Option A

>option A
>1366 x 768
>high settings
>60 fps

>option B
>1920 x 1080
>low settings
>60 fps

>option Sup Forums
>don't play vidya

What do you choose Sup Forums?

A because I play windowed mode so I can keep an eye on shit like IRC because i'm a faggot without a second monitor.

If I had a second monitor, probably B.

None of the above.

>option C
>ultra settings
>60 fps

depends on the game really

Option A.

I always lower resolution first, I like to see the game at it's highest visual quality in terms of effects and such.

Call the cops, I don't give a fuck.

>1440p downsampled to 1080p
>Ultra settings

i wanna lick that foot

Option A
since High settings is likely to have AA enabled which will produce a nicer image than Option B on Low would at 1080p anyway

Checkmate atheists

B with drops.

how do you not die sitting on your foot like that
also I'll go with A I guess

Neither, cause my computer isn't a shitter.

How about THIS option?!

*unzips dick*

medium settings

Depends on the game. Anything that requires a draw distance, A. Anything that doesnt, B.

>60 fps
fuck nigga
give me 800x600 and 144 fps, shiet

The point is would you rather have an superior frame-rate and resolution at the expense of graphics or vice-versa.
That's real fucking neato, but not relevant to the question.

I use my other computor that can play at 1080 high graphics @ 60 fps

A, hands down.

really, when I was younger, I'd just run everything at rock bottom resolution (640x480 or 800x600) and turn everything else up as high as I could

Option A represent
>Giving a shit about jaggies

Really depends on the game
a fps or something I'd want 1080

Especially since "High" settings should also mean some good amount of AA.

Option C
1920 x 1080
High settings
144 fps

A easily, better sacrifice resolution than graphical effects
But both are kinda the same to me if the fps isn't being affected

A. Resolution is secondary to quality.

>sitting on your legs

good way to disrupt your blood flow and get big ugly varicose veins
