So... is there any redeeming qualities to this shit? Post opinions...
Xbox One S
It has games, 4k bluray and streaming, it's aesthetically pleasing, it's affordable, it's a good buy in until the Scorpio btfo Sony.
What games do you recommend?
idk i like the multiplats better on it
comfier controller, 4k bluray if you give a shit about that, better ui, better design than a ps4
all minor things.
i should probably get a ps4 instead, but ill literally only play ffxv and until dawn on it until january/february so w/e ill wait with an xbox instead
It's a cheap 4k blu ray player that also can play Halo. There are no other redeeming qualities.
Also, Microsoft killed it by announcing the Scorpio ahead of time.
From what I've read, multiplats look and perform worse on XB1. Truth to that?
on Ps4 it performs worse, XB1 has been good.
4k blurays
I looks ugly.
Typical American product.
Been loving mind and the overlocked CPU is a nice, though forgettable touch. Glad they didn't advertise that part so it comes as a nice surprising bonus. Better than the original X1 for sure.
I own a PS4 and a bone and I prefer the bone for features and controller. I can't really play shooters on the PS4 anymore while having paddles on the Elite controller. Paddles are too fucking nice.
The Pro does look more beautiful tho till Scorpio comes out. Personally I'm not looking forward to anything except Sea of Thieves. I like both consoles for different reasons tho.
Did you make this thread to try to take some heat off the PS4 Pro lol?
There are no redeeming qualities. Xbone is finished. Shills go home.
What games do you play?
Forza Horizon 3
Xbox One S plays the greatest lineup of games, including Xbox 360 classics
>it has games
KEK, like what you fucking shill?
Stop lying fucking shill - it's the oposite
those games from left to right:
>only new game and its a match the colour to kill the baddies simulator with light platforming
Why are there no new games anymore? Jesus fuck.
t. pajeet shill
>light platforming
what? the game has a ton of platform
More games than the PS4, 4K output for movies and games, one of the best controllers ever made, cross buying games with Windows 10, an online system that doesn't suck. Shit, it puts the PS4 pro to shame.
>So... is there any redeeming qualities to this shit?
No. For the first time ever a thing that Sup Forums calls a meme is actually a meme.
360 had a strong start and was actually able to compete 1:1 with PS3, AND EVEN THEN look at how it ended up (pic related). 360 has less actual games than the PS3 had fucking move games, what an embarrassment. No one cares about supporting MS consoles unless they are paid big money, every 3rd party defaults to Sony and PC ever since the PS1 era.
Xbone has a horrible start and they will never recover the 2:1 lead PS4 has. Xbone lost LITERALLY all but 4(?) exclusives. Just spend those $300 upgrading your GPU and you're good to go, you can now play 90% (again, quite literally) of Xbone games.
Unlike the piss4pro, it actually has better performance.
Shooters on Xbox
Indie and Artsy shit on PS4
I'm an Idort, have a Wii U also and buying a Switch and Scorpio next year.
For my games I'll list off some of my favorites I guess and what I play currently.
Currently PS4;
Darkest Dungeon
Planetside 2
Currently Xbone;
Gears of War 4
Titanfall 2
Battlefield 1
Elite Dangerous
Forza Horizon 3
Favorites either;
Ori and the Blind Forest
Rise of the Tomb Raider
I can't finish this list I'm running dungeons in ESO, but you get the idea.
>Indie and Artsy shit on PS4
If you're not buying a Playstation to play Japanese games you've wasted money.
Pay attention OP
Look at this picture. Now count Xbox-only games. That's right, a grand total of zero.
Now count Sony-only games.. well you really don't need to, just looking at the pic is enough to notice all the blue.
You can do the same to old Xbone games, for every exclusive that it kept it lost 5 to PC.
There is no future for this console, there is barely any past either (Sunset overdrive, Halo5's campaign [the online and forge is also on PC] and Forza6, that's it)
Delete this
I'm very picky on weeb games. I plan on picking up the Odin Sphere remake and FFXV since I have a PRO now.
Also I can't play shit like Thumper and Planetside 2 on Xbone and I left PC gaming a few years back.
Where have I seen THAT image before? OH RIGHT!
Literally "Also on PC*"
>more games
even fucking wikipedia says it has less exclusives and even fucking multiplats, kill yourself shill
Plus I like being one foot in the door for PSVR if there ever becomes anything worth a fuck.
Going to be buying one this weekend, mainly because of 360 backwards compatability.
A game being on PC doesn't mean it's also on PS4. You are aware that PS4 and PC are two different things right?
