>that one poor sucker who preordered Moon
That one poor sucker who preordered Moon
That picture had no need to go on for more than the first three lines
>That poor sucker that expected Sun and Moon to be good
The only things Moon has that are good.
>piratefags thinking their shitposting matters
Isn't the steel type UB moon only? People seem to think it's crazy strong.
>Retards in charge of reading comprehension
>make one game
>decides to be jew and split game into two to sell as two different games
>suckers to this day still defend it
There are two. Which one?
I'm having trouble picking I love alola sandshrew and vulpix and the rock doggo
I'm going moon because I want that monkey and don't care about any of the other exclusives.
That said, these games look pretty bad. Any piratefags here to confirm whether they have raised the difficulty even slightly from ORAS?
he's right though. you tried to use that game as a "see what happen when you don't pirate? I spoil you and tell you it's shit" but really all you did is increase preorders.
Now you are not even trying anymore.
>Pewdiepie reference in the game
Nintendrones will defend this garbage
you can still get all pokemon in both games
this model just encourages people to socially interact or buy both versions like a retard, like i did as a kid
why ask a question if you know the answer
Think name is Celesteela. Has well balanced stats not the glass cannon one that's in sun.
>Gonna catch em all***
*** Trading with other people only possible with a Pokemon Bank subscription. Click here to become a member.
Man, do you also have long fantasies of living a happy life with the girl that said hello to you at the Mc'Donalds counter?
Bat > Lion
Buzzwole > Pheromosa
Day > Night Rokanrok
Dranpa > Lava turtle
Both chimps suck
Vulpix > Sansdrew
Metagross > Garchomp
Flygon > Waifu shit
Rampardos > Bastiodon
Arheops > Carracosta
Braviary > Mandibuzz
Lilligant > Whimsicott
Seems pretty balanced to me.
>Archeops > Carracosta
get a load of this guy
I thought captcha's stopped bots from being a thing.
I'll just wait for Smoon edition.
>Vulpix > Sandshrew
How is it even possible for one man to have such shit taste?
pokemon designs took a freefall after gen 3 my god
>Preordering Pokemon
I need that y'all stupid pic
>that one poor sucker who preordered instead of playing it early
not that user but A.Sandslash is a complete and utter shitmon
>Flygon is exclusive to Sun
please tell me this picture is wrong
1. there has never been a bad Gamefreak game
2. Amazon Prime members get 20% off preorders
It is. You can catch trapinch in Moon as well.
Where do you find it?
Nigga I didn't even imply the game would be bad, but ORAS was fucking terrible.
And I'd rather go to wally world and pick it up at night then wait for some discount or shitty preorder bonuses because Nintendo is cheap as fuck now.
i dont see the problem??????????
sorry, i meant tranny
>there has never been a bad Gamefreak game
X and Y
It made me, a pokemon fan since yellow, stop caring about the series.
That's how bad they were.
>haven't played a pokemon game since black
>remember sapphire more clearly
>mfw pirate sun and experience full 3D models and no over head view
this is so different
> mfw Garchomp, Flygon and Ninetails are all exclusive to Sun
Oh right, a regular pokemon game is coming out. Had almost forgot while getting out, exercising and seeing neat things/meeting people while playing Go.
Have fun sitting in a dark corner of your room for 20 hours before you put that down and get back to playing on your Bone/PS4.
haven't played pokemon since after ruby sapph, whicheverone is on the right looks better
I haven't played since alpha saphire.
and I played the demo and oh my gosh everything's so cool.
>Plays Pokemon Go
Here's your (You)
>regular v "games are shit" post
>carrying if it has some thin as fuck lady pokemon
>not wanting to meme with roid bug of many gains
Looking good to me.
SM are objectively the hardest games to date. And the first game to even attempt balancing.
>moon roster
I'll miss metagross, but otherwise sun is by far the best.
>I haven't played since the last game to come out in the series.
game isnt even out and the faggot proclaimed that people had hopes that the games were any good in the first place, something only a jaded piratefag shitposter would say.
it would be a le red did it meme post if the game would have been out already
delete this fucking picture right fucking now
sorry. i meant soulsilver. i skipped the last two gens.
i hat these new names...
