Pick Pharah

>pick Pharah
>everyone tells me to switch and report me for trolling
When did all go so wrong?

>you will never use a tickle rocket on pharah
why live

Because poor hero balance and meta

Pharah is better on foot than in the air. Just because she can fly doesn't mean she needs to.

>Playing comp at all
It's like you want to hurt yourself.

>enjoying QP unironically

>Playing overcuck

because hitscan cancer McCree exists



All these heroes and people only play a few.

Anything they add will just have to be more powercreep or people will automatically discard it.



THIS. Use shift when someone on the ground gets close to you. Otherwise she is much faster on foot.


>consider Overwatch
>both characters I'm interested in playing have explosives

Guess that answers my question of whether or not I'm going to buy it.

Good one. I see what you've done there, making a joke like that. It was well made and funny. I'm laughing right now user, ahAHA. Hilarious one liner, great stuff dude. God you're comedy gold. Get this man a drink on the house. What a legend.

When you bought this shitty game, you cuck
Fuck off to /vg/

>of all the things that could be addressed Blizzard made her fly longer
Thanks for target practice, lmao

Go replay your new badass penguin rain, Randy.


It doesnt really matter if you're good enough to get kills constantly, just hide the chat and play the game you want to play.

Overwatch is a game where you can solo carry, you just need to be good.


I'm 3200~ or something and the entire season, and last season, was never told to ever switch from Pharah.

Maybe you're just fucking shit, just like your image.

>direct hits do great damage and have no fall off
>if you boost straight into open air with a widow on the other team you deserve to get shot in the face
>implying you even use this half the time to kill people, it's for mobility and escape
>"justice from above" is actually a clever ruse and you're supposed to sneak and point fucking blank as many people as you can

Her ult is probably the worst part of her, next would be her amount of self damage on her rockets, last would be overall rocket speed. You should be able to hover in all directions while ulting, slowly, so you're not bait for even a fucking LUCIO to snipe. Increasing rocket speed would literally make me a god please do it Blizzard I fucking dare you.

is this some kinda weird meta joke.

Lucky you. I dropped from 2900 to 2000, then climbed up to 3300 pretty much exclusively with Pharah. I got shit constantly from people who had no clue what they were on about.

I ended up, according to Overbuff, Number 400 with Pharah on PC in Comp.

The problem with Pharah is that her effectiveness directly depends on how bad the enemy McCree is.

>I got shit constantly from people who had no clue what they were on about.

If you're winning and you're team is still complaining then maybe THEY'RE the shit ones.

The only problem i have with phara is her mobility option is just "go up"

Use her as a flanker. I can't tell you how many times my ultimate wipes out most of a team when you're taking them by suprise.

>can play characters I enjoy and am decent at until sombra/autism patch makes QP practice for comp where gold leaguers who think they're the best OW player of all time will start bitching and report you for not playing rein, zarya, ana, lucio, mccree and genji

Maybe try air strafing, or maybe try using both her abilities at once. You can concussive boost yourself high/fast enough to be a difficult target, and also stay up long enough to just boost again and barely have to touch the ground.

Oh yeah, i know that.




Pharah is secretly OP.

You just need to be a quake god to make her work.

>Maybe try the slow ass air strafing
May as well just let yourself fall

Well then don't worry about anything m8, keep destroying people from above with the most delicious cocoa brown Egyptian gal around.

>mfw they boost her hover on the ptr

It's like they want people to stay in the air and get killed easily by the enemy mccree

Basically this.
I want to play quick play to play who I want. Not to be told to do the meta.
This is the only reason you shouldn't support the new QP because there are going to be so many shitters forcing meta and sucking balls at maintaining it.

If you are good with Phara you'll still be better with McCree or Widowmaker.

Phara's rockets need either a buff to flight speed or a buff to splash damage.

you still got your old trash quickplay in the "arcade category"

and even tought you think it's comp training, it is not and you should point it out to those asshole forcing the meta in quickplay.

Paladins: Champion of the realm only got a one hero limit and the game is fun as fuck even tought there's not even any no limits mode.

She's autistic, she would probably punch you.

mccree's skill ceiling is so low it's embarassing. You'd have to be a retard to get 4 gold with him every time you play

Well since Widow requires you to be a fucking CS scout god and shoot every single moving jump spamming target square in the head, Pharah cuts that shit the fuck out.

McCree is my boy but the more I play Pharah the more rusty I get with his kit. Then I try and get lazy flash and fans, or just fucking miss all the time trying to headshots. Widows loadout is a fucking joke and she completely revolves around her gun.

