Battlefield 1

>Enter game
>Walk three feet
>Get sniped by one of the two hundred snipers on the enemy team
>Shoot enemy at close range with SMG
>He closes the distance and knifes me
>Get revived again
>Get killed instantly by a guy in a tank that's been raping our team all game
>Try to kill tank
>Get sniped again
>Get killed by overpowered flame trooper that no one wants to kill
>We lose

Played two and a half games of this shit and uninstalled. This and Infinite Warfare are the top two most unfun experiences I've had with multiplayer.

Sounds like you need to git gud

I know someone who dropped 60 on the new CoD just to try out the new zombies.

Jesus Christ

>buying the new CoD and the new battlefield
I don't know what to tell you.
except stop

Does the full game actually have maps with things on? Moving through the slums with the shotgun was some good shit in the beta, it's just then you've fully cleared it out and to find other enemies you need to enter the other 90% of the map which is fucking empty.

Honestly, I didn't care too much about either game. There was a buy two get one free deal going on, so I grabbed them along with Titanfall 2.

IW had a suprisingly good campaign, but the multiplayer is dogshit.

BF1 had an incredibly short campaign with shit characters and even worse multiplayer.

Titanfall 2 is great, though.


OP has clearly never played BF1.
>get revived after knife kill
You can't get revived after a melee kill you jackass.

Go back to your lonely lives Sup Forums.
This guy just wants to hate on a game he's never played.

Pretty much all the action centers around the objectives. Get too far out and you get sniped by one of the twenty snipers posted on the outskirts.

Git Gud for fuck sake OP

Bad game is bad

Why do you even bother playing competitive games.

Yea because spawn camping a fucking vehicle is the epitome of fun right faggot?

>being literally this bad and this mad

How do you stand so still in the open that you get sniped? How do you die to a knife with a close range SMG? How do you think the huge "CHARGE ME" targets are overpowered or that people don't want to kill them?

Tank complain is valid though that shit's retarded.

>Runs out into the open
>Can't kill people with an SMG at it's optimal range and gets knifed from the front which isn't even a 1 hit kill

You're fucking bad my dude

Bayonetting an elite class is the funniest shit desu

Even that isn't valid. Anti tank grenades absolutely rape tanks, and they explode on impact. Add the anti tank gun assault has and you can wipe 'em all out yourself.

1. I literally just spawned into the game in progress on my teammate and got killed.

2. Because the SMGs are worthless in this game,

3. I literally saw four or five people run past the flame trooper without shooting him along with people just running away from him. I was the only one engaging him.

OP is right
this game is fucking trash
>die even faster

Someone is killing you, right? So obviously then players who aren't shit are actually getting kills.

>he didn't try the beta to see how shit this game will be
you own fault tbqh familia

You got me there

>Implying I'm OP
didnt buy niggerfield 1 sorry. BF4 was enough to realize this series revolves around camping vehicles and getting an insane k/d.

>Play BF1
>Don't have a problem with snipers
>Don't have a problem tanks
>Slide right off people I bayonet charge
>Shotgun people from 5 feet away for 40ish damage
>Gently tap my hatchet on someone's back to let them know to spin around and automatico me
>Get shot from behind when there's 6 blue triangles on the lower half of the mini-map
>Get shot at from the same building that 2 teammates are also camping in, they never fuckng notice
>Fuck off and play titanfall 2 where shit actually works like you think it would and it actually tells you that most of your team is AI pussyshits

>Played two and a half games

Wow, you are one impatient manchild, TWO AND A HALF GAMES?

Jesus christ if I'd waste so much of my time I'd kill myself immediately.

Not that I like the snipers or the wonky ass instakilling melee but if you think you are supposed to be doing well after 1 hour of gameplay without applying any logic or like, going prone at some point - you should kill yourself.

>Sup Forums sucks at games as usual

Whats next
>Muh tanks!! too OP!!

Because bad first impressions and lack of fun makes someone want to keep playing, right?

