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Yes, that is the correct order to play them in
Have you seen my ring?
Skyrim > Oblivion
You cant start a thread with something that everyone agrees with and expect it to last very long
I have no idea how people can see Skyrim as anything more then pure shit.
Its a big world, sure, but combats fucking awful, questing's awful and there is only one choice in the entire game and it's basically what outfit you want some guards to wear.
The world's insanely unresponsive and everyone in the world only exists to tell the pc how huge a dick he has.
OP finally got it right
>modded Skyrim > the rest don't even matter
The exact same could be said about Oblivion, which has worse grafix and is set in the most boring province of all.
Shivering Isles is Oblivion's only saving grace.
sorry stranger my time is short so make it quick
i agree, but you still are a fag.
>skyrim babbies will debate this
OP is not fag, this thread doesn't belong here.
Your taste is too good for Sup Forums.
They value graphics, action and spoonfeeding over depth, roleplaying, immersion and story.
They want to feel like a badass dragonkilling shouting destruction stealth archer as soon as possible with as little effort as possible.
What is mods
Morrowind's combat was the worst of the 3 you quoted, with the ability to cut an enemy in the face with a sword, see it connect, see the game spawn a blood spatter, then be informed that the attack missed and did no damage.
The game was also intentionally obtuse about quest directions because they wanted to squeeze more advertisable hours out of what was in honesty a very short and underwhelming RPG.
Most of the people regurgitating the 'morrowind > all!' garbage are little kids who never played it.
the combat is dogshit in all of the games, especially morrowind. skyrim at least has the duel wielding thing.
its not really about how bad skyrim is. im a huge tes fan and have several hundred hours on morrowind and i was never quite sold on oblivion. main story is garbage and it started the level scaling enemy trend among other reasons i rate it relatively pretty low.
i hate when people shit on the combat when these are text heavy rpg's and not an "arpg" or hack and slash. morrowind had amazing quests, magic/alchemy systems the world and lore was amazing. honestly i cant trust anyones opinion who actually thinks morrowind is a bad game. maybe it's not your type of game but it is the best at what it tried to be.
>durr y do developers have to put effort in their games if we have mods :))
I like morrowind, but the combat and level up system is garbage and very dated. I feel no shame modding the game to give me decent stats. Nothing OP, but good enough to survive. The game's not about the combat, anyways.
Skyrim isn't bad. It's quite good. It's just that the other games had certain features that were better. In fact, if you wanna be nitpicky, you can show points that showed Skyrim is better than Morrowind or Oblivion.
Skyirm had better faction quests than Morrowind. Skyrim had better character design than Oblivion, etc.
Skyrim improved in some regards, but over simplified in many others. It wouldn't be bad as a standalone game, but it wasn't a worthy sequel. It took many steps back for the sake of appealing to a wider audience. Perks and dual wielding and UI overhauls are good, but the quality of the quests and small little things are just lost
Relax nerd they're both dogshit
I think Morrowind is just a game that either clicks with you or doesn't. You're not necessarily wrong about the game, but I certainly don't feel that way. I never really minded the dice roll based combat because it at least made your skills matter. It's not like later entries have enjoyable combat, either. And I think 'intentionally obtuse' is a stretch. The game just doesn't slam a quest marker in your face, is all. You're given directions you have to pay attention to and then you're set off to explore the world, it doesn't hold you by the hand like Oblivion or Skyrim.
I'm not a little kid and I put hundreds of hours into it.
I don't disagree.
On that note: ESO is very good but also very different. Definitely worth playing through. Orsinium expansion had the best story since probably Morrowind or maybe one or two side quests of Oblivion.
I was told ESO got a lotta shit it didn't deserve, but I'm not sure it's worth playing through due to A) the price and B) the lore getting fucked with. Besides, is it worth buying, since it's kinda dying now?
i dont know. i played it so much its not even an issue for me minus the first hour or two. i actually like the leveling system allowing you to gain stats very fast if you understand how to level your minor skills.
>Skyirm had better faction quests than Morrowind
i disagree. house hlaalu/redoran/telvanni quests alone shit on any quests in skyrim. not to mention the morag tong and imperial cult. honestly i found quests to be the worst part about skyrim by far. i only really liked the daedric quests, dark brotherhood some stormcloak/thalmor quests were cool too.
