
>one of the biggest countries and economies on earth >A superpower in a few years
>One of the biggest vidya markets
>They haven't created a single good game

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Hows Chroma Squad?

>A superpower in a few years
only 200 years bois!!

more like 5

>A superpower in a few years

This has been the motto of this fucking country since the "empire" days

because the previous communist government hated videogames and did all they could to prevent any form of industry development here

Chroma Squad
A Lenda Do Herói(kinda)
Trajes Fatais


>huehues actually believe this

>A superpower in a few years

The country is literally falling apart.

> A superpower in a few years

As a brazilian... LOL

So where is the white part of that monkey land?


>no Dreaming Sarah, a game made by a brazilian 4channer
>inspired by Yume Nikki, a 4ch-loved ip

how could anyone be so wrong

there isn't, everywhere is a mix of all races known to mankind, including black asians.


the far right will save us, the way god intended

The southern region

I'd rather have the military regime back in power than a fanboy of them

br here, extremely triggered. remove this post or i'll end my own life. football is everything i have

>A superpower in a few years


Brazil is the country of the future!

A future that will never come.

>Chroma Squad
>Dreaming Sarah
>Street Chaves
>Haven't created a single good game

looks cool as fuck, gonna check it out

fuck off petralha

brazil is dead, the commies ("left", "socialists", "worker's party") killed it. it's all downhill from now

What is Bomba Patch

Remember this fucking thing

How do we solve the brazilian "problem"?

The only gamedev i know from Brazil is the spriter for Terraria.
He's pretty good.

Remember me?

>anons don't know about "mônica no castelo do dragão"


remember this

> Expecting non-whites to make good games.


Have you seen the cost for a small company to run in the country?

It's insane. You need a whole legal team just to figure out how much money you need to throw at their corrupt government. Only big ass companies from outside the country get to operate in Brazil.

The few games you see are created with no budget at all, usually by a team no bigger than 5 guys.

>>A superpower in a few years
not on my watch

>it's a "Sup Forums pretends to not be infested with BRs" episode

im not even Brazilian
also China and Russia will get stronger by 2020 as well


Speaking strictly as a northeasterner my region was objectively better under the PT rule.

Mind you, i don't like it but it was better than under PSDB

>its a bolsonaro fanboy episode
>"the way god intended"
>a crentelho nonetheless


Do you even know what the political stance of the military is? No? Then stop wishing for them


BR NEET worst type of NEET

unlike you i don't need the government to give me money to feed me and my family
maybe if you actually put effort instead of making excuses you could get a job and have more money

>right candidates winning
>on a country where bolsa familia exists

bolsonaro is a cuck

Bolsa Senpaiília was created by right-wing dummy

>A superpower in a few years
I've been hearing that since I was fucking born and all we did was sabotage ourselves. That is literally the go-to phrase for anybody that wants to be proud of being born in this shithole but doesn't want to admit there's not a single thing about it to actually be proud of.

>le ebic bolsa familia is bad meme

Yeah, right. I love when a bunch of mid class fucks use that argument.

>there's not a single thing about it to actually be proud of.
the quality of our meat, at least when it comes to big companies, we shit all over north american "meat"


>What is Max Payne 3?

>not futbol
Es tu padre blanco

Why does nobody remember this? It was pretty great for a Starcraft clone.

Dumb hicks will vote for anyone who gives them 50 bucks to buy their food.

Too busy making god tier martial arts.

so many wrong implications, dear NEET :)
stop reading Veja, that ain't good for your brain

Our own Doom clone, complete with Neo as an NPC

Stronger but not strong

Didn't a big tsunami hit them recently?


You know, I never really bought into the whole hate for BRs and shit, until I started playing a game I like online. And for some fucking reason, whoever designed the netcode decided that NA and SA should be included in the same area with no way to differentiate so you can filter them out.

Now I understand.

Nah we're fine. Sea level rose for a few days, that's all.

yes, pussy tsunami

Dammit. Foiled again.

Seriously though, isn't it odd for earthquakes and tsunamis to be happening in that region?

Had no idea Chromasquad was from Brazil.

Within the first hour, your party says you have to have a male be the hostage because a female would be reinforcing negative stereotypes and it's your team's duty to help fight those views.

This is a game about power ranger rip offs starting their own studio.

>A superpower in a few years

>isn't it odd for earthquakes and tsunamis to be happening in that region?
It's weird for those to be happening to us at all. We're too far away from tectonic cracks for that shit to reach us, and yet it's almost at our doorstep.

Italy got hit a bunch too didn't it? Maybe this is the end of days. Bought fucking time if you ask me.

It can't end right now though. I got shit to do.

got sauce on that animu grill senpai?

don't worry user we're like roaches, no one likes us but we keep coming back

>got sauce on that animu grill senpai?
It's one of the Monster Hunter guild cuties. Dunno if it's official or a doujin. Looks too well drawn to be official though.

I want to make eroge.

>in a few years
More like in 500 years, unless the empire returns. Then vidya can be great here.

Ave glória, ave Império.

One mission out of the entire game.

Like, in general or what?

>one of the biggest countries and economies on earth >A superpower in a few years

>A Lenda Do Herói(kinda)

Like those on DLsite.

It really was, wasn't it? I don't know what happened there.

>Like those on DLsite
Oh. Then just grab RPG maker and get to work. Not super difficult.

>One of the biggest vidya markets
Imports and streamers. The actual vidya development market is laughable.

>No mentions of Outlive

I want to make ACT, not RPG.

Action? Then you could use Unity I guess. Recettear was made in Unity I think.

>bolsotrannies in this thread
There's no single group that I hate more than Bolsominions. The disgusting petralhas, the cucked "I-I'm the right, believe me!" Tucanos, the retarded extreme left commies, the sludge of dirty that's PMDB. Not ONE of them are worse than fucking Bolsominions.
Bolsotrannies are LITERALLY the most stupid, cucked, retarded, brain damaged gay monkeys in this entire shitty country. When I meet a bolsococksucker I just want to rape their entire family and go full Ditadura on their ass.

Im ashamed of being brazillian
I wonder if anyone here from a non literal shit country feels the same about their nationality

pls no


please elaborate on why you hate them so much instead of just throwing around a bunch of adjectives


>Br's amounting to anything

Fucking hueheue jajajaja

Ok, kid.

Why the fuck would I try and argue with a bolsocuck? It's literally impossible, they physically can't accept logic, they're like the worse of Sup Forums.
Shut the fuck up faggot, go suck the dick of your semen-slurping "mito"

You know. Considering that Brazil has a way bigger population than Mexico. I am surprised that your vidya revenue isn't higher.