Why Manhunt got so little attetion?

I mean, it was notorious for it's violent executions and the snuff theme. Normally, people are curious for the these kind of infamous games, but Manhunt went unnoticed. It also has a sequel, but it looks that the sequel was a happy accident more than anything else. Also, Manhunt probably best Rockstar game ever.

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Has 4chainz been invaded by Slavs recently or is terrible grammar in interrogative sentences some kind of meme?
It's "Why did Manhunt get so little attention?", how fucking hard can it be?

>, it was notorious for it's violent executions and the snuff theme
literally answered your own question

Manhunt wasn't good.

That probably helped.

It was so fucking frustrating to play.

Very little to no social media at the time. Vidya journos were still busy defending the medium from the mainstream media. In short, nobody cared.

Manhunt DID get a lot of attention.
Also learn english before posting.


It's no problem once or twice but I swear to god like half the posts on this board are doing it

Brother, Manhunt had so much news about it. Are you under 18?

Perdono. Lo sienta.

>but Manhunt went unnoticed
It really didn't. It was quite notable at the time.

Well, i guess "why did Manhunt got so little attention?" would be better because it's the past tense and Manhunt is an old game.
t: slav

Also i loved the game and i wish there was more games like it. The setting had a really creepy vibe, the soundtrack was superb, and, well, the gameplay was good.

it wasn't fun like Postal 2

>Manhunt probably best Rockstar game ever

It was a mediocre stealth/action game and it's biggest selling point was being set in the same universe as GTA and the gore, even Manhunt 2 was better with it's Fight Club story.

Pic related is best R* game.

>postal 2

>guns feel like shit
>melee has awful hit registry
>guns are weak as shit ALONG with sounding and feeling like shit except for like 1 or 2
>runs like shit
>boring walking everywhere to actually do shit
>awful visuals
>relied on shitty offensive humor without any actual comedy to back it up

game was shit

>Well, i guess "why did Manhunt got so little attention?" would be better because it's the past tense and Manhunt is an old game.
No, did is already in the past tense
Auxiliary verbs are there to be conjugated, while the main verb doesn't change its form
I can understand Slav education being shit, but when have you ever seen an English native speaker say "Why did you went there?" or something similar?

you're trying too hard

Excellent OST! Like Carpenter but on another level and full of hate.


It did get a lot of attention
San Andreas, Manhunt, & Bully got lots of attention from the media around that time period

>I was still sucking mommas nipples when Postal 2 came out

It was amazing at the time. Saying Postal 2 is shit is like saying GTA 3 is shit because you played it yesterday.

Same reason as Hatred. If you make a game that exists to be controversial and then it turns out the game itself is really dull, people will forget its existence extremely quickly.

aside from pissing on a donut and leaving it for a cop to find there is literally nothing fun to do in it

also the protagonist is an unlikeable cunt who kicks a dog first thing in the morning, I would gladly shoot him myself




My nigga. Rockstar will never top The Warriors

>inb4 RDR

Postal 2 was shitty when it came out and it still is.

what did I say that was inaccurate?

Well i'm sorry my man, i'm self-taught and most of my daily English practice is reading Sup Forums. But yeah, slav education is shit.

I agree. Everything about the game was great and it's actually one of the best coop beat-em-ups ever made. I also absolutely loved the level where this song played. youtube.com/watch?v=EGcXaHSJbxM

it just wasn't a very good game

Underage poster detected. The first manhunt for a huge amount of attention when it was released. It got a ton of coverage in video game magazines which were the go to place for video game news at the time.

Warriors remains abandoned on one of my shelves. Guess I'll have to play it.

Do yourself a favor and play it.

It got coverage in the press, but people didn't respond well to it. Otherwise it'll probably be a well known franchise with some sequels. Are you both 19 or something? You can teach me proper english, but you don't need to explain what video game magazines are to a professional adult like me.

I honestly loved the first manhunt, But personally, I think it came out at the wrong time though 2003 was a nice year for gaming.

I'll do it. I was reluctant to play it even though it's a game that's considered to be good and I'm also a fan of the movie. Do you know if the plot is exactly the same or they add some extra things?

It's such a wonderful game. The atmosphere, the trippy story, the paranoia. I had many dreams while running through this game.

The original plot is exactly the same as the movie but the game starts before the big meeting with Cyrus, the game starts with Rembrandts initiation and goes from there, after the meeting which is pretty far in the game you will play out everything that happened in the movie. Also you will unlock flashback missions that show how every single of the 9 members got into The Warriors, these missions are unlockable but just as good if not better than some of the main missions.

>even Manhunt 2 was better with it's Fight Club story.
Literally worse in every aspect.
- Sountrack
- Enemy designs
- Shitty Fight Club plot that shits on itself.

Manhunt 1 was unique, Manhunt 2 is its retarded son.


1 is a great tight no-bs kinda game. 2 is a fuckfest.

It was released in a time when video games werent as popular and video game violence did not get as much attention as it does now.

How's middle school treating you? Classes going all right?


When you were hiding and sneaking around, it was intense as hell. Once you got to the prison though / military gang area, it became really fucking annoying.

Being spotted meant you now had to sprint across the entire map while they're at your heels hoping you lost them before you run into a shadow spot.

The prison / asylum is where it started becoming too tedious, and where I just started rushing everything with the M4 and shit for the sake of just getting to the end so I could finally finish it.