>he doesn't understand that Oblivion is the best game of the series
>Skyirm had better faction quests than Morrowind
>Get feather/unlock spells early as possible
>sneak into the vaults of the main houses and steal all their shit
>use a recall spell to go back to mudcrab merchant
>sell him shit, wait, kill DBASS when they appear and sell their shit too
>make like 100k
>use that with trainers
They totally overhauled it and renamed it Tamriel Rising or something, so the bad press it got is meaningless as its basically a different game.
It's longer than Skyrim so there's that
>Lore getting fucked with
It's not THAT bad... the fact is: a lot of lore you could only read from books or (honestly) from UESP is presented in the foreground so your ability to access lore skyrockets. Yea, somethings are changed but not too much.
>kinda dying
Doesn't mean anything as it's pretty much a single player game. Basically, multiplayer elements comes in:
>you can make guilds and talk to people
>in guilds, you can do special multi-person quests and dungeons (which are fun)
>trading guilds where you trade things
I was in a crafting guild with total bros. We collected materials and crafted shit for each other. So imagine getting to lvl 50 in all crafts for free and having amazing set bonuses.
ESO has
>good music
>great stories
>some pretty damn memorable characters. I even waifu'd one.
It was a lot of fun. I'd say go for it if the gameplay doesn't bother you. The voice acting is amazing by the way. No one ever mentions it but it is. Dumbledore, John Cleese, and a few others.
Is the game play worse than typical TES games? And it matters if it's dying cuz it's an MMO. if it dies, you won't be able to play it single player...
Plus Razum-Dar is my nigga
Here, I'll explain.
In Oblivion and Skyrim, the factions had overarching storylines. They weren't fetchquests, they had a story to tell and take part in. Oblivion obviously was the superior one but Skyrim still had stories. Morrowind did NOT have stories and most faction quests were: go here, kill this or fetch this, or do that. I wouldn't say they were repetitive but some rather weak ones. Temple for example: once you passed the "pray all over the island", they were pretty weak quests. Not ALL, but overall I'd say the other games had better faction quests.
I loved Telvanni. Morrowind had better factions but the quests weren't overly connected. But I think great house quests don't count, as they aren't a guild.
more or less. we used to cheese the fuck out of morrowind. i had one character that had a custom spell that blew up half of balmora in one shot and another close range spell that instant killed anything at the highest difficulty.
seriously though you can be 100% viable in morrowind combat playing the game legit in like 2-3 hours. cheesing the game gets old
Silly Sup Forums!
It's always 1 > 2 > 3
Not worse. Just totally 100% different. Didn't bother me.
If the servers go down, sure, you can't play. but that's NOT going to happen. Loads of people still play.
He was a total bro.
Every alliance had some cool niggas. The Morag Tong tsundere was mine. She pretty much openly asks you to visit her.
let me add ONE thing: Morrowind had the best progression, followed by Oblivion, and finally Skyrim fucked it up. Gaining ranks FELT like something.
But the stories sucked.
>Talks about factions
>Great Houses don't count because they aren't guilds
I'm still doing pretty bad on my character because I went battlemage with a spear + magic and I leveled up all my skills way too evenly and didn't level agility enough, so now I need to either level the fuck outta my destruction so I can do some damage or level agility and strength and put points into spear. I only even had the spear thematically and in case I ran outta mana. I suppose I could have invested into alchemy but I find alchemy in TES games to be so boring.
Might do the old trick where you make loads of INT potions, take them to increase INT and then make more powerful ones, make a potion that boosts enchanting, make alchemy enchantments, then make permanent enchantments to boost the fuck outta my stats.
The TES series would be a thousand times better if you removed all of the RPG elements related to skills, HP, damage, etc.
Give enemies realistic HP amounts, not damage-sponge 'survives 50 sword thrusts through the face' horse shit that feels more like doing math than engaging in combat.
i see where youre coming from but i think it kind of falls apart for me because in skyrim you dont feel any difference when youre the grandmaster wizard just because everyone greets you as such. sure you did the quest line and the story was probably more connected but that isnt enough for me. i liked that in morrowind the quests were more difficult and you had to do more of them to actually earn your title. i dont hate skyrim i just find it difficult to give it higher praise than the other games in the series.
