This is modern BioWare's idea of good alien design

This is modern BioWare's idea of good alien design.

Looks very similar to collectors with that texture and head.

The gun looks straight up ripped out of warframe

oh look, it's a Collector on his day off with a Grakata

Why do you even have expectations at this point?

What do you mean modern? That's straight from ME2.

LITERALLY the only thing that matters in ANY mass effect game is the quality of the waifu options

so far we got ZERO out of one with that peebee garbage

hopefully that improves

the rest I don't give a shit about

it's not like anyone is playing these games for the combat

Damn son they been working out, getting all kinds of swole

That's the enemy from andromeda? The Khet? They look so similar to a collector from ME2 / locust from gears, what bullshit.

>The gun looks straight up ripped out of warframe
If you mean grineer aesthetic, that looks barely similar even if you consider all the different designs

>LITERALLY the only thing that matters in ANY mass effect game is the quality of the waifu options

>Javik is back

Jeez, I genuinely thought I was looking at a new DOOM DLC screenshot for a couple of moments. Mass Effect 2's Vorcha-race looked campy as hell but compared to this, man, nu-BioWare really outdid themselves.

It looks a bit similar.

Mass Effect is for imaginary fucking

Looks like a 80s dark sci-fi alien

Really? I ain't seen anything like that in it.

>every alien is humanoid

I miss old bioware

Looks like a swole Collector.

Fuck they really have run out of ideas.

So bland and it looks like the same texture/skeleton size as the collector except a smaller head and 2 eyes. So lazy.

If this new enemy race is a wild barbaric race (like the star wars Vong? ) they should have made them more like Gears Locust Horde, I love the designs from those games, they all have their own clothes, sizes and hierarchies and so on.

Looks like a fucking vorcha. How lazy can they get? Can they even fucking try? It's a new galaxy so why not make something like the cabal? Big nasty space romans?


He means it looks retarded as shit, I believe.

Well, it's very original

You know what, fuck the design being generic. If at least the writing of their character was potentially good. Which it isn't.

They should have made a race really similar to the Locust Horde. 8ft tall reptile men that enslave and break beasts to use for war and are so loyal to their Queen they throw their own lives away.

Why? Because it's rounded?

>80's dark Sco-fi alien
Nigger are you retarded?

>angry man with rocks or some shit growing on him

He looks like a tiny pussy version of Doomsday.

Mass Effect 1 was so good. It had a creepy mysterious villain Soverign, the weird Thorian, hanar, elcor. But as the series went on, I think you only talk with one elcor in the entirety of ME3 and they focused more on the humanoid aliens.

This new enemy gives me the feeling they're playing it too safe, sticking with a humanoid alien, taking less risks. Gives me the same vibes as the new star trek series where every villain is human and every alien is humanoid.

Good writing usually result in good character designs. The opposite is true for bad writing.

Didn't know 1998 is considered as 80s

Even Turians, Krogans and Salarians were better than this shit. Hell, even the collectors were better.

I've not played Mass effect 1 in a long time but I remember that weird thorian, what even was it?

Another ancient evil, really.

Dont forget the keepers, they were pretty cool. I liked the rachni too. ME2 and 3 definitely focused more on the primary bigger races though.

Collectors were great. It's also a lot easier to design a species that's fabricated as opposed to evolved

A sentient plant that, by releasing spores, was able to mind-control other aliens.

Well fuck "playing it safe" because it's fucking boring. Take the Fallen for instance. This is what Turians should have been, but no because adding an extra pair of arms, and animating it is too much fucking work. I find it pretty sad Bungie can make better aliens than past Biowarw could.

>Collectors were great.

As a concept, yes. Execution was headache inducing. Especially the "suicide mission" conclusion BS.

Ancient evil? No you're thinking of the leviathans, the ones who created the reapers. I remember the thorian just being an old-ass alien whose species evolved never touching Reaper technology thats why they look and are so alien, as we and other species evolved according to the reaper plan thats why alot of aliens are similar/humanoid.

As to what the thorian wanted, to survive. It infected people like mushrooms. it didn't have galactical conquest or elimination as its goal.

