>AAA game
>low poly models
>low res textures

Other urls found in this thread:


>AAA game
>Cutscene starts
>It's a poorly compressed 720p video stream that has graphics that look worse than what you're getting in-game in the first place

Bethesda games.tiff

Name 243 games that do this.

What's wrong with cutscenes?

>AAA game
>it's 480p Bink video
I miss those times

>SO much talking before the actual game begins you already lost interest before doing anything
>when you're finally able to move around a new STORY EVENT begins and you lost control again for 10 more minutes

>AAA game
>Low res textures
>Medium Poly models
>Lens flares
>Chromatic Aberration
>Motion blur
>Depth of field
>Lens flares

>GTX 1070 for low settings
>Min 8GB Vram





you do realize that the game didn't look like that at release, right ?

Yes I do. Do you realize why I replied with the image of Dishonored 2?



because you're a retarded valveposter ?

>Valve poster

No. Because a developer said you needed a 1070 to run Dishonored 2 on low settings to keep a stable fps.



>Playing TW3 ultra setting
>"So far looks okay, lightings a bit meh though"
>Arrived at the second map
>Triggered a cut scene
>That blocky crow
>That blurry-textured crow

>Playing Doom 3
>That blocky Dr. Betruger at the start

W-what does this have anything to do with Doom?

Forza Horizon 3 pc Port post downgrade patch and it crashes all the time crashes all the time crashes all the time

For 2003 it was fucking amazing.

What the fuck happened to valve ;_; vr shit was the last game we ever got and it looked like crap

What the actual fuck are you trying to say?

Forza Horizon 3 had the same problems and the Devs refuse to fix it

looks good for a 2011 game

What bugs are comparable between The Witcher 3 and Forza?

Yeah but consider the date they were captured.

>2011 game