ESO has my respect because it's not a game you grind or level up by killing monsters (you DO gain exp, but not much). You gain exp by doing quests and doing missions and reading and interacting.
It's story heavy.
i dont know. man im pretty much the opposite. i level alchemy on most of my guys because i enjoy collecting herbs to make potions and see them get progressively stronger. also lmaoing at your build. i wouldnt even try something like that
>i see where youre coming from
That's all I ask; that we agree that faction quests had more story in Skyrim and Oblivion.
Obviously, factions in Skyrim were quite garbage. Everyone has read that review of the thieves guild and why it sucks I'm sure.
This is me still:
So I agree with you
Oblivion had the best random or city quests
they may have overarching stories but this is literally all i remember
>do a dungeon
>do a dungeon
>do a radiant quest or two
>do a dungeon
>leader of the faction dies during last quest
>they make you the new guildmaster/leader/whatever even though you're the newest member of the guild
I wish Oblivion didn't have the worst goddamn fucking engine ever. I can mod the fuck out of Skyrim to be 4K and at least get 30fps but with Oblivion theres so many fucking problems and it crashes every ten minutes.
Skyrim didn't need a remaster, Oblivion did.
Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion
Thanks for reminding me. Other than special dungeons, Skyrim had probably the best dungeons. Each one had its uniqueness. Not just graphically, but aestetically: underground forests, waterfalls.
Too bad I wasn't a huge fan of the number of dungeons there were. Should have made more cities/towns or make them BIGGER.
Morrowind and Oblivion did that better
morrowind > skyrim > oblivion
How long would it take to sit down and thoroughly play through all three of those games? Given I have a nice job but no social life.
Oblivion had much better quests, a better story, better cities. Generic world.
Skyrim has goat dungeons and a better world. Shit quests, shit story, garbage disappointing cities.
Morrowind had the best world, best story, best gameplay, and some great cities too.
Give a completion percentage you'd define as "thouroughly"
Trying nearly everything? A lot. several hundred each.
All main quests of course, plus all guild/house/faction quests and major side quests, including DLC and expansion quests, and named NPC quests.
>goat dungeons
If you like fighting nothing but Draugr, then sure.
I can live with this.
Skyrim added crafting but removed spell making, so that balances out too.
Several hundred hours each? Or several hundred days of play for each?
Probably several weeks.
They're all the best at different things. Skyrim is the best at being played by casuals, Morrowind is the best at being worshipped by nostalgiafags, and Oblivion is the best at being called "comfy" by the kind of cringeworthy faggots that I ironically use the word "comfy."
As in: your time in each game will be 300 hours+ probably. How much you play daily will decide days.
Best world, best weapons, best magic, best story/lore, best impact of choices.
Best unique varied quests, guilds had unique identity distinct from each other
Had the smoothest gameplay but less in everything else.
Anybody that puts Skyrim on the top of the list probably never played through the other two and anybody that thinks Morrowind is bad is most likely and underage, impatient casual.
am i the only one who thinks oblivion has the worst main story?
id say you want to spend MINIMUM 100 hours on morrowind because the world has so much to offer. the other two go by how it feels but they're easily over 100 hours each
I did it for roleplay purposes. I wanted an uppity mage that kept foes at bay with a spear. I don't like alchemy in TES games because the system of going around collecting herbs and items seems simply boring. They could have made alchemy more interesting.
Morrowind=Can't handle the graphics, also the world feels so fucking small with MGE, combat is shit.
Runs on only one core lol (music too repetitive)
Oblivion=Characters look like shit, glitchfest, broken leveling system, moving is awkward, jumping like an anime character, awful textures.
Skyrim=Feels like a short game, very short faction questlines (you can do all of them just under 100 hours), everything's grey, small cities, boring, awful combat.
Not him but they are well crafted. The monsters are boring as fuck, but there is more variety than in Morrowind I believe.