>playing any battlefield after Bad Company 2

This alone proves that you're just shitting on it because muh black guys. It annoys me too but I got over it because it isn't really an accurate WW1 game in gameplay either.

It's leaps better than BF4 because you can deal with vehicles pretty easily, especially in a good squad and playing the objective nets a shitload more points than kills.

>didnt buy niggerfield 1 sorry.
Then why are you posting here?

Are you telling me you want the game dumbed down to the point where a newbie can be killing dozens in his first hour?

You mean to say the game is too hard for you, and they should make it easier for you to kill enemies without any knowledge of the game or any practice?

Because they already have you pathetic ass, just pick up an elite class


It should've been clear that BF3 was the death of the series

>>Shoot enemy at close range with SMG
>>He closes the distance and knifes me
and that's how i know you don't play the game. the melees all have fucking commando, he doesn't need to close the distance he just needs to glance in your direction and you get nothing personel kided.

on a serious note though it's pretty disgusting to see how many people wont even bother trying to shoot at close range and will just spam the melee button.

>Anti-tank grenades absolutely rape tanks
They're strictly close range and take like 4-5 hits to kill against a target more than nimble enough to avoid them. And if the tank has actually gotten close enough that you're hitting it the driver and/or it's gunners are shit anyway.
>Add the anti tank gun assault has and you can wipe 'em all out yourself.
fucking lel
Don't spawn in on teammates who are in the middle of a fight unless you want to risk dying then.

The Automatico is up there for the best gun in the game. Even using the stock MP-18 trench is fairly effective, especially against people trying to fucking melee you. It has a fucking TTK of like .5 seconds and the guy knifing you would have had a TTK of like 2 full seconds AFTER getting to melee.

Then just charge him you fucking shitter.

You're fucking garbage. How do you literally be too shit to play a battlefield game?

I'd drop BF1 in a heartbeat if they went back and updated the shooting mechanics of BC2, and gave us 60hz servers.

Sadly unloading 60 LMG shots into someone at close range only for them to turn around and kill me with an smg is not fun at all.

I can work around the insane melee-distance, and the retarded snipers - I can't deal with the wonkiest hit detection of that game though.

What pisses me off the most is the fact that people drive around in tanks but dont have driver license in real life holy shit

Also the smug niggers who have 50 silver stars on tanks 3 weeks after the game dropped have severe autism.
Most of the time they dont do shit for the game, they stay hundred of meters away from every single Flag and just kill from distance pushing their own KDA but ignore points.
On the other hand kids take the tank drive around for 1 minute and get killed.

>I want my games to be braindead easy to pick up and so devoid of skill that anybody can just pick up and wreck vets
That's called being a fucking casual. Welcome to multiplayer games.

He is right about the tanks though.
Close range - they are very easy to rape to hell as long as more than a single assault is trying and not just running into the open to throw the nade, long range they are practically untouchable if the driver knows his shit.

>Implying it didn't die with bad company
Fucking underage.

i don't understand why the fuck dice do what they do but from my experiences so far the hatchet cannot damage the LMG sentry and the shovel can't damage the SMG sentry. i'm pretty sure my hits were on point and i was hearing the clanking of it hitting but i wasn't even getting hit markers.

DICE has promised that they'll do BC3 eventually. Hell, it's even heavily implied that that's what DICE LA is most likely working on right now

Yeah, I agree.
Him saying you can just take them down alone though, or that they're "raped by AT grenades" is just silly though. It's parking a tank at long range that's just dumb at the moment.

>Bad Company

pick one

>enter game
>click the tank buster plane
>strafe AA
>strafe tanks
>strafe infantry
>rip tailing fighter planes with the turret
>end the game with 10-20 kills and no deaths
Literally the only thing that worries me is AA trucks, but you might see those once in ten matches.

That doesn't really spark my interest though, they are really taking a terrible approach to casualization with elite classes, behemoths, Medals that make people anti-objective oriented and anti-cooperative.

