if you had 2 billion USD, and you took care of your family and shit, and then had 300 million USD to splurge on making ANY GAME
what would it be?
if you had 2 billion USD, and you took care of your family and shit, and then had 300 million USD to splurge on making ANY GAME
what would it be?
how the hell did my family spend 1.7 billion dollars
A non-fighting game with good combat, because it doesn't exist yet.
dungeon keeper 3
or dungeon keeper 2.5 if you would prefer
war for the overworld is a piece of shit
I would make 300,000 shitty mobile games.
dude they bought a space shuttle and spent the rest on 4 2 0.
but you still have a game to make. eyes on target
I would make a mech game or the greatest porn game where you can create and import characters
I'd spend it all on letting this son of a bitch make more vidya for me.
i would make a deus ex game with the polish it deserves
they flush the toilet 4 times a day
first of all if i was rich id never play video games a fucking gain. i would be too busy having sex with high class prostitutes and doing drugs.
so it would only happen if i was making an investment. so id make some retard shitty mobile game that all you faggots gobble up so much.
after hiring a wealth management professional and gifting my family 25 million tops because , i would invest some in AAA game developers to continue doing what they do because i just want to make more money. why the fuck would i spend time playing video games if i had obscene wealth like that?
Fuck that, I'd spend it on improving my city's shitty infrastructure. I'd build us a light rail and pay the all the court fees the oil lobbyists throw at it myself.
My family can get 5 mil and live off that. They're a thrifty bunch.
I would publicly give the money to Valve through a contract stating that they must use the money for HL3 and only HL3
If they don't do it everyone will hate them
And because 300 million fucking dollars was spent on it the backlash if the games turns out to be shit will be delicious
>i would be too busy having sex with high class prostitutes and doing drugs.
not so fast *teleports behind you*
First Person Space Station 13.
I don't even care that it wouldnt make me any money.
It would be a master piece.
You are pure cancer. Off yourself.
What happened to that guy who won the lottery and wanted to make a perfect MMO? Did they ever even start development?
>Implying that if your family had unrestricted access to your 2 billion dollars it wouldn't be gone in a week
kotor 3
You're a good man, but third person would fit better.
world of warcraft classic servers with a lot more complexity and detail to the world, and dynamic loot system/ synergy builds ala diablo 2, god bless
FUCK I think I know what you're talking about. Wasn't this like 2 years ago? It was fucking hilarous too, a mix between Second Life and other MMOs and it looked like pure shite.
Do you even know how much money a billion is?
>3D Singulo coming right at you
>Someone exploding a bomb near you
>Seeing giant Nar'Sie transforming the station
>Wizards, Vampires and the likes
>Going into space the first time
This is what we need. Proper 3D spessmen with rounds upon rounds of fun
There's no way anything decent would ever be made with such a budget, everyone would just be trying to bleed you dry instead of working.
but its not their money so they'd just go and be retarded with it
Buy the Metal Gear Solid rights from Konami, give the rights to Sony and back to Mr. Kojima and just tell them to just pay me back little by little over time.
That would beat the point, user
Third Person is already ss13's perspective. You can see what's going on behind you unless you are playing Lifeweb. It's would be much more fun to have it in a first person view since it's allows for stealth
i would spend all of that money in a WWII game with 40hr long campaign. it would be about a single german soldier and his story through the whole war
this. innovation is born from adversity.
Mash up of Dishonored, Mount & Blade, and Elder scrolls.
In terms of gameplay.
Also, Warcraft 4
Unless I'm wrong here, isn't it over the top and not third person?
Fund a patch for No Man's Sky that adds all the cut features
Metal Gear Solid VI : Outer Heaven
Bring the guy who wrote the games up to MGS3 back.
Fuck Kojima. I would hire him ONLY as an advisor with literally no fucking way of changing or doing absolutely anything without my permission
>cut features
You mean, planned DLC
no one would give christine a sonichu francise and complete intellectual control of 300,000,000??
This, just call it MGS5.
Also make ZOE3 the way we want it, ie not turned capeshit.