Might be wrong. but if we classify based on rank too, I think I should be right
No, everyone knows Oblivion's main story is kinda shit. To be fair, several quests of the main story are GOOD, but closing the gates sucked.
>but combats fucking awful
It's the best in the series.
>questing's awful
daedra quests alone curbstomp every other quest from Morrowind and Oblivion combined
>The world's insanely unresponsive
It's the most lively world made so far in a video game. And you're comparing it to morrowind lmao, where NPC literally don't have AI
>the world only exists to tell the pc how huge a dick he has.
And in Morrowind it exists to dump the same wikipedia article each time you speak to an NPC
I want underaged memelords to leave.
Skyrim>Muh rowinds
No, many people agree with you. The only people that think Oblivion had better quests are the one's blinded by nostalgia.
>tfw TES:VI won't be for another 5 years and will be even more streamlined, simplified and casualized than any other game before it
>daedric quests curbstomp every other quest from Morrowind and Oblivion
WRONG. Oblivion also had Daedric quests (Morrowind did too but they were nothign special) and it did them the VERY BEST. This is excluding Shivering Isles. Skryim did them well but Oblivion simply had better ones.
Thanks. Looks like I have a good hefty amount of games in my back pocket that'll hold me over a good period.
It's true. Skyrim is shit.
It's just that Oblivion is shitter.
The daedric quests in Skyrim were OK, but the artifacts themselves were fucking horrendously boring. They were slightly reskinned versions of normal weapons with mundane combat effects.
people who say Oblivion>Skyrim are GUARANTEED to have played Oblow first probably while they were 12 years old
It sucks dick
>daedra quests alone curbstomp every other quest from Morrowind and Oblivion combined
...but the daedra quests in morrowi- oh it's a troll post, heres your (you)
people who say skyrim >oblivion are GUARANTEED to have played skyshit first probably while they were 12 years old
It sucks dick
True. I probably love oblivion the most but it feels so dated now.
>GUARANTEED to have played Oblow first
Is it not standard if you've been following a series to play the ones that came out earlier earlier?
I played Oblivion first, when I was 11, and I think Skyrim is a better game.
Why haven't you played Daggerfall yet, user?
>Oblivion had much better quests
mostly true, though skyrim had better daedric quests
>a better story
how is it any better then skyrims?
That just means you're not a slobbering retard.
there are dungeons with falmer, bandits, dwemers, draugr, vampires, no less variety then other games
me2 except i was 17
maybe articulate your thoughts better and ill give you a real response.
>best gameplay
>best world
ok memes have really gone too far now.
So Skyrim was your first game?
>best impact of choices.
>TES games
>Oblivion also had Daedric quests (Morrowind did too but they were nothign special) and it did them the VERY BEST
how? they are all one step quests
>They were slightly reskinned versions of normal weapons with mundane combat effects.
dawnbreaker - literally unique effect, spellbreaker again unique effect AND makes you immune to shouts with is a godsend against high level draugr
nice to see you are talking out of your ass
Not him but
Oblivion Daedric >Skyrim Daedric
How many times can i give my soul over? But it's almost a tie. Oblivion had more atmospheric ones I feel and not every Daedric quest had to be over the top.
Skyrim Main >Oblivion Main
No shit, it says right there at the top which sequel they are.
>How many times can i give my soul over?
what the fuck are you talking about? do you even know what people mean by daedric quests? protip its not the thieves guild questline
skyrim vaermina:
Learn of the nightmares of the people of Dawnstar.
Follow Erandur to the Nightcaller Temple.
Fight your way with Erandur to the library, and then find the book The Dreamstride.
Locate and drink Vaermina's Torpor in the laboratory.
In the Dreamstride, find and activate the chain that will release the Miasma.
Take the soul gem to stop the force field.
Make your way to the sanctum and kill Veren Duleri and Thorek.
Choose whether or not to kill Erandur.
oblviion vaermina
Once you have reached level 5, travel to the Shrine of Vaermina and talk to Aymar Douar to begin the quest.
Acquire one Black Soul Gem and activate the shrine to give it as an offering.
Find Arkved's Tower, and work your way to the Death Quarters. Steal back the orb from Arkved.
Return the orb back to the shrine and claim your reward: the Skull of Corruption.