So i completely skipped this era of Tomb Raider and i was thinking on give them try.
Are they worth a playthrough?
So i completely skipped this era of Tomb Raider and i was thinking on give them try
they are actually fun platformers. good games unlike reboots
Yes. I really like those 3. I could never get into the older ones but this new gen games before the reboot were great. Still has old school Lara and the same feel but modernized. Anniversary is a Remake of the first one so theres that.
Absolutely. The story from Legend and Anniversary is way better than the reboot.
The first reboot Trilogy is fucking amazing.
As far as I'm concerned these are the only good Tomb Raider games because the tank controls in the originals make them fucking unplayable. Seriously fuck whoever thought that taking tank controls and putting them in a third person shooter PLATFORMER where you need to make split second jumps and turns was a good idea.
Also fair warning, avoid the HD Trilogy version on PS3. It's actually just PS2 versions upscaled rather than the PC/X360 ones which had much better visuals.
Trilogy was a reboot as well in case you don't realize, the first reboot.
Yes, also best Lara.
Is it really a huge leap in visuals? i just wanted all of them in 1 box and amazon has it for 20 bucks so i was thinking on just grabbing that.
Crystal Dynamics' trilogy has better gameplay than the originals.
Can we have a PS4 remaster of this trilogy?
Can we have a remaster of tomb raider 1 through 5 with PS4 quality graphics. Please.
>Also fair warning, avoid the HD Trilogy version on PS3. It's actually just PS2 versions upscaled rather than the PC/X360 ones which had much better visuals.
Why is this allowed? Like seriously?
It's bizarre, instead of just porting the pc/360 they went back to the ps2 version and gave it a facelift like this shows.
Not sure why do all that work when you can just port the 360 version.
According to NeoGAF thread back in the past, Crystal Dynamics contract with Microsoft was so that Microsoft is the only one to have the "next gen" version of the games. Note how they only came out on PS2 and PSP for Sony while PC and X360 got the "next gen" versions.
People clamored for PS3 release because they were upset it's X360 "exclusive" on next gen consoles so they decided to throw Sony owners a bone and gave the PS2 versions a quick facelift.
It actually has a few better effects than PC/X360 version, mostly shadows and wet effects, but textures are taken directly from PS2 so it's nowhere near as sharp as PC/X360 version.
Underworld also has no ending on any platform other than X360 because ending to that game was cut out for DLC and that DLC is Microsoft exclusive due to lifetime contractual obligations. GG.
That "next gen" thing is shit.
>Underworld also has no ending on any platform other than X360 because ending to that game was cut out for DLC and that DLC is Microsoft exclusive due to lifetime contractual obligations.
Literally what?
>conclusion to the game was universally cut out and only Xbox 360 owners can experience it through paid DLC
I can't believe what I am reading
>A cynical exercise in artificially holding a level back from the game and then punting it out at a price that makes you wince
Yeah, I guess it was a reboot. However Lara retained a similar personality from the Core developed games and they still played similarly. Underworld is a fantastic Tomb Raider game.
I played Underworld on PC and didn't even notice this is missing.
Your knee will end up all soggy.
I played the PS3 trilogy version and there is nothing wrong with it, except for the missing X360 exclusive dlc that is. Other than that its rather great actually. Nice having all the games on one disc.
i dont get it
knee deep in pussy? Idk.
Anniversary is the best tomb raider game, a great game on its own, and arguably the best remake ever made.
It's a remake with some things kept intact for nostlagia, some cleverly changed for freshness and surprise, and some improved for modernity
truly a great game
Definitely. It's right up there with REmake.
i always meant to give the og tr series a shot, played revelations as a kid and enjoyed it. seem to remeber saving the game when i was on fire, so i stopped playing.
i completely anniversary on psp when it came out, and well worth playing. visuals were pretty damn good for psp standards as well.
My soggy knee
Played on PS3 and despite what people saying here loved it.
Legend is a bit meh but still better than new games, Underworld goes full casual and mostly abandons bosses but has great visuals and platforming sections.
PS3 has some nasty fps problems tho, I could swear game moved at 15 fps at a times but with frameskip.
It was very noticeable since smooth animation was looking fucking choppy because of frameskip.
Anniversary is the boss tho, good level design, good gameplay and enemies, good visuals and textures, all enemies and puzzles straight from old TR's that bring a tear to your eye, fucking beautiful levels but Egipt and Greece levels are above awesome.
Anniversary was the best TR I played since Last Revelation and trilogy is worth getting for it alone.
I loved visuals but dont know how they differs from PC or xbone.
>Underworld goes full casual and mostly abandons bosses
Was Tomb Raider ever a very boss heavy series?
Previous TR's did had its share of shooting at bullet sponge enemies.
In TR Underworld I dont remember shooting anyone even remotely boss like.
At least it had great levels, it looked beautiful, platforming sections and puzzles werent bad either.
Tomb Raider came out before PS1 had analog controls. TR1-5 controlled fine, it was just stilted it all as you walk up to ledges, count your steps, then do running jumps off a single tile.
>you walk up to ledges, count your steps, then do running jumps off a single tile.
You deserve those trips for reminding me.
Run to a ledge, jump back two steps and run.
It actually made things easier, the moment you were jumping from the ledge something inside instantly clicked like "right there, thats the point I like that jump"
Same thing in old 2D Oddworld games.
Legend: good, but short. Nice post anjelina jolie movie aesthetics / Lara character. Great variety of locales, feeling of being a bad ass globe trotter on crazy adventures, that old feeling TR2 and TR3 captured perfectly. Puzzles a little weak. Nice story, okay gameplay
Anniversary: great, meaty game play, LOTS of serious platforming, heavily copied from the prince of persia series. Very good puzzles for finding relics. Great story, very intelligent remake, full of love and respect for the original while making some things better
Underworld: great locales and level design, and graphics too at the time. Pretty bad gameplay, rushed and totally disappointing story. Huge letdown. Overall feels rushed and unfinished, but the levels are all memorable
They're decent games, play well enough, Anniversary and Underworld have somewhat well designed levels. The climbing is mediocre, camera is an issue.
Legend is also great, but might aswell be called Corridor Raider.
Also, Underworld Lara is best Lara.
Underworld's story was definitely a disappointment. I really liked the mystery of Lara's mom's disappearance in Legend.
Because it was a reboot done right
If you don't care about graphics or 60 FPS, sure it's "great".
It's literally the third worst way of playing the games, right after PS2 and PSP versions.
Why is the movement in Underworld so fucked up
What do you mean?
it was great, and they fucked it up beyond belief
oh look its my mom standing next to a pit of goo
Legend was a comfy experience. I really enjoyed that game, fuck it, I'm downloading it now - I last played it on the 360 and the framerate used to tank on that. I guess the PC version runs good?
Just got Tomb Raider 1996 running, is it possible to map the mouse clicks?
Framerate wise its PC > PS2 > X360 > PS3 > PSP
PS2 before 360? That can't be often lol. I'm also reading on pcgaming wiki that the next gen mode on legend is broken which is a shame.
Learn to read son, FRAMERATE
X360 has better graphics but worse framerate
Also I played Legend on PC few months ago and Next Gen mode worked fine.
All very fun games. Fairly casual compared to the originals, but still enjoyable.
Get MGS HD Collection instead
All of the HD collections on PS3 are worth getting except Silent Hill.
One thing I love in Underworld is the dirt that appears on Lara as you climb and Tomb Raid.
Water washes it off.
Also those levels where you start on her boat. Muy Bueno
That's is an abomination