Post games you believe to be perfect and tell us why you feel they are perfect.
Perfect Flawless Games
Not even the games I consider to be 10/10 are really perfect.
Yeah, the closest I can think of that comes to perfection is RE4 and Dead Space 2.
-great 2D to 3D transition for the IP
-tons of innovative 3D gameplay feats, like the Z-targeting & quick-keys / context sensitive keys.
-amazing atmosphere
-supported by amazing OST and audio
-real feel of grand adventure, with plenty of variation throughout its world
-tons of optional features, like the fishing minigame
-still easy to pick up and play
-so tiny, you can easily carry it around in an SD card / USB stick / your email account, and play anywhere you want!
>Xbox 360 generation's idea of "good" games are two shallow 3rd person shooters
Then you guys just like all the mainstream gaming reviewers are using the score in the wrong way. A 10/10 game should absolutely be considered perfect. Not only that but it should be extremely rare.
Also keep in mind that just because a game may be perfect does not mean you have to like it above certain other games either.
Some maps are shit. There, its not a 10/10 anymore
>using the score in the wrong way
Tell me more about how your arbitrary metric is the "correct one" and everyone else is wrong.
You stupid autist.
It is obvious you guys are using it wrong. Calling me an autist doesn't change that fact. That's the whole purpose of the review score to begin with and for some reason people assume a 10/10 should mean it's your favorite game ever. In regards to reviews I look at it more objectively then that.
Like a reviewer is supposed to do.
What's your favorite game, user?
false there is not a single bad map and once you get good even most shit maps become fun
I have a pool of favorite games. No idea how you'd be able to choose just one and be happy with it for the rest of the days.
this one's one of them though.
>He thinks Unholy Cathedral is a perfect map
I loved that map's aestetics and atmosphere.
Pro Tip: You can't
I actually can't
Nothing's perfect.
Though I'd say Half Life 1 is pretty close.
Solid mechanics, great combat, lovely level design that flows very nicely, excellent mods, and the way the story is told is very well done too.
improvemed everything from the original
6dof movement perfection + afterburner
loads of enemy variety
twice as many weapons
levels are bigger and more complex
find a flaw
Dungeon Keeper 1 is perfect, I've probably spent thousands of hours playing it
>Half Life 1 is pretty close
Spot the parrot in 5 words or less.
HL1 a shit.
no need to be a dick just because you disagree
Homeworld 1
Homeworld Cataclysm
Fuck you, you know I'm right.
>open menu
>select boots
I like Ocarina of Time but its far from perfect, try again user
>I have ADHD, so Water Temple triggered me
t: (You)
Only correct answer is Diablo 2: LoD
>he's new
Oh, why didn't you say so?
Half Life 1 was a generic piece of garbage that only gets praised by two kinds of people:
1. Sup Forumsirgins with shit taste. But even then, they usually forget about HL1 and won't shut up about HL2.
2. Stupid newfags trying to fit in.
Ultimate Doom isn't perfect. Pistol is useless as always, and the difficulty curve of Thy Flesh Consumed is all over the place.
It's Doom
I don't have to say shit
Half Life 1 is also 10/10, contrarians who cry "hipster" can go fuck themselves.
Do I really have to say anything?
It's DOOM and it's clearly saying THE ULTIMATE.
It makes sense for the pistol to be weak. You should be grabbing the other weapons and it makes pistol starts pretty interesting. They designed each map to be beatable from pistol start.
What an idiot
saving that blini picture if you don't mind...
Ultimate DOOM isn't even the best DOOM game OP.
>barons of hell are fat unthreatening meat shields, so there isn't a good upper-mid range monster between Cacodemons and Cyberdemon/Spider Mastermind
>no SSG and poor monster variety, admittedly you only notice these once you play DOOM 2 though
Even with all that DOOM 2 isn't perfect either
>bullshit chaingunner traps
>the fucking city levels oh my god fuck Sandy Petersen
Seconding this.
