Dearest Sup Forums,
Please take /x/ already so that they stop bothering us.
With best regards,
Sup Forums
P.S. Board culture isn't against the rules. Newfags who don't understand this should just filter the thread and fuck off.
Dearest Sup Forums,
Please take /x/ already so that they stop bothering us.
With best regards,
Sup Forums
P.S. Board culture isn't against the rules. Newfags who don't understand this should just filter the thread and fuck off.
Other urls found in this thread:
Would rather stay at home and masturbate desu
The winter ball being old doesn't make it any less cancerous and the people who care about it any less autistic
/x/ already rejected us, we are gonna take our daughteru instead.
We just need that drawfag to draw us a invitation for that piece of shit.
Thread theme.
Atleast the fighting stopped...Right?
By all means filter the thread and move on
>Would rather stay at home and masturbate desu
go with someone at least
did you guys not take anyone last year?
Kill yourself
No fuck off, we are staying home and not partaking in your cancer.
Go take a hike into a abyss, faggot.
Wait, they did?
Oh well, home alone it is.
Man dont come over here with Sup Forums shit. The Hilldogs are still pissed.
>not partaking in your cancer.
you guys would be cute if you went with someone desu
the drawfagging and writefagging is always nice
idk why he started the thread that way, but I do want you guys to take someone this year
if /lgbt/ say no to Sup Forums you could take them and bro it out?
I want to fuck /jp/
Sup Forums doesn't like it either. All the threads there get derailed too fortunately
Get the fuck out oof my board with your tumor, you autistic chump.
Go chop your balls off with a rusty scissors
I'd rather play video game, no thank you very much.
>complaining about autism
>on Sup Forums
>on Sup Forums
user I...
I said out.
/out/ is going with /vr/ user
Take your daughteru.
Do it now.
It's Sup Forums who is pretending to be /x/ and rejecting you
they hate you for hating them
and they also hate /x/ for turning on them
Trust me I know what I'm saying
Ha ha hilarious.
Get the fuck out
>not going with two stars
but we just want /x/ to leave us alone user
I don't give a rat's goddamn rotting ass, stop trying to make this board even worse than it already is.
The poll they made said yes to Sup Forums with /x/
Fuck Sup Forums
>but we just want /x/ to leave us alone user
>I don't give a rat's goddamn rotting ass, stop trying to make this board even worse than it already is.
Fuck off Sup Forums
didn't we stay with /vr/ the last year eating pizza and playing TMNT4?
ITT: Sup Forums shitposting
Mods do your job, for the love of God.
>Hurr he doesn't agree with cancer therefore Sup Forums
No really, leave.
Why don't you calm down and join the fun, friend? :)
it looks like we're going with /x/?
FUCK. OFF. Sup Forums.
Fuck off tumblr.
I just want video fucking games, yiu fucking twats.
Moar jp please
Anons will we try asking /x/ again if they accept?
>I just want video fucking games, yiu fucking twats.
then filter the thread and go to another one?
Already who enters this thread knows you are Sup Forums being a cunt yet again
Stop trying
And I am gonna stop trying with you also
No you get the fuck out with your cancer schematics, Sup Forums.
We don't want anything to do wirh your autism.
None of us do.
Get the hint and fuck off.
Your kind isn't welcome here.
/jp/ it is.
Let them fuck a statue for all i care.
They're just going to leech and atleast /jp/ got a load more of games to generate content of.
>37 posts
>11 IPs
not even taking the time to proxyffag Sup Forums eh?
>inb4 now he starts proxyfagging
too late canerino
well actually now 39 posts ans 11 IPs lol
/x/ doesnt' want us
fuck it
Where are the mods?
I want to tenderly caress /jp/!
After the shit show last year, even if they wanted (which I doubt anyway), let's not take /x/
/jp/ would be ok or just stay home and jerk off to heinous porn
/jp/ is cute!
_ ____ __ ____ ____ _______
>Sup Forums trying to make Sup Forums move on from /x/ and go with /jp/
>then when they get what they want they make Sup Forums also move on from /jp/
>Sup Forums is now lonely all alone while Sup Forums is fucking automobile sluts
>inb4 100 Sup Forums replies from one Sup Forumstard trying to deny
>wanting used goods leech that doesn't contribute for shit
Video fucking games.
Atleast /jp/ WILL.
Seriously move the fuck on, they're already planning other things and we'll just fuck ourselves over.
Do you seriously believe this is all Sup Forumss work? While they are evil and autistic I think it has more to do with the fact that we are a big board, so dofferent opinions colide
>Do you seriously believe this is all Sup Forumss work?
