Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Free

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Free


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How's this game overall? It's gonna be free this week for GWG.

It's like far cry but less shitty

im so lazy to create a ubi account, cant i just pirate it? its free anyway

I also want to add that its a compressed version of far cry 3. Meaning it helps you experience everything in far cry 3 in a less bullshit amount of time

It's an amazing little game!


Blood Dragon was fucking tits.

straight outta hotline miami

You lost me

>downloaded this game days ago
>launcher crashing every time
so THIS... IS THE POWER... OF UBISOFT GAMING..... woooooah..

It's also free on piratebay.

RoboCop is my favorite movie so it was good fun to use the AJM

Power Glove is fucking based and needs to do more game OSTs

I'd rather pirate it and I haven't played pirated pc games in years.


The gameplay got pretty repetitive after a few hours but damn, the aesthetic and music really kept me going.



Literally came to post this one and resurrection. Name a game with a better soundtrack. Pro tip: you frigging can't dude

>Hotline Miami

thanks for the heads up OP

This game deserved better level design. The areas were really boring rips straight from FC3 with some added techno caverns, but the guns, music, and stupid story were fun enough to make it worth playing.

>it's literally NARC