>can't replay chapters/no new game +
Dropped harder than an atom bomb.
>can't replay chapters/no new game +
Dropped harder than an atom bomb.
Other urls found in this thread:
>posts PS4 cover
>Wants gamey faggotry in immersive games
How about you try killing yourself?
> 2016
> still plays on consoles.
Kys Op
Lead dev said it will be included in a future update
It's not finished, obviously
have fun with that framerate faggot
>Can't replay chapters
What the fuck? Please don't tell me that dishonored 2 is a flop. I'm still getting over mankind divided being half baked.
I wasn't aware you could do any of that in the first Dishonored game, there wasn't a new game + in the first one, was there? If so I never knew that.
Either way you're cherry picking because I really could careless if the game has a new game + option or replay chapter option, though the replay chapter option would be nice just to experiment with different tactics on killing enemies and exploring, etc.
It's been getting really good reviews as well, so it didn't really "bomb" it just bombed in your opinion because it didn't have stupid little features that you really wanted it to have. Nobody else has really complained about anything really, it's gotten 9 out of 10 from most major reviewers and people have been giving it 8, 9, and 10's for the most part.
>buying dishonored 2 when dishonored 1 still exists for dirt cheap, is optimized to play on toasters, and is just as fun
shake my fucking head
>can't customize controls on ps4
Who the fuck uses circle to crouch?
>TFW I was never good enough or creative enough to do something like this in Dishonored
I just killed everyone, but I never really utilized all the abilities to do it. Like I'd just kill everyone with my sword by blinking around the map, never thought to stop time and shit like that. I don't know why, just wasn't good at the game I guess.
You can replay chapters on the boat. Check your journals.
I have the definitive version of the first game for PC.
Is it worth playing? Looks like the old bio shock to me
>finish a mission
>1 person killed
>all quick and auto saves are after this apparent kill took place
just fuck my life up, I wish there was a way to have this shit displayed on screen so I know when the game decides to kill someone for me
Open Stats in the menu to check.
Was it the conservatory? The nonlethal option will knock out someone on a chandelier and cause them to fall to their death if you don't move them.
are they fixing the optimization blunder?
Nah it was in the second mission somewhere, I assume someone fell over a rail and died or fell into the water. Lesson learned though, need to hard save more often.
I went for No kills / detection for the first 3 or so missions and then got fed up with the trial and error quick save/ quick load bullshit, and realized I didn't care about trophies. Actually having fun now.
Yeah you gotta watch out for that. Unconscious bodies have a habit if dying for no reason atm.
Yeah, it's pretty good. Although Sup Forums seems to hate it, so I'm not sure why you've decided to come here to ask.
>have fun playing at the same framerate that all console players at
Ooh, you sure showed that guy.
>Settling for damaged goods because console players are cucks
You're a cuck, too.
>no season pass
does that mean this won't have any more content?
>working hard for non-lethal ghost
>2 guards on stairs drinking something
>use Domino and sleep dart
>they fall and break bottles near the candle and burn in seconds
>replay this 5-6 times
>stupid quards keep suiciding
>realize there is an elevator next to me
>use it unnoticed and never touch those quards
I love how they kept this feeling from the first game when after RAGE the player realize who is a dumbass.
Yes. Now they're investing all their effort into Prey.
Yeah like I had no clue you don't have to use any of the levers in the clockwork mansion to get to Jindosh
Does anyone passed the Jindosh mission as ghost without kills? It's fucking impossible.
just follow this and sleep dart him instead at the end
Good, if so. I wouldn't mind another Daud type expansion but the game is perfectly complete as is.
Without sleep darts, yeah, it's hard. I managed to distract the clockwork soldier away from him and use the shadow form to knock him out, but it was close.
>one of the guards fell out to the river in front of the second one
>he thought it's suspisious and starts searching
that's hilarious
did you play it on console? bc 30fps is severely limiting your options in chaining shit when everything feels so fkg sluggish
what game doesnt have post launch attention these days? dlc/expansions will come in time
How do you choke out the Delilah replica to the left of the throne? No matter what I do the one on the throne alerts.
Did anyone else finish it yet?
It was no better and no worse than the first game, which is alright I suppose. The villains aren't anywhere near as interesting as the ones from the first game though, and the Low Chaos ending is a little underwhelming.
Also, regarding what happens if Meagan survives until the end: they're seriously teasing a Daud DLC aren't they?
That's fine too, Dishonored had good expansions. Outside of the preorder stuff, it had the fun trials and the Daud stuff, which were all worth the price.
There will be no DLC. Arkane is a tiny company. They are all working on Prey now.
who aren't cucks? you?
What are you talking about? It runs fine on my rig :^)
You can stab the replicas and you'll still get clean hands I think.
60fps on a GTX 970 at High settings? I am having fun.
bullshit, are you running it at 720 or something?