Everybody does
Not only me
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Must be Sup Forums
Nobody does aside from you vendetta retards from leddit.
Let Sup Forums pick instead of you butting in.
If he wants /jp/, so be it.
Sup Forums should have stayed down
Fuck you moot for bringing it back up before you left
This is what we end u with hundreds of times a day every minute of the day
it's Sup Forums calling you out, Sup Forums, on your scammy ways
The irony is that I'm actually from Sup Forums and a bunch of retards from leddit made this thread to instill drama between all three of us.
If you want that loli, go for it.
/x/ is already in another page.
>The irony is that I'm actually from Sup Forums
>trying this hard to damage control
Go the fuck back to your shithole, mark.
This place isn't for you and your underaged friends.
Okay Sup Forums now that the Sup Forumsfag has outted himself who are we going with?
are we asking /jp/?
what the fuck is with this mark and austria horseshit made up nonsense?
like what the fuck Sup Forums trying to invent?
Yes, of course.
>63 fucking replies
>16 motherfucking IPs
people like this are why IDs are a good thing
should we get a strawpoll up?
also do we have any drawfags to draw the invitation?
Yes, please do.
Disconsider /x/ though and make /e/ also a candidate.
And not that I'm aware of, I'm trying to see if anyone could appear to no avail.
projecting much Sup Forums kiddie?
poll on /x/ already was positive for Sup Forums
no new poll
>if you don't like our ocdonutsteel board personas and make believe events then you're a newfag
This is stupid and always has been stupid.
God damn it I don't want to be stuck with /x/ shitposting our comfy Sup Forumso/ threads ;_;
t. Sup Forums
>poll on /x/ already was positive for Sup Forums
I mean a poll for whether we accept you nonce
we can put in options
for starters
this user wants /e/. on the ballot so we can add that
anyone else?
any chance to go with Sup Forums?
strawpolls on /x/ are saying yes to us
also apparently a Sup Forumsisitor is over making OC on /x/
>retarded outsider mongoloid dictating what "we" do
Just fuck off
You didn't even put the stay at home option faggot
Let's not force Sup Forums into this and let them stay at home with vidya
>strawpolls on /x/ are saying yes to us
I thought they shot us down?
Did the lurkers want us?
>You didn't even put the stay at home option faggot
I haven't finished making the poll yet, but we might not need one?
It looks like /x/ want to go with us?
Kill yourself. Not vidya.
They changed their minds long ago, that's just Sup Forums trying to set us up because of their shitposting
Ignore and move on, they're ungrateful as fuck.
we don't want /x/ anymore, /jp/ is the new thing
I'll ask them anyway
options for the poll
Sup Forums (although they likely won't say yes since they hate us)
stay at home and masturbate
How come Sup Forums always manages to avoid these community events and make porn?
>I'll ask them anyway
add them, not ask them
sorry anons
No, they don't.
Look for yourself right here with their reaction when we actually bothered to make art.
They're leech cucks not worth the time.
Accept it.
/x/ does that too
you can do that together while watching conspiracy documentaries and shit
most are 55% yes 45% no
ones with captcha are 66% yes 33% no
then again most at are under 100 votes so sample size might be too low.
>stay at home
pic related, I kinda wanna see if "its fun with friends" is a meme or not
Polls is up
answer please
also try to find a drawfag or two to make the invitation for us when we decide
I fucking give up
Sup Forumsluter's cancer never ends: I can't keep up
No more replies from me
If this Sup Forumstard pretends to be me well i have already called it out
bumping for more replies
Sup Forums is going with /o/
>making a poll when Sup Forums is shilling the fuck out /x/
You fucking idiot.
Stop giving them free art they don't deserve it.
Go for someone that doesn't have that much art, like /e/ or /jp/
Please not /x/
Not again with the fucking drama
>Sup Forums is actually falling for the leech meme
Top kek.
>>making a poll when Sup Forums is shilling the fuck out /x/
that's true
by the looks of everyone posting we're done with /x/ and it is just faggots shilling for it
We should go with the second top option then if /x/ wins?
For the record, your thread was made by Sup Forums in /qa/ to shill /x/
They're relentlessly shitting on /qa/ lately
Cat's outta the bag.
>They're relentlessly shitting on /qa/ lately
weren't /qa/ planning to raid them?
Fuck off with this /soc/ shit already.
Just so you fags know, both /x/ and Sup Forums have already agreed to go with the each other.
All the fuckers in this thread have no idea what they're talking about, we took polls and everything.
>majority of thread is done with /x/
>/x/ happens to get a billion votes while outsiders are shilling /x/
It's probably just a coincidence :^)
Yes, a board of roughly ten people was going to raid a board with hundreds of thousands of users.