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Why? I got one.
December 2001
Anyone here played Napple Tale? It intrigues me.
well i should, microsoft entering and sega leaving the console market is one of the worst things to happened to gaming
yeah, see, lost me at consoles
oh so you're a pcuck nvm then
yep, watcha gonna do about it
>ignore me
lol yeah right. welcome to page 10
>NA console
>PAL controller
>he couldnt resist
okay. daily reminder that consoles are just literally rebranded and locked down computers
lol who cares
That ps2 dev kit reminds me of the gigga nigga picture.
Also thats pretty neat.
I know they are just PCs with controller ports but those look cool as fuck
i know rite. too bad they just didnt keep it that way, it would of been kinda cool. specially if they just kept the original inputs/outputs like stock computers so you COULD just plug mice and keyboards in
just think, at some stage you could of literally used these any way you wanted before they started locking them down and putting properitory plug ins to force you into using their controllers and cords
>no dvds
>short cord
>cord on bottom of controller
>no right stick
sega was just to short cited.
>no dvds
its a video game console not a dvd player
>short cord
sit closer faggot
>cord on bottom of controller
good job, you just showed that you never actually owned one
>no right stick
irrelevant, they could have easily made an updated controller later in its lifespan
weather you like it or not playing dvds was a gigantic advantage and directly played into the ps2's massive success. the dreamcast never stood a chance.
>not 9/9/99
Fucking pathetic.
I fell for the Dreamcast meme. I picked one up couple years ago. Literally NO games worth playing. And the ones I was mildly interested in were on other consoles and better. SO why??
>I picked one up couple years ago.
prove it.
>all those god tier fightan games
>all those top tier arcade ports
>first console to do 480i as the standard
>innovation out the ass between VMUs, the fishing rod controller, maracas, speaker, and MOTHERFUCKING BROADBAND ONLINE IN 2000
>still died because SEGA fucked up that royally with the 32X, CD, and Saturn, no DVD, and because the PS2 was going to exist
The wrong kid died that gen.
Tried to start my own thread but no intrest.
Anyone have or want one of these? Just got mine recently. Love it.
>having to prove yourself on a cantonese picture website
Yeah no thanks. I have one tucked away nicely collecting dust. Deal with it.
>the 5 greatest fighting games ever made were on the dreamcast and it still failed
lol kill yourself, lying faggot
never forget
Dreamcast is similar to Neo Geo. If you're into fighting games, the DC versions are superior to the ports on PS2/Xbox.
dont forget the dreamcast was the first console to have official vga support. not even the original xbox had that
damn. even though he saved the company, sega kind of died as well when they went third party.
There was also no copy protection so you could have burned cds of the entire Dreamcast library.
Makes you wonder why they didnt use the great protection the saturn had.
Playing it online right now
probably because they couldnt afford it. theres a reason why the saturn 3d analog controller has better materials than the dreamcast
Prove it.
There was copy protection but they got past it with the mil-cd exploit.
SD? Work good?
Never played on a saturn. How much better is it? i have 6 dreamcast controllers
Get on Silverant server of pso and il play with yah
Dreamcast sucks. Go cry more.
Never. I have mine from when I first got it. I got Blue Stinger, Sonic, that snowboard Riders game and it was great. I still have a bunch of DC games that I love. I recently got an aracde stick and I am replaying the games on emulator.
Yes. Loadtimes are fast as fuck conpared to disc. I have the entire list US released games on 5 SD cards.
>reaching this far to defend a dead console
Nothing you said there would have helped in any way.
I got one for Christmas and I bought like 10 games and a vmu and extra controller
The rest of you fags need to apologize to me
I....dont know how to connect online. The dreamcast modem is dial up is it not?
I honestly don't believe that piracy on the Dreamcast had any real impact on its demise given the high attachment rate per console. Not to mention that most Dreamcast owners likely didn't even know it could be pirated, let alone could be arsed to do it with 99'-01' download speeds.