Making a bunch of fetishy hentai games. Will mostly consist of sprite and text porn games.
i dont think you understand how hard it is to spend 2 billion dollars. You need to seriously buy prime real estate by the boat load to even make a dent.
life size theme park, cwcville- orlando, where the clock towers over disney castle and casts it's shadow all the way to the gulf
Bunky Bartlett
>1.7 billion spent on my family and shit
>wasting 300 million a game instead of just living like a king for the rest of my life
Fuck off, OP.
If I couldn't do ANYTHING BUT SPEND IT ON MAKING A GAME/GAMES, I'd buy up a few beloved properties and turn them into mobile and facebook games just to upset you fucking losers.
What series does Sup Forums love most? Cause I'd buy that turn it into casual garbage and let it print my money back.
too much edge, you spend it all on razorblades and xanax though
I would most certainly play this.
Techniclly, over the top is third person, and what he means is over the shoulder third person. Third person just means you're an outside observer watching the person you control move. In games where you temporarily see yourself through enemies eyes, usually in chase sequences, you're playing in 2nd person.
Fuck my family just spend 2 billion making a huge fucking virtual reality chamber with near perfect technology and advertise the fuck out it. People would come from different countries just to try that shit out
I wouldn't probably make a single game, because the games of my dreams are simple things:
1. A remake of SimAnt with like 20 different playable species of ant and termite, multiplayer, and improved ant AI. Should be optimized as fuck to allow for actual 2mil+ pop caps on higher end machines.
2. An RTS based on a neighborhood snowball fight where snowfall is dynamic and determines how long you can fight in an area, you recruit stat-based troops from neighborhood houses and your kids don't die, they just get too cold and have to go back to their homes for a little while until they warm up again. Campaign vs. C&H-esque "snowgoons".
3. A WWI game based only in one french fortress at Verdun. Play as the French or the Germans on a single level that realistically will last about 20+ hours of gameplay every time as you dynamically defend/assault the fortress until every last defender is dead or surrendered. Destructive terrain a must; good AI a must. Single player or coop up to 4 players I feel ought to be possible at the least.
>improved ant AI
this dude is a genius
I would buy every character in granblue fantasy.
>that snowball fight one
ho fuck would I play the shit out of that
would it have anything like hero units, aka that kid who's the star pitcher of his little league
I'd fund KOTOR 3. I think the biggest hurdle would be finding a competent staff to make it; it'd probably involve pulling from the old Obsidian team that worked on K2 (definitely not modern Obsidian) and getting some outside help as well. I don't know if I'd want Avellone to head up the project because K2 seemed like one massive vehicle for that dude's opinions on how the Force works.
ant's realize their biomass is superior
form super ant balls and manipulate government posed as the joint chiefs...
Survival Horror game by Creative Assembly, spiritual successor to Alien : Isolation only with 300 million budget
Jurassic Park
Repurchase Fallout from Bethesda. Assemble dream team and make Fallout NV director cut and a new proper Fallout.
ok i'd make a legit modern combined arms milsim that was good at every level, from gun game to air/naval etc. there'd be a few hundred maps that combined into a campaign, where taking a map could cut off supplies and so on. it would be a mp conquest, and when the other side(s) declared defeat, the maps would reset and the war would begin again
A mix of mount and blade and victoria 2 with aaaaa budget
mount and blade but with warhammer 40k orks and more vehicle customization
spend it all on market research and then make the next angry birds or minecraft or whatever and sell out to facebook
A massive battlefield in noice ass graphics where it was just an endless war. The gameplay itself would have a high ass skill ceiling. I'm thinking third person cuhrayzee fighting, but that takes a lot of mechanical skill to do. Several thousand people locked in endless melee combat. Think like Rocket League, where it's fun for babies, but also would be a beautiful slaughter once you learn to do it.
yeah bro that's a given. there would deffo be units that stood in for calvin, suzy, and hobbs (can't probably use those actual names or likenesses b/c you know, licensing and shiat).
