Va-11 hall-a

Is this good game?

I need your opinion. I want to spend my 15$ wisely.

Boring garbage, just play snatcher or policenauts

It's my personal GOTY so far. This is coming from someone who was really looking forward to Mankind Divided and Dishonored 2 but both turned out to be utter trash. Also Nu-Doom was shit for me.
Va-11 hall-a is comfy as fuck and best to be played at night for 1-2 hours. Get some snacks, something to drink (preferably alcoholic) and let yourself suck into their world.
Also Dorothy a cute.

I really liked it, for the time I played it. Waiting for the sales to buy it now

i hope i didnt pay 15$ for this....
it's good but that free good.

everyone canagree that it's not disappointing.

This is why it's pointless to get opinions from Sup Forums.

Its kind of like Papers, Please.
You install it, play for 2 hours, think to yourself that was a fun, innovative game, it was nice to experience it, and then never again touch it.


One reply is an edgy one-sentence meme by most likely a 13 year old Reddit fagglet. The other actually bothered to write down two paragraphs and put things into perspective why OP should get the game.
You are both braindead dumbasses if you can't see the difference of the quality of the posts.
This is why you faggots will end up as burger flippers.

Papers, Please was shit.

The second posts qualifiers
>This is coming from someone who was really looking forward to Mankind Divided and Dishonored 2 but both turned out to be utter trash. Also Nu-Doom was shit for me.

couldve just as well been used for the first post.

>Va-11 hall-a is comfy as fuck and best to be played at night for 1-2 hours. Get some snacks, something to drink (preferably alcoholic) and let yourself suck into their world.

This can be said about any game. Comfy isn't some great descriptor for a game.

There really is not much of a difference between posts, just one has more bullshit.

congratulations, you just managed to say something without actually saying anything worth of value. just like the second post.

Now that I think about, the first post actually offers more substance than the second, in that he qualified his opinion with his opinion on two other games that are actually closely related to the first. Whereas Deus Ex and Dishonored literally have nothing to do with the game in question.

Everything is meaningless, man

>he can't let it go
Now you are just being butthurt because some user hurt your feelings on a Malaysian rice plowing image board. Pathetic.

Wow, what substance in that post ; *


I love it but it isn't as much of a """game""" as it is a really comfy VN.
I really enjoyed it and thought it was worth $15

As someone who has only played 2 VNs, (including va11-ha11a)
I really enjoyed va11-ha11a.
Wonderful soundtrack
Decent writing
Overall, extremely comfortable experience that was a breath of fresh air to play.
I played through it twice to get all the endings and I clocked about 18 hours.

I need the Dorothy card for Honey Select for research.

It's a visual novel, not a game.

It's a good visual novel, though, with an awesome aesthetic and soundtrack.

its good
anyhow, prepare for the long text that you will have to read.



dorothy = cute

Torrent it first, then pay for it when it becomes your GOTY.

Why are there three threads for this game in the catalog?

Best girl coming through

I'm gonna ask Jill for a Bad Touch!

is that the /agdg/ logo?

I got a good few endings out of that game
you are shit, never post again

If you're in to VN's already then you will probably enjoy it as much as the other people who give it 10/10 do.

I however do not enjoy VN's and I thought it was shite and refunded it.

The fuck they have legs?

I-i guess?

The only flaw it has is that making drinks is piss easy. Nice music, nice setting, nice art, nice story, that's all about it. It's perfect for a play beneath blankets at night.

I always assumed Kira*Miki was wearing a skirt or a dress, she looks like some kind of pilot like that

The more you know.

No, also it's not even a game.

>shilling this hard

>Said user, final authority on video games

Do you seriously think Venezuela has any money to spare for internet shills?

Visual Novels are not video games.

Is Sengoku Rance not a video game?