What video game has accurately depicted lonely outsiders?
What video game has accurately depicted lonely outsiders?
Why did you bring these feels here?
This vid is sad af man
It's like something out of STALKER, holy shit
fuck you OP ;_;
The doggo is actually happy, healthy, and regularly plays with other doggos
The video is just cut to make it seem sad, he's got a great life and good owners who can take care of him properly
Don't wolves/dogs kill sick and genetically deformed fellow wolves?
F-Fuck you I didn't want to cry today. Why can't everyone just get along ;-;
This lads, stop fucking crying about your shit lives
I always thought houndeyes were super cute
>The doggo is actually happy, healthy,
That abomination wouldn't survive one day in the wild.
Animals like this should be put to sleep for their own good.
No, they actually take care of their sick, elders, and cubs. Wolves are some of the most affectionate and wisest creatures on the planet, despite what society teaches.
Awww, I want to pet him and tell him he's not alone.
Exactly like how you should be put down because you're a failure of a human being
This is how people would behave with retards if humans weren't intelligent enough to know hypocrisy. delicious
no they dont, like any other animal on the nature, the unfit are killed on born (actively or left to die passively). The sick and elder if they have a use they stay in the pack or else they leave or are left.
Pet dogs don't live in the wild moron.
>spider willingly crawling into someone's mouth
Wolves don't take care of the sick or unfit.
Show me proof they do, dumbass.
What video game depicts the life of a dog harem master.
Do you see the pincers?
>city neckbeard projects his Sup Forums fantasies on animals
this game.
make a Elliot Rodger playthrough:
>don't kill the people you intend to kill,
>kill instead some innocent bystanders.
>then drive away in your BMW and off yourself before the police gets you
Is this Remy Lacroix?
I keep pet spiders and I've never met, not even once, someone that is not afraid or disgusted by them.
What the fuck.
How is this bait? You really think genetic defects should be allowed to spread to a species because you feel sorry for ONE individual? Dogs have already a shitload of diseases because of humans.
If you feel really sorry for them make sure this doesn't happen again.
>any domestic dogs
>surviving one day in the wild.
Life is not Tokyo jungle user
you will never se a pomeranian eating a tiger
>I don't know the difference between simply living and spreading bad genes
This is what owners of those shitty pocket dog aborts think
I'm not afraid or disgusted by spiders. They're cute/neat/cool/awesome.
Larger dogs would and could survive in the wild very well, the only issue would come from wolves. They will absolutely rip and tear every single dog they find into shreds.
>That abomination wouldn't survive one day in the wild.
Why not, exactly? There's nothing about its condition that outwardly seems to affect it's ability to run, eat, or fuck.
What I don't get is how the hierarchy is formed. Like, why/what makes a wolf an alpha, beta or omega wolf, is that a personality thing or lineage.
It's really interesting.
Personality, the size of the fight in the dog, essentially. Whichever individual has the biggest balls to dominate everyone else becomes the alpha.
If i was a wolf and I saw some little bitch wolf not take down a deer as quick as other wolf i would think he is a omega
When America becomes great abominations like that dog will be the first to go.
So, what is wrong with that dogger, exactly?
>What video game has accurately depicted lonely outsiders?
that made me Fucking sad
That's in captivity with forced civilization you mong
Wolves in the wild form protective independent family units like humans do
Pig the dog youtube.com
Alpha theory is thoroughly debunked.
Wolf packs are family groups. Daddy wolf finds a lone female and fucks her, cubs are born. Cubs grow up. Young males get kicked out when they get old to wander alone, females get to stay. Young males who don't leave just get beaten up a lot.
Dominance behaviour only occurs in unnatural situations where the wolves can't just fuck off. In real life if you're getting beat the fuck up all the time you just leave and go somewhere else.
its not sad crying faggots
dog was not outcast it just scared of playful others
good montage though
die in fire idiots
Not true. I've been using the Alpha Wolf metaphor for years now.
Got any sources for your bullshit?
this user is right.
autists should be killed on sight
I kek'd
Video unrelated, forgot to note.
What do you even mean by wild?
There exists large packs of wild/feral domestic dogs in many nations, notably places like brazil and eastern europe.
I'm strongly aroused by them but I guess you wouldn't welcome me either.
That live in conjunction with humans, away from deeper wilderness where the wolves roam supreme.
>Got any sources for your bullshit?
Everything that has ever been published on the subject academically since the late 1970s, including the later work of the guy who originally came up with the theory who now says he was wrong.
Just google it dood.
Wolf packs are lead by the oldest female and rest of pack is mostly it's offspring.
As if you could survive one day in the wild fat fedorian fuck. Should we put one between your eyes too?
One versus 10.
thats a cute dg
It's a biological instinct. You would've died in the wild friend
Will lead the pack and fuck best bitches.
>As if you could survive one day in the wild
I'm not a dog/wolf you demented, fucking retard.
And yeah I could, I've done some survival shit with a couple of buddies of mine.
Come on just try to comprehend beauty of this organic engineering.
>implying a study didnt find the average 300 girls on tinder sleep with about only 50 guys
>having heavily biased sample
>implying this is nature, not nurture
damn, he doesnt even know where to start
Dumpster diving behind McDonalds isn't survival shit user
If you were girls you'd do the same thing.
Yeah, if they were girls, they'd be weaker, more emotional, probably dumber and in general just inferior from the point of view of a man.
Thanks, I'll keep enjoying my white male oppressor position.
I ain't clicking that shit nigga
It's a female in the middle.
Do it, pussy
>tfw no wolf gf
If I was a fly, I'd eat shit and rotten carcass.
I'm not a fly, so behavior of flies disgusts me.
It's no big deal.
Human childbirth is MUCH more disgusting. Literally gore tier.
Insect pushing out some insects and then releasing some goo to feed them is fucking NOTHING compared to stretched out woman groaning as she pushes out a deformed-looking human larva covered in sludge and blood.
What do you think they should do instead? They can't fuck every man who wants to fuck.
Remain a virgin until marriage and self-improve so they can catch the biggest possible fish.
Go full conservative, abolish feminism, bring back the family unit
Make America Great Again!
Find a man who is the best match for them. Best match, so not the best man they can catch for one night stand.
Stay with him until death.
Shadow of the Colossus.
When my sister got a cub I had to visit her in the hospital and the odour and female hormones almost made me vomit.
Not kidding I had to leave the room because I got hot-mouth and was about to gag. I don't know what it was but the maternity ward makes me sick
confirmed for furry
Why is the Vietcom guy saluting?
what a cute little doggy
>that monstrosity
he's purrrrrrfect
Fuck you
This is the dog that were born with something like longer than usual legs right?
What exactly is happening here
he's cute af, i would spoil the fuck out of him if he were my doggo
he'd live better than me
Why do you faggots get so over-emotional and pitiful on some ugly freak, a mistake of nature that shouldn't even exist in the first place?
Is it because you can relate to it?