Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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whoevers bih this is



the nigga was for playing unga bunga sol




The hambeast and her bitch boys. Pretty sure they got kicked from the event due to pulling this and trying to DQ him.


Sup Forums - Drama and Shitposting

>guy loses against nigger
>nigger chimps out
>guys fatwhale gf spergs out and grabs nigger
>whale does SJW mating call
>white knights come in and defend him

if it weren't for the nigga recording and saying calm that shit down, things would have ended differently.


I would've just puked on her.

I always lose my shit when the whale grabs him and he says, "what the fuck is this?"

What happened?

If you can puke at command you can have a career in the porn industry.


I have to commend him for his reaction and restraint. He just went from overly hyped to absolutely confused.


Guy pictured gets over-excited when he beats some fat kid at fighting game, starts celebrating annoyingly. Said fat kid's fat, sloppy GF gets angry and grabs Guy Pictured, yelling "SIT DOWN!" or something similar.

Guy Pictured grabs her back, looks around confused, asking WHO BITCH DISS IZ?! Becomes a meme.

Lmao what the fuck

>autistic whale doesn't like a player
>he pops off in celebration
>she grabs him to try and start shit, get him DQd
>backfires completely since he's just confused about who the bitch belongs to
>she gets banned from the event and later apologizes on social media

She even calls him a 'cis-gendered fuck' at one point in the video.

Pop offs are an integral part of the fighting game community, fat bitch was in the wrong.

Where are you guys getting that the bitch in question was the kid's girlfriend?

its funny how they think thats an insult.

first, hardly anyone even knows what the fuck that means, and second, thats like saying, "fuck you for being normal"

I think it's more like

"fuck you for not having a problem with being normal"

For real though, that entire situation is fucking retarded. It's the kind of thing I'd expect at a smash tournament.

Why is everyone saying that the guy who lost was with the fat whale? He's shouting along with him. You can even see him smiling around the part where he says "sit your ass down boy"

>He thinks calling someone normal isn't an insult on a Nepalese Kitchen cutter site that unironically calls people normies


The nig over reacted
She was just grabbing him to sit him down for round two

>bunch of sjws get pissed at certain player
>conspire to get him taken out of the tournament
>he pops off when he wins like most fight game players do
>they get physical and try and get him kicked out for doing something that is a regular occurance in fighting game circles

just let the nig be a nig
he's just happy about winning whatever
at least he's not stealing bikes and smoking crack

...in this video

>bunch of sjws get pissed
>he is a nigger

Can't put hands on someone like that, no matter how annoyed you get.

When in doubt, the nigger is always wrong.

She went negro antics without being negro

Thats not the guy who lost you fucking idiot. Thats the guy who is playing him next.

So tell him to calm down. Don't fucking grab people. Use words, not physical force. She was absolutely in the wrong, even if he did chimp out. fgc has chimp outs everywhere.

Niggers don't know how to behave themselves, fat whitey got triggered.

Niggers play games so they can amount to something or act hard.

Crackers play games for fun.


There was still another set to go. You shouldn't celebrate until you actually win. If this were any other e-sports scene he would be DQed immediately. But fighting games insist on being trapped in an infantile state so of course nothing happens to him.

are you black?
can you confirm this?

I don't get it, why did the landwhale start grabbing him?

I've played with all kinds.

The blacks that act like niggers prove this by the games they play and what they say, do, and how they act.

The blacks that grew up with whites and don't act like niggers just play to have fun.

Her, dude was being a dick but funny.
That said you can see from his muscles that he's tensing to keep hold of her, should have let go.

triggered by the nignog that was acting like a nignog

You don't put your hands on anyone that's just asking to get your teeth knocked in


Nigs chimp out by any means
They have zero etiquette for the other players and crowd
And worst of all, they believe it is a smart mind game feat
Let your playing do the talk AND SIT THE FUCK DOWN

Story behind this is that the nigger won money from this fight and everyone opposed was salty as fuck because he regularly behaved like this at tournaments when he won

>you will never be this upset that people have fun playing games and don't celebrate by sternly lowering the brim of their trilby and waiting quietly for your next baby toy competition opponent

from what I've understood it was a comeback in a team tournament

Yo sperg, just a heads up: An overwhelming majority of grown ass men do not care what made up etiquette you deem more important than their personal space. If you put your hands on them in an attempt to forcibly sit their ass down you will be spitting teeth.

