Rust Stories

>Be me
>Be australian
>Rust was life
>Back when experimental was first starting to get fun
>When Blue Prints were still a thing
>Raid a admin base with all the bps in a loot room
>Feels good
>Fast forward 2 days
>1 day before the wipe cycle
>Everyone looking to raid someone
>Have someone ask in chat trading a ak bp if i make them 2 c4
>Get plan
>Reply "Sure im down"
>Bags me in
>Without delay gives me the explosives and cloth
>Make 2 c4
>Realize its a kid getting me to make the c4
>Idiot bagged me in next to loot room
>Throw c4 onto stone wall
>Hear him scream and cry over the mic
>1 minuet later i get banned for griefing
>The feeling when the kid was the admins brother

Other urls found in this thread:

Rust is fun but i fucking hate being raided at night by childs/neets. I don't have the time to do that anymore.

During the days of Minecraft, back in 2011 (1.2 Beta), I would host a server on a spare PowerEdge my dad had laying around. It was friends first, then acquaintances second.

Whenever we wiped the server, we would always let our friends in first. We would make a grand pilgrimage where we would travel thousands of blocks out in one direction, and then set up our homes before we opened the floodgates to the public (i.e. giving out the server IP and password to everyone at school).

Then the carnage would unfold, and we were safe to just casually play the game and chat over Skype while a bunch of bloodthirsty freshmen murdered each-other.

The issue with Rust is that you cannot do this. Because the procedural maps are a limited size, you can't travel out to some remote location and build a home and be safe while you're offline. The maps are small enough so that children and NEET's can just find where you live if they dedicate a few hours to touring the map, and then raid and pillage your home while you're gone.

>Be me
Huurrrr really?

Or you can just travel to the snowy area after you get some clothes, it's the least populated region of the maps.

Anyone can get clothes. I've already tried that, I went offline for a day and when I logged back on my house was completely raided.

Ever Tried a ice berg base? most freashys are too brain dead to get up them

I've put over 500 hours of Rust, and I can actually say that the last update where they got rid of xp was such a major improvement, I stopped playing the game for a long time because it was bascially fucking bullshit to play Rust with a smaller group of friends, and it still is that case now but not as bad because everyone can craft everything off the bat and you don't have to rely on RNG to help you out. But my small group of friends and I are still finding it a tad difficult to start a base at all on the biggest Australian server with 200 players.

Rust is a fantastic game but the thing that annoys me the most and I suppose it's the games fundamental mechanics that make it like this but the little guy always looses in these situations, it doesn't matter how good you are or how big your base is, if there's 30 of the fuckers they will come for you and fucking win, no matter what. I would really like to see some mechanics put in place for the smaller groups in Rust for the people who aren't interested in being in some massive clan.

I also agree with this guy, I have to work every day and not everyone else has to do that, fucking neets just raid you at 3-4am when no one is around, there is shit like sentry turrets but there's no way in hell I'm getting that with 4 other players.

Anyone share ideas for base building? I haven't seen any good base "builds" since triple walling was patched out. I think having a good base is key to Rust considering majority players offline raid. Also does anyone else feel like once you get a base happening that is half decent everyone's motivation goes down because you all know you aren't going to be raiding those big boys down the road with that 50 story house? I just feel once you get the weapons, unless you have 20 c4 you aren't doing shit to the enemy base.

And even 20 C4 is nothing. You just can't outfarm those 15 players group. You can't outplay them, can't do anything.

I tried to make my own server, something less brutal, with some light roleplay for the sake of maintaining order. But fuck if french-speaking babies want something else than total rape and carnage. At best there was 5 people on my server.

It's a shame because we created good shit like some arena to fight for prizes, a trading town etc. It was pretty nice.

Ayy i still have some screens.

I suppose now that everyone can craft a rocket launcher I should give that a red hot go this week and see if there's any improvements, I know that we have the shitty c4 for poor fags and we also have rocket launchers now. So maybe it'll be much easier.

Also, if we use this image as a refrence as to what you can use to raid, bean can grandes are by far the best.


I didn't follow the last improvements. Maybe you're right, but enjoy launching 73 grenades on an armored door. :^)

Bean can is the future of raiding.

I want to see this. A bunch of naked retards spaming explosives bean can. DO IT !

Rust's idea is pretty dumb for a game.

Rust is pic related: the game.