This pic will never not make me mad
Holy shit how asshurt can you people be? I already played through it and it was easily worse than standard ruby and sapphire.
i do not care about gains, as i have them already myself.
i am not some low test faggot who has to constantly see things like myself to be satisfied with life.
>missing out on the pedo dragon
Why is this gen so shitty? Almost all the new Pokemon are either gimmicky, single-staged, or downright boring.
why not just trade using the in game trade system for the pokemon you want? there are gonna be billions of these fuckers trading to get both types.
This has been said for every gen
you just described every other fucking generation in existence
>that one person who thought *insert new pokemon here* would be viable
Literally all slow, frail, mixed attackers with shit movepools
this is shit list
the dogs arent exclusive
you're missing the other exclusive ultra beasts too
dont care about rest they are important ones
Spot me Skeeter wins by default
Fast Doggo > that guy who cheated at TTYD
Bulktails > Coldsteel
Garbore < Metagross
both Flygon and Goodra are shit
Rampardos > Bastiodon
Turtle Dad < Archiops, although Wishiwashi shits on it now as a mon with a defeatist-like ability
Stars and Stripes > Diaper fetish trash
Whimsicott is a beast so it wins by default
Sun: 7
Moon: 2
Fucking liar. Gen 3 is utter ass because of how stupidly designed the whole region is. HMs were necessary to progress through the game 24/7, at least SuMo eliminates HMs entirely.
I fucking hate pokemon threads on Sup Forums because of you and your shitpostong gang but /vp/ is just as bad since it reeks of underaged memesters.
>Alolan Ninetails is Sun only.
Hol a fuck up that can't be real right. That would be so unbelievably gay.
Apart from cottonee and the legendary, every single pokemon on the right is better than its counterpart.
>Implying most of the older Pokemon were based around gimmicks.
what about the dual water type with Regenerator? or the wimpod evolution? both of those seem bretty good
>still using gay as a derogatory term in 2017-1
Grow up grandad
Why did they just make yet ANOTHER one of these? That Bounsweet pokemon is just this one but with a middle evolution that looks like Kirlia. They also made Lurantis. Why have they been on this grass type waifubait shit pokemon binge since like gen 2? I mean really, Liliigant and the Bounsweet evolution are literally the same fucking thing
just dump fucktons of pokemon onto the exchange and someone will eventually drop one off in trade.
>what is Smeargle
>what is Eevee
>what is Wobuffet
>what is Shuckle
>what is Unown
>wanting to use alolan ninetails
Now THAT'S unbelievably gay.
Are we talking about visual or gameplay gimmicks? Because you are very wrong with the visual ones.
What the everloving fuck is that thing on the top right
And while we're at it, what the fuck is that buff mosquito thing next to the lion in the top right
Pokemon has chaged way too much
>Not pre ordering moon
Its like you want people to know you have shit taste
Lilligatn and Tsareena are both based on royalty too, which is extra odd.
Where's mimikyu found?
never reply to me again faggot
I don't want any of those pokemon on either side though
they are Ultra Beasts, aka beasts from another dimension
they are not pokemon, you capture them in specially made pokeballs
>tfw there's like 10 new pokemon AGAIN
who gives a fuck, call me when pokemon is about the monsters again
Does anyone else think both sides look like garbage? I'm surprised this thread has gotten so far without delving into pure shitposting.
Sun = Boy's version
Moon = Girl's version
prove me wrong faggots
>43 base speed
it's not fucking fair
>le "old nostalgiafag 'back in my day' bait" meme
Is it too hard to do at least some research?
>love buzzwole and daytime lycanroc
>also love lilligant and archeops
Not sure about the wimpod evolution, but that shit will never be able to set up if it switchs automatically after each hit.
What is Trick Room
Ninetails is clearly on the Sun side and I have never met a chick that doesn't have a ninetales in their party
>they are not pokemon
they literally are pokemon
Garchomp is Sun yet it's queen Cynthia's main signature Pokemon.
At least, sans Gen 2, they didn't make up most of the gen.
>what is a move that is easily played around or downright countered
trick room is only good if no one expects it, not if every fucking pokemon is forced to use it