I am 23 years old and have been playing video games my whole life.
But Titanfall 2 PC was the first online fps iv played since World at War... on Wii.
I am REALLY trying, but I am lv 30 and have YET to get better than absolute worse on the team for every game, and usually by 100s of points. It is frustrating bc I loved the single player.

Now that the context is out of the way,
I just got Battlefeild 1 for PS4 in hopes that I will have a easyer time getting better. This thread worries me. How fucked am I?


fuck that, they're fucking outsourcing it?

*cracks open a granate with his bear hand*
--Heh,welcome to real war is hell, kid

You can gimp them even alone, take out one side of the guns at the very least - or even kill if you had dynamite and succesfully sneaked up on on.

But yeah, tank sniping is way more of an issue, people still go 50-0 every day with them and absolutely nothing stops it from happening, AT rockets seem more effective against infantry and yourself.

>Patiently sneak up on a renault that's brutally murdering my scrubmates
>Sprint the last bit of distance
>Drop 3 land mines fucking instantly
>Blast them
On that long narrow mountainous map I once snuck up on two tanks that were on the ridge of B firing down at A and I manged to kill them both with the explosion. I pity faggots that still run around with anti-tank nades or dynamite.

>shooter on consoles

Fucked in the head maybe.

All dice games have always had horrendous hit detection though. BC2 wasn't that much better, but the spammy guns made it less noticeable.

Aren't those the same guys who made MoH: Warfighter?

The problem is that the AT rockets aren't effective at long range. Too many glances means you need, in practice, 10+ rounds without them reloading. And the only other long range AT is the static field guns (no) and other tanks.

You can't be revive when you get knifed

>that much better

It was atrociously shit user, thats my point.
In BF1 atleast 9 times out of 10 I'm hitting the target when I should be. In BC2 pointblank shots did no damage.

Yep, theres basically nothing to handle them.
I play rush mostly and the fact that defenders don't even get tanks many times is the most ridiculous thing.

>Because the SMGs are worthless in this game

And yet, somehow, they're widely regarded as the best guns in the game. In fact, the level 10 assault gun is indisputably THE best gun in the game.

>3. I literally saw four or five people run past the flame trooper without shooting him along with people just running away from him. I was the only one engaging him.

Well duh, the fucking thing is made for bad players like you and basically instakills everything in a 40meter range

You either run away and snipe/blow him up, or charge him with melee.

>start game
>join match
>DirectX error crash for the 17th time
>still no definitive fix
>happens to AMD and NVIDIA

Shooters on PC are very competitive, especially one as fast paced as Titantfall. While you'll be criticized for BF1 on console, at least everyone is equally gimped, and you may actually stand somewhat of a chance.

Try deleting game settings/bf1 beta settings from docs.

Everyone said vetren keyboard and mouse players are part of the problem, so wouldn't it make since to go to ps4?

Nobody ever cares about the flame troopers because it's so hilariously easy to keep kiting outside his range. He's easily the shittiest special class.

Will try, what about anything BF1 related in appdata or roaming folders?

>when Sentries cannot even put on a gas mask

Sorry but no, its extremely effective if used well - ofcourse depending on the map.
Argonne flamers are death incarnate.

Couldn't hurt, it was definitely the shit left in the documents that caused getdevice errors for me, solved once shift+deleted them and the game could recreate them, I'm on nvidia though.

Sentries shit out DPS at range. Flame troopers are a walking target and nothing more.

while im not a fan of the game it sounds like you just jumped in expecting to do well despite having never played battlefield before

>buying an EA game
>any year

Again, a gas grenade - of which everyone gets TWO, doesn't only shut them down but kills them.

Sure a flame running in the open is easy - again, thats a bad player though.

I didnt buy it because its shit niggers are only a portion of the problem.

>Again, a gas grenade - of which everyone gets TWO, doesn't only shut them down but kills them.

Just run through. It takes fucking years to kill them with gas grenades.

>Sure a flame running in the open is easy - again, thats a bad player though.