I felt like if it weren't for the hacking, original Rust was perfect. Some of the most fun I've had in video games. So many adrenaline pumping moments raiding with my friends as the owners find us and a firefight ensues. Is neo-Rust worth playing? I know it's constantly being updated.

we walled in the beach and shot bambis all day or made them our slaves

rust is gay now tho i quit a while ago

Yes, it's improved a lot. I'd give it a look. Legacy Rust was good fun but new Rust is in my opionion much better, go and have a try for yourself, they update the game every friday and the devs try really hard to listen to the community.

bump for interest as well

However, i like acting fairplay. But nowadays this is rarely a thing, on rust or any other game. The kids will raid your base and destroy it to shit just for fun.

Nowadays it's all about the "meta", the most OP build/weapon, it's like nobody want to play for fun. I prefer a somewhat equal fight i can enjoy than just stomping noobs.

Or was it always like that ? I feel like it got worse.

So just like every other MMO out there?

Did you just get rekt by a no-lifer in your favorite game?

guys I fucking miss the old rad towns and rad animals, this new map just isn't doing it for me, plus the old gunplay seemed way better

Well it might of seemed better but the devs have slaved away at gunplay and it's now so much better, go over the patch notes and check it out. Also they just added radiation back to the new rad towns plus getting blueprints is no longer rng because you start with them all.

Also wanted to know if anyone else has wasted their lifes on this game as well

I feel it man.

I have a good 171 hours in it, may not seem like a lot but I barely play videogames so it's a lot in my standards

I think i have entire years played on WoW. I'm the casual now.

>Be me
lurk more before posting, newfriend

Also i am what they call a "NewFag" I just came from rustralasia forums and wanted to find a new place to post about Rust. Please don't hate me.

>get like 2000 hours in Guild Wars
>can barely break a few hundred in my most played today

Like he said, lurk more before posting. But at least your thread is about vidya and somewhat enjoyable. It's something.

give me ya codes mutt


Yeah it's the same from me. I barely play vidya anymore, It's depressing.

The games aren't really the problem. It's just the community, it's not the same anymore. Childs and casuals/retards everywhere.

I'd like to play with cool 30-40 something dudes like i used to. They could handle the bants, weren't too shit and played for FUN

I miss those guys

I'd still play the shit out of legacy if it wasn't dead and if there were still zombies

Also i joined a clan a while back (6-7 Months) And it was the first group i had been in with more then 10, and oh my god were they butt hurt as fuck. I was a hardcore player back then had about 200 hours and considered my self a avid player but after i joined i was given a fucking schedule on when i was to be on to farm and raid...

Monday: 4-10 PM Farm Day

Tuesday: 4-10PM Farm Day

Wednesday: Opstional Scout Day

thrusday: 4-10 PM Farm Day / scout Day

Friday: 3-12 PM Raid day Reason why 3 am was because we had to get on before all the school kids got home

Ended up leaving the group...

>tfw on a toaster
>tfw 5fps on fastest settings

Is this real life ? also
>3-12am Raid day
Oh boy, it's so fucking fun, crack open some bases with nobody home at 5 am. That's the life, eh ?

How old are these fuckers for god's sake ?

>you will never be this autistic
feels godly

I like RUST I guess. But with the newest update I can't really see the point of playing. Where's the sense of progression? The joy of getting new blueprints and having a specialization? One guy could go guns, another ammo, another base building objects, and wow, suddenly they all had important functions for their group.

Now everyone can do everything. Every man is an island.

The leader was like 14 and kicked someone out of the group for suggesting we didn't offline raid. Main reason why i left was because they made me the slave of the group and would made me farm and never be able to raid because i threw a f1 grenade at him once. Im still wondering why i didn't change the codes.

And you let him do ? Are you underage or just autistic ? Just tell him to fuck off or screw up everything when they're not online.

Eh, also i should point out they were the type of people that would hunt fresh spawns for fun.

>be me, not you

>derping around forrest

>someone asks for assault rifle trade for armor

>I agree

>we meet up

>he says "hey"

>instantly disconnects in front of me

>I stand over his unconscious body for like 5 seconds before I stick my axe up his ass

>take all his shit (which was alot)

>he reconnects as I am running away

>he is cursing up a storm

>get away with it, guy never finds me again

how is ">be me" new fag?

Don't play with 14yo.

newfag detected

Alrighty mates im off to bed since its 3-4 am here in Australia but i shall hopefully start up another thread like this on rust some other day. Good night.

I played rust before they switched to the new client. The game ran like dogshit but damn was it fun. having nothing on and whipping out a pipe shotgun for a cheese kill was amazing. Defending a base from raiders was a ton of fun. The main issue is what everyone said. If someone wanted to get in my base, it didnt matter how many walls I put up, it was only a matter of time when the turbonerds would raid me at 4 am.

Main thing I left for was server wipes though. Fuck that


Holy fucking shit