Can't punch me when she's writhing in laughter.

Why does the knockback even exist? It's only useful on certain KOTH maps like Lijiang Tower or that one point of Nepal. You use it to push yourself off of walls I guess, but I don't think that's really what they had in mind when designing the ability.

>just babbling the post
I don't think its comp lite the tryhards will.
I want to play who I want and if someone else locks it who cares.
We all know the arcade modes are useless.
No stat carry, and all those games will be filled with jokesters and bronzes.
And Paladin having their own thing means nothing.

I use it to save myself, my friends, boost my ass around, get to the front nearly as fast as tracer or reaper teleporting... I dunno shitter why DOES it exist ?

She need.
- A better ult. She should take no damage from her ult, because even if you touch someone with it at point blank you die with the victims
and you're an easy target, so it must be used with a few other ult
- Better splash damage indeed.
- Decrease cooldown. Everything can be forgiven but this. pharah got some CRAZY cooldown for her ability, 8 seconds each. Concussion blast is literally useless in most map and only serves to close distance between you and an enemy and to escape. And, best of best use, makes some really cool environmental kill.
Pharah is VERY DEPENDANT on her jump boost at the moment, it's what keep her alive and mobile because it gives her speed.
- She needs something to fall fast.
She is very weak when Soldier 76, or EVEN D.VA for fuck sake, ult because she is slow in the air and falls quite slowly, meaning she has no time to take covers.
She should have a third, an ability with 1 sec cooldown (no cooldown literally) to fall down like one of her highlight intro, making some damage and knockback in the ways, but mostly knockback. That's what she need. A new cool ability.

And maybe add armor to her health pool.

As with all knockbacks in this game, it's pretty unreliable, so I wouldn't really count on it saving many teammates.
You listed "mobility" 3 different times. It's an okay mobility skill, but it's not up often enough nor does it boost her far enough to actually let Pharah play in any kind of risky way.
And anyway, I'm not saying it's useless, I'm just wondering what they were thinking when they made it. It's a little unusual in her kit and kind of lackluster.

IMO just make shift respond to the direction she's currently traveling in.

I.e: standing still = straight up
Moving forward = long arcing jump forward

I think this would make her much more fun to play and a step closer to the old TF soldiers on which she is based.

Her horizontal travel speed must be changed for this, because what you suggested is kind of bad with her actual travel speed.

The only good thing you described is maybe making her ult not hurt her, dunno why the fuck they ever made D.Va immune to her own shit and arbitrarily make others kill themselves fucking instantly. It's not like Mei freezes herself in her ult, why does Pharah hurt herself ? (on this topic why the fuck does widows mine hurt her what the fuck?)

Everything else would make her OP and another skill is not needed, you fall plenty fast. Try having a better awareness of enemy characters.

I just want to be able to actually go places quickly.

Of course a 45 degree push would give more forward velocity than a 90 degree one.

>play Overwatch for the first time in 2 months
>Quick Play took 10 minutes to get me into a single match
>It's Gibraltar and my team is 5 Genjis
>The other team realizes what's wrong and chooses 4 Winstons and still loses
>"gg ez"s followed by tons of dad abuse talk
>no one is having fun in a toxic environment

One round was enough. What is happening to this game?

And just like in Quake, person with railgun always wins.

Mei wears a protective suit against blizzard, and they made D.Va immune to her ult because there is a 4 second cooldown before it explode and Hana is slow and has no time to reach covers when it explode. If you didn't boost before of course.

And no, a third ability would not make her OP, Decreasing her cooldown would not make her OP, it would just give her more mobility. She needs those 2 buff.

*Lightning gun

Comp: No fun allowed mode
QR: No fun allowed: super weenie hut jr mode
Arcade: fun allowed mode

>not sneaking up on mccree and killing him before he can even react

Its easy just play console overwatch


when the first major gameplay concepts were made

>nu-Sup Forums actually thinks rank means anything in OW

It's literally the worst ranking system in an FPS ever. I've seen diamond players being complete shitters and I've seen gold players being fucking gods. If you get fucked in the placement matches it's almost impossible to get out of low elo hell because your personal skill doesn't mean jackshit despite Blizzard telling you otherwise. It's like they took the awful system of CSGO and made it even worse.

I hit 2580 as top and then I tanked down to 2250 and I'm sad. I can't seem to carry hard enough to get me into higher numbers.
I main support Zenyatta and I think that may be the problem.


Are you me?

No way dude! The OW community is like, sooo awesome! Just like in every Blizzard game, those guys just know what the gameboys like.