Ultimate Doom and Doom II are the definitive examples of what a perfect game is.
Also git gud.
Fury3 was better
holy trinity of story, graphics, and gameplay
my all-time favorite
I will agree that they are close to perfect but they aren't quite there.
Also my point with chaingunner traps isn't that they are difficult to beat, it's that they're cheap as hell and far better monster placement styles exist. It's usually Sandy fucking Petersen's maps that use them too, you just open a door and there two balconies of 10 chaingunners on the other side. No interesting fight, just strafe across the door and put a rocket or two in.
>tfw no max payne 1 and 2 remakes with 3's gunplay
>tfw no [game] with 3's gunplay
>That one Archie mixed in with them
Fury3 was literally a rebranded Terminal Velocity that you had to play in a fucking window because DirectX wasn'[t a thing. And like all Windows games from the time, it suffered drastically from not being a DOS game.
it's not better
it's also not even comparable
Runewords ruined that game.
>point out a legit flaw in the game
>lol u so triggered REEEEEEEEE
Zeldafags defending their mediocre games are so adorable
>Perfect controls.
>Perfect graphics that look good even to this day.
>Perfect OST.
>Perfect worlds.
I know the perfect game doesn't exist, but this is the closest one I've seen for now.
>wanting remakes
Is there anything more pleb?
I don't think people can make a flaw from it other than it's extremely specific glitches.
I feel like a game is perfect if it captures what it tries to do perfectly. This may not be the most fun game in the world or replayable, but it had a goal and accomplished it incredibly well.
>Fantastic gunplay that is simple yet skillful, with huge weapon variety and enemies that are even more unique
>Grappling hook allows for countless options to attack and traverse along with many advanced techniques while being a goddamn grappling hook
>tons of different robots each with their own unique tricks and functions like built in weapons, flight, dashing, transformation, combination, multiple seats etc
>level design allows for wildly varying approaches to fights that alongside the previous points makes things always fresh
>every area is visually unique and constitutes a different style of play
>customization system strikes a perfect balance between having to find guns and being able to choose what you want to use
>story compliments the action, while still being compelling enough that you enjoy and root for the characters that appear, despite them not even having names
>OST is orchestrated but in an amazing way and is used to make incredible moments even more memorable
And I could keep going.
I fucking love Lost Planet 2
Sonic 3 & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles
I played through this alone and thought it was dull as dishwater.
I wonder if it's like Vanquish, DMC3, and Monster Hunter where it won't be enjoyable unless you have some idea of what you're doing
RE4 and Tetris
I understand people being mad about what RE4 did to resident evil but taken on it's own that game is amazing.
The best co-op game ever made. Period.
It's made for multiple playthroughs and exploring the levels to find the guns/VS's you want to use, and as you get a better understanding of the anchor and areas more things open up, so you should go back to it and try out different weapons/skills/tactics. Also playing it with three others elevates the game to a whole new level.
Not perfect, but out of my favorite list
Tetris, Doom/Doom 2, Blood, Unreal Tournament 99, Super Mario World, Crash Bandicoot 2, Bayonetta 1, Bioshock 1, Deus Ex
retarded gookshit for mentally underdeveloped
bretty gud, can't argue with any of these
Pfffft look at this grandpa. Why don't you go play some atari games?
Good list
Bayo and Bioshock aren't old games you fucktard
You meme-stealing prick.
At least I hope you consider Doom a 10/10.
>no SSG
enjoy how tedious it is to kill anything stronger than an imp, but not worth wasting a rocket on.
I can agree on RE4 and say that you should add REmake in there too.
too bad the john woo dive actually sucks and makes you super vulnerable and it's better to just roll around on the ground like a doofus
I seriously don't get people who like Dead Space 2 more than the original.
better mouse controls
RE4 but without the QTEs
>playing an RE4 clone with a mouse
it's just way easier to aim
not a huge deal for that particular game tho
Perfect Hatred?
not when you get the drop on them first
What, every map is the same way