Why are English voice actors in games better than most American voice actors?

Why are English voice actors in games better than most American voice actors?

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But oi haff to dew it

Oi WHEEL change thuh few chair

English actors in general are better than American ones

encountering that bronze-face or whatever was like being at christmas panto

this game was silly as fuck


British English > American English overall
Also Brit VAs don't try hard to sound like anime

Regional dialects, over here you can literally go a few miles and people will speak completely different, especially in the north west.

America hasn't learn't enough sincerity within their culture, it's the little things. In america everyone will tell you how great their city is, in Britain, we'll tell you its fucking shit, but some of it is alright.

A lot of them did stagework and not just voice acting.

Oi eer's me tribblin me droonies an aws hot billy boy bumbles me mum tidbits n all

They sounded like drama/theater actors.

As opposed to American dubs which just sound like the Persona 4 cast.

This is what I was going to say. Theatre is still alive and well in England, while in the US they just go for career voice actors.

Well the US is a lot bigger is one thing, but we do have a lot of regional accents. It's just that they don't really get a whole lot of exposure. We've got the news-anchor-Hollywood Californian way of speaking that you guys probably think of as the "American" accent, and that's the default in media.

Many have distinct, grounded regional accents. Ones that don't tend to be classically trained theatre actors. E.g. Kreia's VA from KOTOR 2.

Not true, we aren't naive and we know there are a lot of different American accents. But there isn't pain in them, no real authenticity, they're too audacious.


>Not posting a superior example.

they only sound good to you because youre just used to hearing american voice actors.
anyone with a foreign accent will sound good to you because you're not used to hearing it on a daily basis.

much like how weebs prefer japaense voices. its just a bunch of gibberish to you but you just think it sounds better because its foreign.

>implying brits like to hear american accents

>he just tried to use the japanese "you don't understand it" arguement for English
Holy fuck the reaching. Why do you defend our failure Voice Actors?

People likely prefer hearing more than just American because that's almost all you hear.


People only like Xenoblade's because it was fresh air compared to the usual Troy Baker, Laura Bailey and Johnny Yong Bosch plus wacky english accents.

What did he mean by this?

As someone who isn't theatre savvy, could I ask how training in theatre prepares you for something as simple as voice acting?

Let me explain, the psyche of the British mind.


>Why are English voice actors in games better than most American voice actors?

Because you can get some decent people with Shakespearean / theater training for a lot less than it costs to get some bigshot American guy

because english voices are more goofy funny and that usually fits better than an american voice actor forcing it

Level-5 games are all English VA with wacky accents and it's fucking awful.

Also, Baker and Bailey have range, JYB isn't that common anymore.


Shulk's voice cracks were fucking great


It really doesn't train for VA but it makes it sound believable and not words from a script

Most have done stage work. Also, because they know they'll do a lot of American work because of the size of the American market, they specifically train to do believable American accents.