They say it's inspired from C&C and Dune 2, and it does remind me a lot of Emperor: BfD. Anyone have any more info?
They say it's inspired from C&C and Dune 2, and it does remind me a lot of Emperor: BfD. Anyone have any more info?
>Units are futuristic/modern mishmash and look like nerf toys meets hot wheels
>unsatisfying sound design and will probably feel uninvolved in combat
So what made rtses of yesteryear good as opposed to things like act of aggression and ashes of singularity
I don't like RTSes
What's the draw?
will be dead in 1 day because PCucks only play Starshit but complain there are no other RTS.
looks like generic clickfest nr.10
If being a clicky clicky rts is the best you can do you'll never get starcraft players to switch.
I'm not really feeling it, but maybe I'll go see if I can get Dune 2000 to run.
I need to see the game interface.
Lately whenever I see an RTS interface it's made for fucking ants, no scaling, and poor usability.
>playing mp
How awful my friend I still play AOE 2 and AOM and Lordaeron TA(w3 custom map)
Also AOW3 and Homm5.5(Not RTS but still love them)
It looks generic as fuck.
>it's another futuristic RTS that looks like every other futuristic RTS
why did people stop doing fantasy or historical RTS games, it's all fucking sci fi now
i want 100 more dungeon keepers
Is that some fucking chromatic aberration?
>chromatic aberration
If it's cheap I might get it just to trash some shitters.
>Yellowish righteous military faction
>Resistant red factions, literally with the base on wheels so they will likely be the "hit and run" one
>Glowy green resources/features
Yeah, no. I'm starved for a new C&C game but this is ripping off levels.
>Yellowish righteous military faction has Mammoth Tanks, Predator Tanks, Juggernauts with treads, Pitbulls, and APCs
They're seriously not even trying.
Looks bad honestly, it's just bland.
When they say "inspired by C&C" they mean they are ripping off the gameplay, they will lack actors and a decent story, they will lack graphics and FXs worth of the year they are released in and they will have 0 innovation in the gameplay whatsoever.
Speaking of RTS, what happened to Dune? Is the game license also owned by EA?
Will we ever get another Dune game?
Its made in unity isn't it? It looks likes shit.
>chromatic abberation
>every unit is a tank
What made C&C good was the unit composition, this game looks bland as fuck!
>Will we ever get another Dune game?
>exclamation point
this is not proper Sup Forums etiquette
The Dune game license is back with the estate of frank herbert and they pretty much said "no" to further dune games ever.