1080p DSR'd down to 720p because my monitor broke and I've been having to play on an older TV. The game sets the priority to Low by default, and changing it to High in the Task Manager only fixes it temporarily before it reverts back to Low, so I'm using Process Lasso.
I'm on the first actual mission, and I'm trying to save the dude from the Wall of Light nonlethally while still ghosting. Shooting sleep darts isn't fast enough, and throwing a bottle to distract them just makes them chase the dude down and stab him anyway. Except one time, when he ran far enough away that all the civilians killed the two guards.
Is it worth the hassle of saving that guy, or do you get nothing but an achievement, like when you save the newspaper editor in the first mission?
You can run high textures and not get huge lag spikes? Is my 970 broken?
I finished the game and I'm sad that I thought it was overall just decent. I loved the first game and its one of my favorite games last gen but Dishonored 2 dies the death of a thousand cuts
>Emliys powers aren't as interesting as Corvos. Her best skill is her palpatine pull
>the input lag is a huge bummer. The 1st game felt so smooth to play but here it feels like any other FPS
>the lypsynching is worse than the firsts(which was god tier)
>they brought back their lame chaos system and proceed to even do less with it
>there's a lot more cut scenes, story is slightly better than the first though
>I don't mind the voice acting for the characters but the main characters just won't shut the fuck up and keep repeating information I already know
>the sensitivity of the enemies is so fucking BS. Its so easy to be caught
>The sound design is just fuck all in the game. People often sound closer or farther than they actually are so I really need the wall hack skill.
>the bone charms seem more useless than ever and if I didn't get the ability to run them into runes I would be swimming in them
>runes and bone charms are a lot more hidden now, in the first they were pretty easy to find but here I spend most of the time searching for them
>paintings and blueprints are also a lot harder to find now
>art design feels a lot less strong. In here it feels very samey throughout
>the levels are way too gimmicky like the clockwork mansion and time diapered house where you can't use powers
>the non lethal ways to take out enemies don't feel as nice? The overall individual missions feel lacking
Maybe there are more problems but just like Deus ExMD it just feels not as good in some ways despite being better in areas that are "very important"
This is patently untrue.
It was definitely better than the first one. Video games are not all about story.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion
Just finished the game myself and i thought it was definitely a miles better than the first game, especially in level design, AI, level variety, world building, making you feel the city is alive.
What are you even complaining about? All your points seem to point at the story being better, the game being harder and not broken, things actually require thought to find, and the levels all have a hook.
>tfw everyone says emily sucks
I like her powers, they are cool and I like that her blink isn't as overpowered as corvo's but is still useful
Violinist singer lady is best girl
>art design feels a lot less strong. In here it feels very samey throughout
I absolutely disagree. Just compare the last mission with the first one and you can see how the art design can change a same level.
So do I, every one of her powers is useful for both stealth and combat. It's a stark contrast to Corvo's only great powers being blink and stop time.
Game is sexist af vs men and it actually kind of bothers me.
Anyone know?
Yes as I said the game has progressed in areas that are considered "important" like skill progression and especially the enemy ai. Combat is a lot better thanks to that and enemies actually notice doors that should have been closed. Sadly it just feels like there are a dozen little problems. It's also not like in the only one having the problem since there are several posts in reddit and neogaf like mine.
you just get an achievement. You just have to sleep dart them really fast but aim the closer guy first.
Shit I meant for
what are you even on about??
Yeah, the hardest part is just knocking Jindosh out. Try leading the clockwork soldiers to the lower part of the room then going for him. Besides that it's just difficult trying to find the way to the next room without using the levers.
Why not just kill the clockwork soldiers? They don't actually count toward kills and they go down fairly easily if you have any stun mines.
I tried sleep darting them, but the guy on the balcony will find the bodies, and I haven't found a position that allows me to sleep dart all three guys quickly enough. If it's just the achievement, I'm not even going to bother, though.
Hard to do if you're going for a ghost run.
keep stabbing the replicas, when the light beam apear, sneak and hide. then go for the choke
games are made for consoles now pleb. enjoy your unfinished pc ports.
>can't replay chapters
>shitty framerate
I loved the first game, but fuck this sequel.
don't know why recording it on shadowplay makes it look so dark
>want to do a non-lethal run
>Corvo kills 3 guys right at the start before you can control him
This bugged the hell out of me.
I wish I played as Corvo first, his story feels right. Emily's perspective just feels sort of... off.
>since there are several posts in reddit and neogaf like mine
Same thing happened in the first Dishonored. Even worse is that you actually had control in the intro and were forced to kill the guys.
Didn't they just teleport away when you swung at them? I can't remember that part really well.
It's easy to justify it. You don't think Corvo has killed before to protect the empress? It's just he doesn't kill in levels if he doesn't need to.
Try it on two people who try to kill each other.
Does this game have a launch option to skip the intro/vanity cards?
Everyone, circle is the default crouch button in 99% of First Person games.