There would also be bevies of different kinds of kids with wildly different stats:
- that tiny ass little 3rd grade nigger who's impossible to hit
- that chick who just spends the whole match fanatically making iceballs for your crew because "she doesn't like fighting" but loves watching people get blood on the snow
- that kid who can inerrantly hit you with a snowball from half a football field away
- that one fat kid who can't hit shit, he just carries a snowshovel and slowly walks toward your fort under a heavy barrage of hastily-prepared fluffballs until he can just dump a huge pile of snow and wipe your whole outpost.
The best sidescrolling eroge ever made.
I'd keep remaking 5-8 year old games with "upgraded" graphics
Do you actually live with a limit lower than 4 on how many times you can flush the toilet per day? What the fuck?
I want to be immersed into my spess world, first person is the best for this.
>flushing the toilet 5x
i bet you are a poor
an immensely expansive stalker game
I would make sure that CP77 doesn't suck
post-apocalyptic world
sorta like Rifts RPG
real-time dynamic shifts in ecosystems, resources, tactics
political alliances and betrayals like Crusader Kings
Tons of unknown shit, unknown demons, unknown alien civilizations
Several magic systems that require learning in different ways. For example, one type of magic would be learning the 'words' and the 'grammar' - you put them together in the right order, boom, you get something! Wrong order, maybe some crazy shit happens
game and player base are balanced so that high-level players can basically join or create their own countries and affect the balance of power, thereby changing the dispositions, strategies, etc of the other countries.
I guess it would be sort of like Mount & Blade meets Warhammer 40K meets Crusader Kings, with some type of non-shit magic system added in.
>set in the midst of a low fantasy version of the french revolution (i mean real low fantasy, i.e. set in our world with no evidence of magic in the mainstream whatsoever, magic is purely myth and legend as far as people are concerned)
>you play as a petty noble trapped in paris with your family (beautiful waifu, your son and heir, his waifu, and your two daughters - your other sons are out getting butchered and you don't know where they are)
>also you are a werewolf
>your objective is to get from paris to calais and flee across the channel to Britain
>game is structured into days and nights. during the day you wander the blood-soaked streets and fields of revolutionary france. during the night you are a beast of incredible (but not unlimited) strength and endurance
>game is broken up into a series of "legs". Basically you start at the beginning of a "leg" and each leg is a large mission area that you have to make a path for your family through. The approach to each "leg" is open-world but the game itself is not. For example, you can attempt to sneak out of Paris in broad daylight and engage in revolutionary politics and roleplaying stuff, or you can wait until nightfall and murder your way clear, picking off guards one by one from the shadows as your unwitting family, unaware of your form, tries to sneak through the dark
>all set in gorgeous 18th century france and the countryside
>combination of vanity fair and gothic horror
an actual digital world is a recurring theme here
people want something to time into. that's what i get out of these suggestions
I'd fuck around destabilizing TF2, CSGO and DotA2 economy until i have enough money to destabilize real economies of small countries.
improved ant AI though, what the fuck your suggestion doesn't even mention ant AI
a new metroid prime game for PC. that has more content then all the prime games combined. With a remastered version of the past previous prime games.
Armored Core for pc with playstation 2 gameplay (not 4/4A and V)
A REAL gundam game with armored core-like gamplay
DooM 64 with new content using graphics from Nu Doom and of course a real map creator, not like the retarded ass shit we got with snapmap.
a lot of people claim to want this, but what they're not thinking about is how this kind of world usually ends up with a shitload of monotony as part of its gameplay in one way or another. Seriously, go look at games like No Man's Sky, DayZ, Rust, etc and you will find a long list of titles that claim to simulate large worlds and end up being grinds and "empty" according to reviewers.
People aren't always right about what they think they want.
these are all russian money launderers though, if you wanted to fuck with small countries you maybe should make a stupid game played on african phones then monetize it and bribe the UN liaisons for fuel rights
ant game dude here
come on man, it's hard enough liking ants with just normies around :((((
Sounds dope.
>Assemble dream team
So basically the fallout team minus everyone that has a tumblr account.
