Filename thread

Filename thread


one of the classics



This is unfunny and is literally over explaining the already unfunny joke.


It's not nice to samefag.

you're gay and stupid

Sorry pal



nigga thats shooped


I don't know why people do this when everyone knows it can be easily shopped.





nice filename bro

Forgot my fucking filename.
>STALKER ragdolls.webm

>has crutches
>cyberpunk theme to setting
>doesnt have bionic leg


oh god i love these

the tiny kero kero bonito flag in the first one and the nagle pieces on the wall in the second one have me fucked up




I love this photo because it looks pathetic but in reality that shit is slicker than frozen black ice on Trump

this image is so fucking dumb

This is quite a fuckin picture


But, you know, it doesn't require calling the firemen. One person and some rope would be enough.

what the fuck
nobody has a rope?

There's a rope around his waist you fucking nignogs.

Even still, couldnt his pals just go get some rope or something and toss him a line? Calling the fire department seems kinda extreme


>only contact is mum
>mum calls fire dept.

>that fish

fuck i hate it when this happens

>the one on the right

i know this may sound weird to you user but when normal people fuck up they don't immediately think about hanging themselves

Steel-boned corsets were a mistake.

who and who?

Those are balloons, right?



I don't get these. I know there are many more and I've seen them posted from time to time but what the fuck are these exactly?
Who makes them? Why?

I feel this could have a better name.

How badly do you think those sag? All the way to here solar plexus?


>house cat
never ever


>not bobbing your legs
>not doing reload animations



where's the source?!½

>NVidia PhysX.webm


t. Nintoddler

its summer lesson

That was unexpected.

wasnt this a comedy duo?

that was fuccking brilliant
anyone have any details on this?

That image is fucking stupid. Nobody besides old people give a shit.

Most food places have restrooms with only one room and it locks. You can literally pick any restroom and nobody gives a shit.


>he doesn't know about groups of girls gossiping while changing their underwear in the restroom

I'm gunna need some sauce on that pal

Why does the concept of "milking" a cock arouse me


It was a "candid" camera show but they didnt empty everyone out first and someone started recording with their phone

They don't sag at all, they're fake.

there's like a million videos of "milking" massages where the guys stick their dick through a hole in the massage table and the grill sits underneath


>TFW I did one of those at my local Asian message place

They just kissed it and licked it for a whole 30 minutes before I gave up and came

Why'd they add all those holes in his face when he looks like this irl?

Holy fucking shit theyre real?

But where they good looking or asian grannies?


They were like 20 and 30 year olds.

Probably because they think every vet has holes in their face which means they're super legit soldiers.

He's a handsome dude 2bh

Lol cam whores


why'd they take a brown dude to make a black dude

Cam whores..
Bigboobedbadgirls or some shit


It's a forced meme.


Lincoln isn't a black dude, he's mixed. Mum's dominican, dad's italian.

>tendies nursery
every time I see these I notice something new each time

Do they charge extra for that shit or do they just do/offer it?


>Mafia 3 in trash

I requested it. So yeah they charged extra since it wasn't just one girl

Why is Tycho album cover in the window????



>stop being a faggot

Does anyone even use the word "faggot" to hate on gays anymore? I've heard it so much it's lost all it's original meaning.



This is great.

Beats me, im from texas and faggot hardly ever meant gay. faggot is faggot

honestly, that shit plus rain is slippery as fuck