Admit it, it turned out great
Admit it, it turned out great
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wtb briefcase
>tfw there is no level like OP's pic related
I haven't played it yet, will it be worth getting once it's finished?
worse than absolution desu senpai
What's with the shilling recently? They releasing new episode for the last episode?
Still waiting for it to actually be worth a purchase. They've got core mechanics absolutely right, but the game performs even worse than Dishonored 2 and their delivery method + always online is quite frankly intolerable.
Even if you're a hardcore Hitman fan, you should wait until post Season 2. If shit isn't fixed by then, it never will be but at least there will be 12 levels worth mastering.
I would love for the briefcases. That was lit in blood money.
I refunded it, ran like SHIT on my pc
>tfw would assemble my sick ass sniper just to fire 1 shot
Came close to buying it a few times but get put off by the online DRM.
sure you did
i love the hitman games but this shilling is getting out of hand
Came close to buying it on GMG yesterday because it's on discount right now.
How about you come up with an actual defence for this bullshit other than crying about pirates?
Muh shills
Fuck off
gmg isn't even the cheapest you can get it.
That's what a shill would say user. Just sayin.
Cheapest I could find which is like 20% off. Keysites all wanted more than that.
Gamesplanet is going for $45 now.
Not worth tho
Yes it is
wouldn't know, i refuse to give money and encourage episodic bullshit
what's the cheapest place to get the upgrade pack
I feel like a lot of the performance issues have been fixed since release. My computer certainly hasn't gotten more powerful since then, but it hardly ever stutters.
Needs a briefcase though.
Hitman is tingling my inner /fa/.
I agree, I used to have massive loading times and frame drops around Marrakesh episode but now it runs smooth almost like butter on a fresh toast.
did you fall for the 970 meme?
it runs great on my old af 290x