>literally a series about wanting to fuck your little sister
>they plaster this shit all over the trains in japan
fucking japan is so messed up
The 6 Xenosaga games.
yeah sure but also all of the games you list spent massively on hype and then delivered early
if it was done right, and people got invested in the world (not the dream after 6 patches and expansion) then it would maybe keep those players and draw everyone in to a connected realm. how is eve successful still? it's certainly the gameplay that feels like a 90's starshooter
>the fallout team is a dream team
Implying I cant use that amount of money for multiple games. Buy SLS and force them to remake BLC with better graphics. Yes, remake BLC, not that abomination that BRITE is. Since that wont really cost that much I spend the remaining money (probably like 250m+) to create a non shit God Eater MMO.
Tactical Twitter Shitposting
>why the fuck would i spend time playing video games if i had obscene wealth like that?
>he doenst play video games because they are fun but because they are cheap
Sup Forums in a nutshell
i like ants. did you know leafcutter ants selectively bred a combination of microbes that kill the unwanted fungi that would otherwise harm the colony, and they wear it on their carapace? it looks like white shit on their backs
user it doesn't cost 1.7 billion to have your family killed.
correct me if I'm wrong, but just how expansive is Eve, really? Isn't it just a bunch of linked starsystems that you can't really go outside of? Don't let scale fool you, it's number of locations that really matters in space games. Scale just puts more emptiness between locations.
On top of that, I mean, I've heard from lots of people that one of the reasons they can't get into Eve is because it's monotonous as fuck starting out. Never tried it myself, I'm not into MMOs at all, but from what I've heard it doesn't really defend your point of view at all.
new highscore, 40,000 replies and 900 account deleted
1: Salt Lord 420
bruh help me build my dream ant game.
not all ants find their way solely with pheromones. Desert-dwelling ants, unable to deposit pheromones on sand that is constantly being moved around, often use the position of stellar objects to navigate.
id hand out those super nukes in eve online to any random shitter constantly. id make sure entire main zones were completely uninhabitable
>7,000 generations later
>ant suicide bombers that ride armored beetles into enemy colonies and release disease plume
300mil you say?
First, fuck my family wasting 1.7bil. I am cutting them out of my life forever.
Secondly, the most expensive video game EVER was MW2 and 200mil of that was on marketing. Second is GTA 5 which adjusted for inflation was $270m. For comparison, The Witcher 3 cost $81m and Skyrim $90m. So I think I can get more than one game out, especially if I'm not trying to push the envelope graphically.
So first, a pirate game. There's been a lack of those. A pirate game with open world, multiple stories to pick up, skills to master, ladies to woo, ships to plunder, etc. Basically a bigger, badder, slightly more mature Cid Meier's Pirates.
Second, a post-apocalyptic take on something like Civilization. Scrape your tribe together and try to establish a new society in the wake of the apocalypse, going from scavengers to producers and then a true civilization, or maybe going the tribal route. Choose your traits and the type of disaster that ended the world in a manner similar to Beyond Earth. The focus is smaller than civ, meaning that every unit and citizen group has its personality, traits and skills and if you choose to train/equip raiders or scavengers or something, it's taking away from those at home.
Finally, a WW1 shooter done RIGHT. Cutting to different people in different fronts and situations, from the Somme, to Fort Douamont, to Belgrade, Russia, the Battle of Jutland, the Ottoman Empire... If you do everything right, it's a game that follows history. If however you fulfill hidden objectives in each level, such as not firing on the obvious target at Jutland, but instead sinking a crippled ship visible only for a small window when you're handed the binoculars and told to sight the guns, you open an alternate history mission. Each 'real' mission has a 'timeline' mission that when strung together make a new narrative of an alternate war. When all the timeline missions are completed, two more are available that are the game's true ending.
Entire game is pretty shoddy really.
About as much action in eve as there is in monopoly.
Not to mention requiring hundreds of hours of skill training.
As for expansive there is fucking tons of systems but they are pretty much just linked.
You can travel around inside said star systems but you'll never get anywhere 'new' outside of the preprogrammed locations(including 'exploration').
People call eve a spreadsheet simulation and it's a pretty accurate joke.
skyrim with guns
Rainbow Six Siege mechanics in Xcom Universe