Hey Kid
Nice 3DS
Hey Kid
Drawing your faggot waifu as a Nazi is probably the stupidest fucking fetish
Why, thank you.
Girls in military uniforms are hot, you double nigger.
Drawing them in Nazis uniforms is autistic as fuck
>Arms behind the back
>Arm band but with out a swastika because autistic
Kill yourself
>the nazis invented powerful body language
the japanese still use armbands today, its not a nazi thing in japan
Japanese are huge Nazi fans you fucking autistic nigger
What would be their preferred method of interrogating captured enemy spies? Ball busting? Extreme edging?
I'll say ballbusting because that's my fetish
Having sex with each other right in front of you and making you and every other anti/u/fag angry at them
That sounds kinda lame
Good taste.
Castration is a Patrician though.
[Spoiler]Kind of a one shot deal, isn't it? It's like the difference between playing with a toy and flat out breaking it.[/spoiler]
Well i wouldnt want it to happen to me, since i'm not completely insane, but its an arousing fantasy for me.
The lameness is what will frustrate and torment the person even further. You want something bigger to happen but that's it, and it never goes beyond that.
I don't own a 3ds. Are you going to punish me by doing sexual things to my body?
Fair enough. I'd be satisfied with just being kicked around a bit and maybe taunted.
is /ink/ still a thing in /vg/?
im thinking of brushing up on my skills before the switch release/spla2n launch and need someone to keep me from being bullied
Reminder that female Nazis didn't exist and women make horrible soldiers.
Still good taste.
Nah there's probably dumber stuff
But yeah, nazi uniforms are cringy as fuck
They look quite dapper.