Obviously the crazed ape-like creature who attacked a human being for no reason is in the wrong.

Basically this girl, and those two guys yelling 'Sit the fuck down' and 'DQ him', before this tournament decided to join forces and stage the all thing trying to frame ShinBlade. All this in order to get him banned from major tournaments because they don't like his loud and 'rude' personality. Until this video came up, she was leading a facebook war, telling everyone how she was harassed etc etc. However the all thing was eventually discovered thanks to this video and through a TO investigation and she was the one banned. After the backlash she tried to apologize, but then, for some reason, she deleted the twit. Google 'ShinBlade controversy' and you'll find a bunch of reddit post about this story

>its wrong to celebrate after a win
>black guy cheering is chimping out
Sup Forums's has higher expectations than the fuckin NFL

>People are SERIOUSLY DEFENDING this fat white bitch

holy fucking shit I thought white knights were a myth fucking off yourselfs

Why do niggers and asians love fighting game so much?

Sup Forums is filled with white knights and kkk clan members

it's just an idiot pretending he know the FGC while jerking off to moba garbage
you can tell started a comment saying nigger all the while praising """""electronic sports""""" as if its a norm

Actually wondering the same thing, you don't hear anyone say anything about that in the video.

I thought there were no throw techs in Xrd.

Because they're fun.

Why do nogs love Yugioh so much?


As someone who grew up with a black friend and we were both into YGO, it's incredibly fast paced, and attracts the weebs as opposed to the neckbeards. Black people and neckbeards famously don't get along well, but there are a SHITTON of blacks who love the animu.

It was an autistic plot to have him smack her in a fit of nigger rage and get him banned from further tournaments.
Seriously. He was only saved because someone recorded the whole thing and he didn't chimp out as planned.

Stfu you sperg everybody was hyped AF. It's part of fighting game he wasn't even deameaning the other team he just asked who put currency on his name

>this shit is STILL being memed on

Holy fuck is Sup Forums really that stagnant?

Sit yo azz down boi!

What's up with screen for ants?

he made it way more fun.


Technically he could pop off and the guy could just take a round off of him or free damage because he got up.


Pop offs aren't against the rules. Grabbing people is.

Why did that whale even grab him


Who was in the wrong here?


the funny thing is he was sitting down when she grabbed him lol

Lowtierfraud because he thinks himself as an Uncle Tom even though he exhibits the traits that make black people so looked down upon in society.

Black man was in the right the entire time.

damn that nigga got his ass whoopd

I may start getting into fighting games, they look fun. Any recommendations?

She though he was chocolate if she held any longer poor guy would have been eaten.

>who bitch this is?

As a black citizen myself I didn't see the appeal to these games from my fellow afroamericans until I saw these videos.


lol somebody needs to make a reaction gif out of the guy in red in the corner between 23s-53s

Not that many options really. SFV, Guilty Gear Xrd, Tekken 7, maybe KoF. Just find what you'll like the most.

i love this so much

anybody got a link to the full fight?


>unsolved mysteries

I'm in tears


LTG. Just watch any bits of his old streams or YT vids. The guy has something deeply fucking wrong with him. LTG trash talked the entire time leading up to the match but immediately flips his attitude post-ass-beating to look 'better'. He downplays the victory ('it's just a game' comment) and attempts to pull a race card. He wants to look better than anyone and goes through mental hoops to convince himself he is better than anyone else.

I have no opinion on Viscant but he trashed LTG in a game he barely played while working two fucking jobs at the time. Then had the balls to give a verbal beat down after. That gets some props from me.

I thought it was an Iranian riverdancing arena post by post community.

Nigger, what the fuck. Next time you are going to ask who won in LTG vs Viscant.

this always makes me laugh

>LowTierGod hates black people because of stereotypes
>Is literally the amalgamation of nigger stereotypes from wanting to make it big and thinking money is the entire world and from being a insecure violence first nigger.

Really all hes missing is a gang of black friends. But hes so hate able he probably had one and they ditched his ass.


I fucking love waking up to a low tier god stream reupload and seeing 2 hours of monkey screaming and rage quits. Always brightens my day.