Work retail in electronics

>work retail in electronics
>every other customer asks for nes classic
>been sold out since 5 mins after opening on the 11th
>no one buys these guys

I don't get it. More games, 2 wireless controllers, can use actual cartridges, and still no one buys these.

Even when Sega does what Nintendont, they still lose

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Because Sega has spent the past 15 years doing everything they possibly can to slander their brand and destroy their mascot.

Hard to cash in on nostalgia after that.

>It's another anti Nintendo fag that has no idea what the fuck he's talking about

how much is this sega thing?

honestly I don't like wireless controllers, fuck batteries

>More games
Of the 80 games, 40 of them are homebrews

>2 wireless controllers

Which are fucking horrendous

>can use actual cartridges
Which breaks easily and many games don't work on them.

Sonic is a shit series desu

You work in a fucking electronics retail store and you don't know how shitty those are?

Are we supposed to side with your shitty argument? See

I have the handheld version and fucking LOVE it. The arcadey gameplay of sega games makes them great for pick up and play in a waiting room, or bus stop, or on a plane

That's a shitty third party product that Sega doesn't even market.

40 of the games are filler, and the other 40 have a debatable 10 good games. The controllers aren't as bad as people make them out to be but batteries are annoying.
Aside from that, they're not really as bad as people try to say they are. Not worth $40 though

How much is it? Might pick one up if it's cheaper than the NES. Never owned any Sega consoles growing up.

I have one, it's shit. Controllers feel flimsy, has trouble reading carts and the inbuilt games selection is poor (Mine is an older 40 Games in 1 version). Haven't tried the NES Classic, don't plan to and I'm not defending it either but this thing is terrible.


It also has terrible sound quality.

Sega Genesis doesn't have anywhere near the nostalgia factor of the original NES. Plus, Sonic has already been re-hashed in endless collections over the years.

That thing is ONLY 40 dollars? That would be instabuy for me if anything like that were sold here. I thought it was like a 100.

I'd buy it but never saw it where I live.

Sega Internet Defense Force is strong in this thread

Looks like shit on a tv, half the games are action 52 tier, no saving, and it cost $80 on top of all that.

Not to mention SEGA whores out genisis stuff on everything so it's not like you can't get a cheap collection with way more stuff in it.

>all Mortal Kombat and Sonic

dammit Neptune didn't you have more games than that?

Yeah it's 40-50 depending on store. When I think about the price, it is kind of worth it, but if you're going for a more genuine experience you can get a real Genesis and a few games for about the same price if you search good enough

You're really asking why Nintendo fan boys won't buy something Sega?

I love the genesis but find Sonic pretty meh.

Just get a genesis for 20-30 bucks and buy a flash cart for 50.

Sega destroyed their brand so old school fans have already moved on, kids today only know Sonic as Mario's bitch so they don't care either.

They're made like crap, you have to hold the wireless controllers at the exact height of the system or the signal won't get to the console and the sound is bad source: I had one.

I remember buying one at a Rite-Aid. For the $40 I spent on it, I got a working Genesis, the first 2 sonic games, the streets of rage trilogy, bonanza bros, ecco, ristar, the vectorman games, the mortal kombat trilogy, comix zone, golden axe
Fuck I don't know why anyone wouldn't buy this. I don't even remember having any problems with the controllers or the visual/audio

It's probably because of the stupid name, why did americans have to change "Mega Drive" to "Genesis"?

For real if the NES mini actually let you use carts that would be something interesting.

But for now it's just a glorified emulator.

>What is an emulator

Reminder to anyone who complains about the controllers, it had inputs where you could insert wired controllers too

>no one buys these guys
How long are the cables?

SEGA didn't eve make this thing. At Games did. Nintendo made their NES classic themselves "I think" I was tempted to pick up the handheld genesis console that uses SD cards to play roms.

How did they fuck up the sound that much and think it was acceptable to sell.

We've been over this. It's ass.
>crappy emulation & sound
>crappy controllers
>"more games" but half of them are browser-grade junk
oh yeah, and it's been out for like 5 years already

sonic games are trash compared to Mario games. that's why

The name Mega Drive was already copyrighted.

>Fuck I don't know why anyone wouldn't buy this. I don't even remember having any problems with the controllers or the visual/audio
You're full of shit.

Wasn't the sound fucked on these?