>ancient evil
It's a fucking plant made in a lab that some shmucks discovered

Well, i doubt they were trying to make something that made sense from an evolutionary standpoint, and if they were, fuck that shit, it's a videogame, give me some cool looking aliens and monsters.

>This is what Turians should have been

All they have to do is make a female turian romanceable. That's it; I will buy their shitty fucking game if they can do it. They won't though, because they are capable of nothing but disappointment now.

The fallen are shit. They're basically a poor mans Sangheli species. Otherwise known as the elites, from Halo.

What I mean is, all their animations, dodges, side steps, rolls, everything, is straight ripped from Halos elites. But Bungie cared more about the halo series and the elite AI is so much more fun to fight against and they have a much richer background and lore.

The Turians are pretty cool, they are different from the fallen. Shit, aren;t the fallen scavengers?

>He says while posting a craver from Endless Space 2
Also fabricated

Exactly. What I like so much about the Geth, for example, in the first game is that they don't look like "your average robots". They looked more like organic creatures as opposed to mechs.

Bungie has always been better at creating aliens.

I've no idea what that is, it's just a monster i had on a folder. Here's something else.

>let's turn a grasshopper into an evolved humanoid alien

Well why not? They're way better thought up than those artichoke looking motherfuckers.
>Having two pairs of forearms is an immediate tactical advantage
>can scale walls with ease for easy sniper planting
>Citzens all have their lower arms docked because in their culture only worriors would need the other arms.
Already sound better than current Turians. But it's too late because Bungie managed to make it first after ding their drawing board of moths.

Nigga that's a mantis

>Not praying mantis
1 job user


That's a mantis you dingbat.

They even went back and changed how the protheans looked. I liked the collectors but they shouldn't have merged them as being the protheans but altered over time.

The collector species should have been a mish-mass of all the reapers past galaxy wipes, so they keep abit of every species everytime they come over, then they merge dna and experiment on them which leaves them with a slave-race ready to send out as a Plan E if things fuck up for them, which would result in some weird shit you could fight against. But no, they're the protheans... what.

>taking design cues from destiny, one of the blandest scifi universes around

underage pls go

Yeah but can I fuck the aliens or what?

Your mother was a mantis you limp-wristed, fart-sucking, neolitic shithole

This. Exactly this.

Fuck yes, Cabal are fucking awesome.

Say what you want about Bungie, but those niggas are guving us some excellent designs.

I'm pretty sure I saw that exact style of head in some japanese anime or vidya (except less fleshy)

I don't dislike that, but it looks more like a suit of bio-armor (like Guyver or the ayys in Independence Day)

Come to think of it, that alien looks like it's wearing a different model of Collector Armor.

That is only partially correct.

What? Only "organic" geth were stalkers due to their camoskin

The cabal are ripped off the sontaran race from doctor who.

>excellent designs
Big nig in power armor

Nope, when stripped from their armor they all look like this.

That's a stalker

>excellent designs
they are generic space marines

according to you all masseffect games are trash beyond salvation and I agree with that

No they don't. That's a stalker, they are/were a newer type of geth. The bits of them that looked like synthetic muscles & their enormous agility were supposed to be an indication that the geth were self-improving beyond the way the quarians originally built them.

>ME2 and ME3 roll around
>no more stalkers, only generic geth beep boops because stalkers jumping around is too hard for poor bioware to make :(

>Thinking the Fallen and Cabal are bad
>Cabal blow up moons and planets that get in their way
>have six words for advance but none for retreat
You sound like a faggot. Besides the Cabal is what the Krogan should have been in the first place.

Exactly, a Geth without armor. This is one with armor. See how the areas without armor are the same "organic" tissue as the Stalker's?

How could the krogan be like the cabal? It makes no sense. They nuked their own world so they have no chance at taking over other planets and creating a society with that imperial rule.

In the past the krogans over breeded too much and took over other planets one by one and had huge armies but their culture and society would never make them behave anything like the straight military style of the cabal.