Remember, the typical Dreamcast game was still a little over 1 GB while CDs were typically holding only 700 MB, and Broadband had literally JUST started becoming available while most were still using 56K speeds.
its so much better the d pad is actually a dpad and doesnt feel like a button and the analog stick isnt slippery. the saturns 2d controller is great to.
I loved my dreamcast. Sega was literally making shitloads of new IPs that were almost all AAA. Even Nintendo never did that well. I dont know how they became so shit at making games after 2005 though
Got a store or anything set up?
>durr hurr
Who are you quoting?
Just go to Dreamcast Live site. It is confusing but abit of time reading tutorials and forums got me going, and I know nothing about that shit. They got a store for buying the complex parts.
only reason why they were good during 2001-2005 was because most of their games were just games that were suppose to be on the dreamcast. they lost a lot of talent when they went third party.
>its a video game console not a dvd player
You can't be this sheltered.
This was meant to go to you.
not an argument.
ur mom lol
No nigga. Im not the one making these.
Cool. Ill look into it. I cant imagine the online scene is still very active is it?
Ok fuckbag. How about the fact that the PS2, which was BOTH a console AND DVD player, ended up murdering the Dreamcast, which was a video game console not a dvd player. Say what you will about every other mistake Sega made but the biggest fuck that happened to the DC was the fact it couldn't play DVDs. DVD players were expensive as fuck at the time and the fact that you could buy a device that could not only play video games AND DVDs was mind blowing. So either you are a sheltered fag or an underage fag.
About what? I love the Dreamcast. Great exclusives and pretty much any fighting game you can think of got an arcade-perfect port to it. The controller is the sharpest piece of shit to ever exist but you get used to it/get a fight stick.
>muh console can play dvds
lol who gives a fuck
The 155 million that bought the damn thing apparently?
about 135 million of them are casuals so who cares
40million people have bought ps4s. Doesnt make them smart.
Dreamcast had perfect arcade ports. Something the ps2 would never have.
Getting bigger as mainstream talks about it.
They do a good job scheduling game days to keep everyone less segregated, but if you got a few friends with pcs then pso is always a good one.
Regardless of your personal feelings towards the Dreamcast vs. PS2 or even PS4, the fact remains that the Dreamcast was BTFO, and one of the driving factors behind it was the ability of the PS2 to play DVDs, a big fucking deal when they were the rage and when DVD players were expensive as fuck.
Yes the Dreamcast had arcade perfect ports, but as another user mentioned, SEGA's past fuckups combined with them losing the trust of major retailers and in-house fighting was their demise.
Also, considering the alternative to a PS4 is a XBone or a company that was completely out of touch at the time with its actual consumer base, I can see why people would bother with a PS4.
no one cares
If you didn't care then why did you respond?
You know what? I will. You were a fucking amazing system and ahead of your time. A great fucking last HURRAH for Sega.
However I will NEVER EVER apologize for this piece of shit on my picture. Not now, not 2 years from now, not 20 years from now.
I also apologize that at least 5 threads have been made comparing the god-tier console that is the Dreamcast with the shitstain that is the WiiU.
Sleep with the Seaman, Dreamcast, the last ChuChu Rocket is about to depart, call a Crazy Taxi to get there on time and travel to a distant Phantasy Star, perhaps you will finally understand, understand, understand, understand, understand, understand, the concept of Love~
because i can
Then I can dismiss your post as another common shitpost because I can.
Dreamcast had good Naomi ports, which I would damn well fucking hope it would because they were the same thing. PS2 has really good System 246 ports for the same reason.
For CPS games Dreamcast was hardly arcade perfect, the PS2 versions of 3rd Strike and Super Turbo were used for tournaments
>brining the wii u into this
Its not the greatest nintendo but its damn fun.
>implying all your posts werent shitposts
>be 14
>Dreamcast cums out
>mfw playing Incoming and Trickstyle in the mall for the first time
Literally blew my mind
Forgot my face