Of fucking course the other ones are shit, Blizzard games have the worst communities ever right next to LoL and Bioware.

Are you both me? I got placed at 2950 by playing zenyatta

Dude if I got 2950 I would be so happy. I simply cannot seem to carry hard enough to even get myself to 2500 let alone get close to 3000. It must be me then.

If you're going to carry you pretty much have to be dps.
When I have to carry I usually go Tracer or Reaper. If you can get behind the enemy team and get a kill or even two your team SHOULD be able to break through (harassing on its own is pretty useful aswell though)

No it's probably not because i dropped to 2600 after getting placed and haven't been able to get above 2700 since

>Play game as Winston on Eichenwalde
>Jump into the back. Kill the Junkrat. Kill the Mercy. Die.
>Team still at choke point
"WTF why are we still at choke I killed a dps and healer"
>Gold elims
>Gold time on point
>Gold objective kills

>kill all but two people
>my team loses the 5v2

You forgot

>lose 50 rank points after struggling for like 20 minutes
>curbstomp the enemy after that
>get 30 rank points

Great system there Blizzard.

I'm playing as a "utility" characters, so Lucio, Zarya or Rein because people often refuse to pick them or suck donkey balls and it's fucking hell.
Even if I'm sweating, usually there is enough retards to fuck it up.

>be watching chinese girl cartoons
>phone rings
>it's Blizzard
>"user, we need your help. There's someone who has a win streak while solo queuing. We need you to instalock Hanzo or Torbjorn and then not communicate at all"

It's a tough job but someone's gotta do it.


They did buff her minimum splash damage significantly on ptr, combined with better jumpjets she's alot more fun to play now.

I am thinking of switching my plays as 45+ hours Zenyatta to go over into Zarya. Zarya is so freaking good on attack it hurts. Zarya, Anna, and McCree to fill out any position needed.

I already play a very good Lucio. But Lucio doesn't carry. The team carries for Lucio.

>Actually believing this

lol you're just so bad you can't win a 4v6 scenario lmao i bet you have gold rank more like fag rank am i right blizzboys remember lok'tar ogar if you're not getting the most kills you don't deserve a higher rank

>>everyone tells me to switch and report me for trolling
People are babies now, no matter the game.


>Decide to communicate with team
>"Okay guys we got a Lucio ult, and a Reaper ult. We have about 30 seconds left but I think if we mix these two ults together it may give us enough to win."
>Lucio immediately uses his ult a second after I said that while we are regrouping for this last push nowhere near the point
>Lose game.

Nobody ever tells me this. But then again I play healer and good tanks and try to fill roles that synergizes with the team. Nobody ever said this to me.



>No knockback from rockets
2 steps forward and one huge knockback.

season ends thursday or friday
start playing

Zarya is monster but she truly shines while you have a competent DPS, who you can bubble and who can provide ult whipe alonside graviton.

Without it you will get good k/d and some pure stalling power but that's it, you won't win.

>fixing balance

change E to "Get triple kill on more than half the maps in the game" and it's accurate

>Pick something you want to play in QP

Every single time. The people who whine about no healer and shit never play as one either, QP or Ranked.

that's sym, not phara

Try doing it at this MMR senpai

You never get to be in the air, the character has to be played as if there are no flying abilities

So let me get this straight, you can't even play as certain characters because autists will throw a hissy fit over your choice hurting their feelings?

Wow what a fucking pant-on-head retarded fan base, seriously, kys.

Nah, Pharah is autistic too.

If she could juggle targets while doing the damage she currently has she would be OP imo.
I do alot better against widows now when they can't walk out of any damage while not even having to unscope. If she could juggle them on top of it she would become too hard to counter. I've had more trouble with sombra harassing me from rooftops than the average widow/mcree. I'm just a low diamond shitter though. So I don't know how valid my experience is at higher level of play.

Are all of you me? I peaked at 2400 and went down to 2200 because you go up on stairs but go down on an elevator. Also Zenny.

Mercy y/n? This is a dealbreaker

>peaking at below 3500 in a little baby's game

What if they make it so her Jetpack has a 2 sec CD and when you use it in the air it propells you in the direction you are facing? (or the direction buttons you are pressing, as an option)

>almost entire enemy team is focused on me while my team is stuck at the choke point failing to kill a single genji

>He's played maybe twice as long as me
>He's insanely good rank
>Be me at 2250 and managed Plat once.
I see you play a lot of carry there son I see what you're doing there.
Shoot me and my zenyatta main.