>Sega nostalgia isn't really a thing
>Sega did such a shit job maintaining its IPs, no one really cares about Sonic anymore much less all the other forgotten IPs
>the actual device you're talking about runs like dog shit and I know this because I bought one for a friend last year
>Every system under the sun since Dreamcast flopped has a Genesis Compilation release
This isn't rocket science.

inb4 wrong kid died meme posts, Sega deserved to die once they went full retard with the Saturn

it uses shitty infared that has horrible reliability and probably requires that you sit closer to the console than the NES mini

OP, these clones were/are always garbage, I'm glad people aren't falling for it instead of waiting for the NES mini. The only one that came close to being good was the Atari Flashback 2, but they fucked it up by jewing out on the cartridge port.

all sega games available on steam
Sega has released collections for the PS3 and 360

people are buying the nintendos because the only other option is virtual console yet it costs less

Apparently nes classic audio ain't so hot either

But surely you already knew that :^)

This thing is complete shit. The sound quality from it is awful. Look it up on Youtube if you don't believe me.

>But surely you already knew that :^)

Will he acknowledge it is another question.

Because it's fucking garbage.
It's the same old genesis made by atgames with a new box.
Fucking awful audio and video output and extremely cheap quality.
Comparing it to the NES mini is pretty retarded since this is a licensed thing, not really made by sega.

I love Sega as much as the next guy, but there's a reason Sega Classic Console isn't selling well. It's shit. The emulation on that thing is fucking horrible.

Stop being a victim.

I was really hyped when they first announced the Mini NES because I assumed that it would also run carts.

Now I barely care

Nintendo simply has the better games. No one fucking talks about the PS1 despite having a game library five times the size and outselling the N64 three to one. Hell, hardly any PlayStation games could be classified as iconic, despite PS being the de-facto console for nearly two decades. Whenever people talk about games, they immediately think Mario, Zelda, Halo, Gears, but nothing on the Sony side.

How is this possible?

>mini nes plays carts
>prices for nes carts go up even more
No thanks

Sega isn't hipster enough for the Nintendo crowd.

Sega Genesis was shit. The only good games on it were Sonic and Mortal Kombat games.

>implying most idiots who buy these things know about that

don't pretend you are smart please

I'm sorry but you have spent your life in some kind of strange echo chamber. Stop projecting that.

>streets of rage
>not good

I have to wonder how many of these people are just salty console warriors posing as disgruntled Sega fans. They can't really be this autistic and faggy, right? The ones I grew up with had some level of respect for themselves.

Not the original Genesis console model nor are the controllers.

I would say this was the reason why but apparently idiots are buying the classic NES not becauses its a mini NES and controller but mostly for the games.

Sega has been releasing their Genesis stuff in plug and play devices since 2007 that's when I bought one and they've only continued to do this year after year. Nintendo takes care of its IP and makes it "exclusive" so they feel like they're getting something special even if it's the same shit from 3 years ago. That's what pricing them 5 dollars each on their stores causes.

None of the casuals buying this shit know the difference between good or bad emulation or if the cords are short or the batteries die on the controllers they just buy what they think is good.

>no one fucking talks about the PS1
>hardly any PlayStation games could be classified as iconic

>Resident Evil
>Silent Hill
>Crash Bandicoot
>Tomb Raider
>Metal Gear Solid

You couldn't miss a chance for console wars, do you?.

I don't even own one but you're most likely full of shit if you claim it's as bad as the genesis one.

>I have to wonder how many of these people are just salty console warriors posing as disgruntled Sega fans.

Literally all of them. It's Sonygaf here.

Have you tried playing with someone else? Fucking awful. I think the wireless signals of the two controllers interfere with each other.

Just remember that the Nintencucks are all children, when he said people talking he meant at his daycare.

I believe Nintendo outsourced their's as well.

He has a point though how many people think "I really want to replay the original Resident Evil/Tomb Raider/Silent HIll" Only "hardcore" gamers would care but pretty much anyone will pick up and play SMB, Mario Kart, etc.

I think it has the port option to use wired controllers if you want to buy some used ones or third party ones

>durr Nintendo is good because casuals like them xD

Someone post the magazine scan from the Wii/DS era about Nintendo abandoning their "male nerd fanbase"

Enjoy your casual waggle shit and censored games lol

Why would you not post about the new Genesis that TecToy is making?

I have more faith in that than anything atGames made.

Flashback 2 actually had diagrams inside the console showing what to cut and apply power to to get a cartridge slot working. The higher-ups didn't want a visible cartridge slot for some stupid reason, so the engineers hid the method for do-it-yourselfers to get working. Better than nothing at least.

It's an absolute piece of shit, quite a few cartridges don't even play and the ones that do run, look and sound worse than the original genesis