>better UI
>better design
Nice taste fucking dudebro, get out
>the whole list is just multiplats
Lmao, whats the point of being an idort then?
>Shooters on Xbox
Fucking why? Half of them run at 720p, I'm not making shit up. The ones with dynamic resolution often drop to SD resolutions (more so than PS4 ofc)
There are no advantages to playing multiplats on Xbone, especially shooters where image clarity and perfomance is more important.
If the controller is your issue you can always get a Xim4 (not much money for an idort) and play with an Elite controller on the PS4 is you wish.
>Xbox One has exclusives
>Microsoft makes all exclusives playable on PC
>Lol gg no gaems.
This fucking place...
it's white
It would be just as retarded for me to say that pic related and many other PS4/PC games are only playable on PS4, and thus a reason to get one.
No. When NEARLY ALL of Xbone's library is also playable on PC, including future releases, why would anyone on the right mind get the shittier system over the one that plays the same exact games but better?
Yeah but you had to go to wikipedia to find some shovelware licensed games and crap nobody cares about to make that assertion. That's the problem right there. With the PS4 pro doing worse framerates than the normal one, I don't know why people even look in Sony's general direction anymore.
Elite controller for PS4 has inferior paddles. It's just a matter of features over graphics for me.
Plus my friends play on Xbox, so it's just personal preference. I do kind of wish I got Titanfall 2 for the Pro.
A lot of the genres I grew up playing died off or have no presence anymore. Literally what do you play that makes you so superior turbofag?
When I do load up my PC I play Distant Worlds, Dominions 4, and Approaching Infinity. I play for fun.
Hurr, go into any sonigger thread and try to tell them that better hardware=better performance.
You'll get shilled to the death
You know what Xbox feature isn't playable on PC? A playerbase.
People like to ignore the fact that online is dead as fuck for Windows 10 store games because it doesn't fit into their agenda. For single player games sure, shit like Recore is great on PC.
I bet you're the same retard who makes "PS4 Pro only $400 better value than PC" posts all over the place
cheap. comes with fifa 17 too. what more do you want from a console other than dudebro games or sports games? you aren't autistic enough to actually buy single player or mutliplats on console over pc are you?
>Elite controller for PS4 has inferior paddles.
I was saying you can actually use the Xbone's Elite controller on your PS4 with the Xim4.
>Plus my friends play on Xbox
alright that's fair.
Why would I care about what sonnygers say?
So you're going as low as them? Then you're no better.
>You know what Xbox feature isn't playable on PC? A playerbase.
~Well that I can actually agree with. But doesn't apply to AAA online games, PC playerbases are never dead enough to really affect the core experience even if it's true that they aren't as big. That applies mostly to smaller games like most fighting games (GuiltyGear on PC comes to mind)
>Well that I can actually agree with. But doesn't apply to AAA online games, PC playerbases are never dead enough to really affect the core experience even if it's true that they aren't as big.
Nope. Gears of War 4 is completely dead. We are begging TC to implement crossplay
alright, wasn't aware. I only touched the online for the first week and everything I've done since was play horde with friends
Same it plays skate 3!
>More quality exclusives, even if you're autistic and don't count the *Also on PC games as exclusive, Xbone still has the most quality pure eclusives this gen
>Far superior online service, literally infinitely better than all others
>Actually usable UI that doesn't take 20 minutes to find what you want
>Better controller design, durability, battery life
>more quality exclusives
Like fucking what you shill?? It has NO GAMES
Wii U
>Bayonetta 2
>Windwaker HD
>Halo MCC
>Halo 5
>Forza Motorsport 6
>Sunset Overdrive
>Ori and the Blind Forest*
>Forza Horizon 3*
>Gears of War Ultimate Edition*
>Gears of War 4*
*Also on PC
>Windwaker HD
>Halo MCC
>Halo 5
>Sunset Overdrive
>Gears of War Ultimate Edition*
>Gears of War 4*
Gears of War 4
WE Happy Few
lmao whatever Pajeet, how does it feel shilling for a shit company that has no good games?
This thing could be a multi core quantum processor hyper box with tesseract memory and cause infinite orgasms. But it can't even play a dvd without an internet connection. I will never be ok with that.
>how does it feel shilling for a shit company
Which of the three?
If you list remasters you have fucking plenty of them on ps4 like uncharteds, the last of us, gravity rush, tearaway, odin sphere etc.
xnone only has halo 5 and sunset overdrive which are both mediocre games
PC and we happy few will be released on ps4 and is shit game anyway
>plenty of them on ps4 like uncharteds, the last of us, gravity rush, tearaway, odin sphere etc.
Remasters count. But only if they're actually good games.