>that peebee garbage

is it really so much to ask that they make their characters attractive looking? I know they can do it, they've done it before. even in DA:I they made the males attractive, they just decided not to give females the same treatment. their artists are obviously capable.

wanting to put uggos in a game for realism is one thing - sure, not every member of the population is beautiful - but this isn't a realistic game. this is science fantasy!

plus, the individuals in the Andromeda Initiative are supposed to be the "best" their species has to offer. I don't see why that shouldn't include best looks, too.

>Exactly, a Geth without armor. This is one with armor.
Stalkers HAVE armor, so does that one. What the fuck are you smoking? Here's the same fucking model in ME3

>stalkers jumping around is too hard for poor bioware to make
What, can't they recycle assets? They do it all the time already

The basic geth has similar synthetic muscles arms and legs
The main difference the stalker is the shape of the legs, different feet and longer fingers

>The structure of hoppers consist of an advanced and highly elastic artificial muscle material. This allows a hopper to compress its entire body for powerful leaps. Hoppers also have thousands of molecule-scale "barbs" on the surface of their hands and feet, which are used to cling to walls and ceilings. Hoppers are very difficult targets, leaping from one surface to another in rapid succession.

>The quarians have no record of any geth models similar to hoppers. This new morphotype must have been developed over the last three hundred years by the geth themselves. This is troubling proof that the geth are continuing to move towards technological singularity. Experts in synthetic life are intrigued that hoppers appear to be even more organic than the baseline geth.

Or in other words: No.

Turians are GOAT aliens

They couldn't have Hoppers in ME2 because it's a shitty cover shooter. An enemy that leaps all over the place and completely negates your waist high wall would offend the casuals

it wasn't an issue of textures or models, it was pathing. they couldn't figure out how to smoothly allow stalkers to leap around on walls and ceilings in ME2, so they were just cut from the game.

they couldn't make them work in ME3 either, or just decided to not even bother with them by that point

ME1 was a cover shooter

>new galaxy
>new enemies
>unhindered by the precursors
>tons of new ways an evolution could have worked
Makes me mad even if it a space opera

"Geth are primarily composed of two materials: a flexible but durable outer shell, and a kind of synthetic muscle tissue that gives Geth Hoppers their incredible agility. It is actually possible for this synthetic muscle to be grafted to organic tissue (Saren Arterius has a grafted geth arm). Geth "bleed" a white conductive fluid when shot, but they don't have any internal organs or nervous system, so the geth do not feel hunger or pain."

>Geth are primarily composed of two materials: a flexible but durable outer shell, and a kind of synthetic muscle tissue that gives Geth Hoppers their incredible agility
>a flexible but durable outer shell: the "armor"
>and a kind of synthetic muscle tissue: the "skin"

>Post YFW they're Protheans who journeyed to Andromeda and were mutated into monsters

>bipedal, 2 arms, 2 eyes, mouth, nose, 2 ear-holes


Only interesting thing about them is that their skin is semi-reflective to deal with the high level of solar radiation on Palaven. Holy shit, actual thought going into the alien design, amazing. Hopefully the barnacle man in OP has a similar reason for his appearance.

>The quarians have no record of any geth models similar to hoppers. This new morphotype must have been developed over the last three hundred years by the geth themselves


>he didn't rush into rooms shotgunning everything
It's like you hate having fun, only moment you need cover is Colossus fight on Therum.

>They even went back and changed how the protheans looked
Lol, many races belonged to prophean empire

ME3 retcon

>rush into rooms shotgunning everything
I played on hardest with an engineer

>they both have muscles, that means they're the same thing!!!

Are you having difficulty reading?

Hoppers/stalkers have more advanced musculature that allows them to leap and move the way they do. Regular geth can't just rip off their armor plates and do the same thing, they do not have the equipment.

Was the majority of the people who worked on the first Mass Effect game fired?

Me too. And it worked.

>they could've done some freaky interesting alien
>it's just a red guy

either or they left of their own volition


Jesus christ. The wiki literally says that *every* Geth has the same synthetic muscle tissue and the outer shell. The Hopper just has a "more advanced" muscle tissue to make it easier for them to maneuver. The fact that they say how the Quarians have no record of models similar to Hoppers is to specifically state that the Geth have developed the Hopper type themselves.

>Shotgunning everything
No you didn't you lying piece of shit