Verdict on cyberpunk?

Verdict on cyberpunk?

Meme genre for hipsters

Nobody remembers the "punk" part anymore.

steampunk cuck pls go

Cool again.

Though this part's true. It's kind of embarrassing that people call things like Deus Ex (where's you're basically a cop, and part of the establishment) cyberPUNK.


i still think DE is cyberpunk
the main character was just just given a different role


>no cyberpunk game where you fight FOR the oppressive government, beating the shit out of rebels

All the memeing about it is ruining it
Next the normies will take it

judge dredd

Best setting, rarely done right. Thanks hollywood for fucking over ghost in the shell, by the way

How about Syndicate, the original game?

You play as agents for one of those megacorps, doing whatever you want so long as the mission gets fulfilled.

Deus Ex's themes of corrupt government and abuses of corporate power are fairly punk. It bugs me more when Sup Forums claims that anything with neon lights at night is cyberpunk.

Better than steampunk/5

It's nice aesthetically but it's hard to do anything fresh and interesting narratively.

>Metal Gear Solid 2
>Anarchy Online

All -punk genres are cringey fedoracore. Cyberpunk is especially bad because it pretends to be philosophical - at least steampunk is aware it's just drivel.

SNES Shadowrun over Genesis? Low tier list.

Barely any good games or films in the genre.

>where's you're basically a cop, and part of the establishment
Yeah, in that fucking setting. It's a world design, not a 'if you're not X then the world can't be U' bullshit retard mindset.

>deus ex
>deus ex HR
>system shock
>system shock 2
>perfect dark
>shadowrun dragonfall and hong-kong
>blade runner

>judge dredd
>blade runner
>total recall
>strange days
>ghost in the shell