking out into the vastness of space
>a few stars twinkle as the camera pans over them
>you notice a space sushi bar at the end of the pan sequence
>fly to it
>this is what you do for the majority of the game

the immature constant crab barrel shitfight against the indie industry is what's stagnating the industry

who else could fight white collar-fication of a once noble craft?

>tfw there will never be an outlaw star game

>all those cosmic humdrum activities

as if space GTAIV wouldnt be the shizzle, if not just for when it gets script mods and the hyped eventual release of space GTAV

dibs on space futo

>Ubisoft does Cowboy Bebop

sjws from montreal are guaranteed to fuck that up. guaranteed.