I hope this garbage flops harder than the first

i hope this garbage flops harder than the first

The first one didn't flop.

she mad

>OP Pic is a Western Hacker Girl

>Pic related is a Japanese Hacker Girl


>OP Pic is a Western Hacker Girl

What's the problem? She's just your average western qt

It didn't. It sold remarkably well, hence; Watchdogs 2.


Japs can't program for shit, though.

what the fuck is with those scars all over its face?

That actually looks like an average feminist: fat and ugly. I don't see a problem

Its tribal paint to celebrate that its 1/16th native american.

Probably some inane backstory about getting curbstomped by bigoted white males

>hoping something flops just because it doesnt appeal to you

Wow - its like Im really on Tumblr

ever seen the documentary face/off with John Travolta?

why do you think SHE MAD?

It makes her look dopey to be honest


there's no hacking in Splatoon doe

> garbage
> ubishit meme

this game is actually the real deal. You're the one missing out.

I guess that's why they dominated the gaming industry when you had to know machine code to get any performance out of those old machines, while western devs could barely make babby's first games on Action52

Theyre fucking ICP scars

>I didnt even know it was coming out in a day

It's going to flop.
Why the fuck is everyone releasing games right now? Space this shit out.

So is that the protagonist? I read somewhere a tranny was going to be a main character, but wasn't sure if it was the pro or the antagonist.

I can't think of any other games that just came out either.

i bet ubishit gift it on december because its shit

>titanfall 2
>battlefield 1
>cod in space


no, the protag is a dindu this is a supporting character

The shirt saves the character

Somebody post the Slutty Punk Muslim Woman Hacker

>This game is the real deal
This is the dialogue of a shill, know how to spot it.

>that pic

Holy shit, they're trying to piss people off for that free advertising right?

It's not working either

I'm shocked that Ubisoft would include trannies and nogs, let me tell you.

Let me guess, antagonist is an evil white man?


They aren't dominaTING anything nowadays. Japanese animation is pretty much bottom-tier garbage, their videogames are bottom-tier garbage (studios closing left and right) and even their books are not received well.

When the reform hits, Japan will finally be able to rebuild itself. Ban pedophilia and most anime and start focusing on getting back to greatness.

Dosen't this game literally have a not-Donald Trump as a main antagonist?

wow, is that a conversion mod for watch dogs 1?

>Let me guess, antagonist is an evil white man?
Better. It's literally Donald Trump.

You know, this kinda is how a real female hacker would look like.

I'm having fun, been playing for more than a dozen hours, haven't seen the fag in the OP pic at all.
Sup Forums gonna be Sup Forums I guess.

Shows how much of an impact they had I guess.

> actually liking a game = shill
> videogames image board

this game is legit, sue me. You can get the lil' camera going on the drone and its got a macro made and everything, let's you take some sweet photos

that looks awful desu


Oh shit I remember this picture. I made a retweet that just said
And the guy blocked me. Classic.

lmao you arent blending in lad

mr nosenberg really oughta cut your pay for this shit performance

>the same 3 board games copied and pasted over the whole shelf
Nice Ubisoft

>how do you do fellow kids

would but it if they make a standalone dlc with a non nigger sjw protagonist because the city looks fun

>nothing interesting happens

It's scarring resembling it's old body from when it attempted to transorm into a human

20 rupees has been deposited on your account Dwali, good work.


who is mr noseberg

lowest settings?

so this game is a liberal powerfantasy?

That's so Sup Forums. Shit on a game before it's out just because of M-MUH SJW, MUH GOOBERGATE


I personally pre-ordered the game + season pass because I fucking loved WD1 and can't wait to experience this type of playstyle again.
>hacking your way into buildings
>non-lethal option to all the quests
>manipulate traffic to serve your endeavours

Why do you hate on it Sup Forums? Sup Forums of all people should be thankful for a game that breathes and lives Sup Forums and gaming culture. This is not about some black war veteran mafioso or some russian immigrant, shit that we cannot identify with. This is about a group of people who love technology and its possibilities.

What a bunch of 50 year old suits think it is anyway.

>that horrid lack of AA

nah ps4. it's not the best graphics from a technical standpoint, but the aesthetics are really really good, and looks bettert in motion like with the lighting/shadows and stuff floating in the air etc.

Or it's shit AND full of political faggotry.

Fucking autist.

>I personally pre-ordered the game
You are a fucking cancer i hope you die painfully

>loved wd1
I totally believe you bud

wrong, please see

You're not getting your paycheck Pajeet, kill yourself.

15 Rupees have been deposited into your clay jar, Pajeed

Reminder that she is a minor antagonist and you kill her. She's a feminist hacker blogger opposing you, she's not treated in a positive light at all. It's exactly the opposite of what SJWs want.


That's dumb too

I want ugly feminists out of videogames altogether


This looks like someone put a shitty enb on gta 5

Wait, am I getting paid now or what?

Us gurl hackerz XD uguu

when will this vaginal age of all inclusive political correctness end


WD sold about 10 million copies, retard.
You think this piece of shit sequel would exist otherwise?

actually this is what a female hacker should look

This is why we can't have nice things

Give it 4 years.

less if based Pence has any say

>that car
thats some PS2 era texturing


eat shit, shill


Trump is a New York liberal.

Can't believe all the cucks in this thread rejecting an awesome game because they have some creepy agenda against the company that makes it

The driving has no weight and feels casualized as shit.. Ubi shills are the worst

>WATCH_DOGSĀ® 2_20161113020208.webm

do you know how ps4 screenshot/video filenames are named?

how can I get a submissive gf like that? I want one that knows she lives only to serve me and my dick but that's hardly a line you drop when you meet someone new

just a clean car

She mad

oh, ok
the game is shit anyway and no amount of shilling will make me spend my money on buying it


How come the graphics look worse than GTA5, which for a moment, was released in 2013?

Chicks who fetishize submissiveness tend to be bitches/headcases.

ubisit memers are retarded

ubisoft is really consistant they never put out a bad game, and occassionally they make a really really good one

assassins 2, far cry 3, black flag & watch dogs 2 were all home runs

syndicate was almost there too

I'd say it's on par with the last-gen versions of GTA V.

meant to

>black flag
>watch dogs 2
>syndicate was almost there
Syndicate is hot garbage, and the other two are shit.