Too bad they put flame kits on the most wide-open maps.

Tank hunter is by far the best anyway.

>Play Battlefield 1
>Spawn into Rush
>Run to defend point B, flank around the side because i'm not an idiot who throws himself into the meat grinder
>Come up on a dude on the ground and club him in the face
>His m8 turns to face me, attack him with the club and beat his ass before he can kill me with his machine gun
>Third dude flies by me in a bayonet charge that missed
>Club him in the back of the head

Chivalry: WW1 Edition is a blast thus far.

Does anyone get color glitches on St. Quentin Scar?

>Too bad they put flame kits on the most wide-open maps.

Not my experience, but then I don't actually play conquest and that seems to be everyones favorite clusterfuck.

Again though - a sentry that gave away its position, is now taking damage and running - thats an easy fucking target.

Never even meet tank hunters though, not the kit, not the players.

sniper and mortar spam is really annoying and dice doesn't allow a limit, this is stupid as fuck.
why can't i play together with people on a server that dislike sniper spam as much as me ? 3 snipers per team is enough.
i even hate snipers in my own team, they are useless.
snipers are useless but annoying as fuck.
god damn dice.

No, but when I'm not crashing because of the DirectX error I do get massive color glitches and the "nuclear sun" glitch on Aimes.

Indeed, they made an advanced filter for advanced settings on servers - but all servers are vanilla.

Also overhead view of mortars shots is absolutely retarded, who the fuck needs spotting when you can see everyone from a bird's eye view on every shot?

I get that sun shit too.

Are you on AMD also?

Work for me. The game has not crashed once with my 3770k and GTX780

Yep, 480 8gb, it hasn't happened in a while though and seemed to only happen when I was playing the map on Conquest, if I played it on Operations or Rush it never happened if I recall correctly.

>want to play tank
>Load in with fairly good Loadtime
>all tankslots are filled faggot but we have three horses if you want ;^)
>Sit and wait frantically clicking the Round tank icon with a zero at it's side
>after five minutes and game is already half done manage to begin to select your tank
>obviously want my new nice Flamethrower tank so i must go in and swi-
>Ooops to slow my man, another faggot just fast spawned with the generic starter landship, Alone, with no squad.
>Sit and wait another five minutes
>this time by some miracle manage to spawn in, score is now 800 to 600 with the game wrapping up
>Drive to closest red point, begin the barbeq--
>get one shotted by anti tank mines, get whined at for choosing tank because you cant drive it you noob
>spend rest of the game with a K/D of 0.1 in the spawn screen.



>not playing with Single Action Rifles like Smle
>one shoting almost everything

> it's a trooper survives being hit by the the AA but it melts the fighter planes episode


Had some really fun weeks of multiplayer with some old friends of mine, but the game didn't hold our attention for long. I'm sort of sad to see Battlefield going down this road..

Guess you can't expect different from nu-DICE and EA..

you seem like you're probably playing on PC which is filled with hackers. So, y'know, try to not do that.

Remove scouts

It definitely sucks, your best bet is entering an empty server to set up your tank-kits first
And you do have to hit some middleground between sniping and pushing in, because those who push in do get raped.

Dice definitely forgot about some basic multiplayer functionality, its like they havent been remaking the same game for over half a decade...

>theres an actual killfeed somewhere in the settings

Dice is so retarded

Im never buying another fps game unless snipers are taken out. Learned my lesson with bf4. Havent bought an fps since

If the problem is historical inaccuracy then Battlefield isn't the series for you


>mfw unlocking the Model 10A Hunter

Holy shit this gun is the gateway into FUN.

Then you are never buying an FPS again because snipers are the No.1 kiddie bait and the most wanted thing by all children.

>tfw people are too cowardly to risk their virtual "lives"

>Then you are never buying an FPS again

Fine by me then

gateway into whats getting nerfed next patch same with the autimatico

When it gets nerfed I'm going back to the benet mercie LMG and sniping people with it.

>bad company 2
>not the worst