Why do people keep on playing Mobas?

Why do people keep on playing Mobas?

It is the same map every time. You do 99% of the time the same thing and built the same items.

Shooters at least give you 8-10 maps and huge fucking teams/maps.

They're the video game equivalent of compulsive shitposting.

I remember the first time I played dota, I thought "wow, this will never get stale, its a different game every time!"
Only when you get into the meta do you realize how complete and utter bullshit that is.

It's just like players who only play dust_2

They're slow and simple minded just like the people who play them

football, basketball, soccer, baseball, hockey, etc

I play mobas because I hate my life and just want distract myself from the suffering.

If you want a serious answer it's because it's easier to improve in a game where there's less variables. HOTS is garbage because there's too many shitty maps and zero focus on individual skill.

Only reason I don't get bored is I'm not one of the many retards who "main" heroes/champs and there's barely any of them that I don't have fun playing so I can go weeks without playing the same character.
That being said, I only play a few matches like every other day so that helps too.

Tons of asians play them because they're F2P and they don't have any souls. Same goes for all the poor countries that can't afford better PCs or can't afford to buy games at all. Basically mobas are the cellphone games of PC gaming

>Why do the most high-level casuals keep on playing Mobas?
now to answer that question...
they're more in it for the verbal violence from what I've noticed

Why do people make threads about games they dont like?

It's the same shit every time. You make 99% of the time the same shitposts and memes

Games you like give you at least 8-10 minutes of good discussion.

but MOBAs are kinda fucked

Heroes of the Storm has different maps, though
team comp in assfaggots is what changes gameplay rather than the maps

You could've made your own or contribute to one it you decided to go full /qa/. You're no better than the OP.

MOBAtard spotted

>oh, if you don't want to be shit you need to use the same builds and items following the same roles on a select few heroes that aren't shit for any given patch and never deviate
and whoever thought last hitting was a fun game mechanic should be hung, sitting and watching ai whack other ai for 10 seconds before coming in and smacking them once for a good 5-10 minutes isn't fucking fun

All of my friends are huge mobafags, Overwatch gave us some common ground but that's about all we play together.

It gets better the more you play

Why? So far the only reasons have been limited map selection and metagame shifts. It's perfectly fine when pros play Marvel vs Capcom and pick only 12% of the available characters, yet somehow when certain heroes take precedence over others that's a bad thing.

We have threads made daily about stupid shit like visual novels and hentai games, why are Mobas so bad? Is it cause the community is toxic? Thats pretty much the only legit complaint in my eyes.

except those are actually fun

you're wrong on pretty much everything you said

post more wikhow

I just have particular scorn over MOBAs for fucking over PC gaming the way it did
at least fighting games are infinitely more exhilarating to watch and play compared to 40 minute clickfests that would've been better off staying in WC3 anyway





Nice Jojo reference bro, very nice
Us Jojo fans

Just name the picture "VATS.jpg"

The only reason I opened this thread is for wikihow images.
Post more.

Watch someone disagree with this.



They give you something to do for 30-50 minutes. You get to ocasionally kill people with your skills and feel good for a while until you get gang raped by 3 people at once and you either scream bullshit and call your team idiots or you stay silent and get your revenge on them later.

Looking back, playing them was no different than doing drugs tbqh.


>intelligent, nihilistic, wicked sense of humor...







MOBAs are the new MMO for the dregs of normalfriend society.

I'm just a little proud I've never played a single game in either genre.

That's because you haven't played it yet. MOBAs are so replayable that they become massive timesinks.

I think the trinity of massive time sinks to avoid are:
1.) MOBAs
2.) Sports games
3.) Korean RPGs that are full of microtransactions

Avoid these three unless you have nothing else to play. Because you'll play these three so much you end up becoming uninterested with playing other games.

>how to identify a meth-head

>look for the screaming sweating man clutching a knife and an arcane scroll

>beware the scroll, which amplifies his meth's devilish powers



>how to be a reoccurring JRPG rival team
>step 1: dress like faggots

>step 2 realize you're waifu is not real

Lots of heroes to play with to keep it fresh for a while. Its why league pumps out like 1 a month.


>not randoming and doing fun build


What website is this?

>and whoever thought last hitting was a fun game mechanic should be hung
Half of moba mechanics were actually forced into the genre by the fact that it started as a SC/WC3 map, last hitting included.






>Asians don't have souls
>He's a weeb

How does this work?


hour in paint


but if you can't show your dog who is the dominant one then what is the point?

Kira in his bedroom.

>not selling on amiami
>still wearing his shirt
cute smiling anything getting destroyed bothers me, waifu or not, even drawn

>American education


>create the perfect villain

>rip off bleach or something i dunno



there is quasi-infinite depth even within the confines of that single map



assfaggots fans say DOTA and LOL are completely different games

how to.... wait what the fuck




i just played my first game of dota 2. was pretty fun. i randommed snek lady and didnt do any damage v people so i just shot little dudes and used r in any team fight

worked well enough



>Ramza vs Wiegraf



Oh god this shit is disgusting.
I looked up a video of it once because I was curious. I wish I hadn't.



>Anthony Burch is born


Why do people keep on playing FIFA?

It is the same map every time. You do 99% of the time the same thing and pick the same teams.

the answer to both MOBAs and FIFA is normies



FIFA games and the people who buy them have been a punchline for several years running.

why do you think there are people who like HotS, literally none of these statements apply to it.

i fucking love the wikihow artist



I don't think bullying is what's going on here.