You're going to buy my next game when it comes out in the spring, right, user?

You're going to buy my next game when it comes out in the spring, right, user?

No but I will buy Olivier's game next spring tho

kevin's game*

You mean Kevin's game.

I didn't realise they were making an Evangelion game

Yeah, but I'm not gonna buy any more Rean games unless they really get their shit together in CS3. CS1 was a travesty and I've heard CS2 isn't much of an improvement.

dafuq are you talking about? CS2 was amazing.

>tfw Trails threads are dead because retarded shit like this
It's ok. I didn't like the games that much anyway.

When can I buy Tio's game in english?

I'm pirating right now.

When is Lloyd's game coming out

Your first game was shit

You're shit.

I'm not taking the word of Sup Forums after it lied to me that Cold Steel 1 is good.

CS1 was good. You just have shit taste and/or ADHD.

You just have low standards.

No. Trails threads are dead because they usually die after the latest game has been out for a while.

Once Trails in the Sky The 3rd comes out, we will have about a month of constant threads, then they will die again. That's how this goes.

If the fan translation of Zero no Kiseki comes out, then we will probably talk about that. Otherwise, we'll be waiting for Xseed to pick it up.

Fuck you dumbass. I've played JRPGs my entire life. I played all the classics. The Trails series is the best of the genre, and I say that as someone who has seen it all.

Trails is good, Cold Steel is not. End of story.

>My opinion means end of story
lol no. Try again, fuckface.

I'm not the only one who was underwhelmed by that shit dating sim Persona knockoff. CS1 consistently scored low on every category in the Kiseki 10th anniversary survey.

It's not your game, you're a minor character this time.
Get used to it, it's Kevin's time to shine!

Nobody cares what shit-taste japs think about the games. The western fanbase clearly enjoyed Cold Steel.

Cold Steel would've been better if Rean was a girl

Rean was the only decent character from the entire 10 character main cast.

I thought Jusis was pretty good though
outside of combat and orbment lines though

>there will never be another kiseki game with a badass combat priest as a protagonist

No I will pirate it like I did the last 2, I'm not paying 30 dollars for it.

Coldsteel for PC when?

In this case the tastes are inverted. Japs saw through the otaku pandering and criticized CS for being trying to be a bad eroge, while you were going "Laura-chan is my waifu!". Usually it's the other way around.

But it's a Kevin's game.

I still haven't played through your first game.

Why was this series supposedly good again? I'll play through it eventually, sure, but I'm sure not seeing why it was supposed to be amazing.

Cold Steel isn't great just for the waifus.

Jusis is based but he's got that awkward voice you get when you stay up all night masturbating.

It's really not.

Generic JRPG combat, horrible shounen-anime tier style writing, and asinine dialogue that drags on for days.

If anything the waifus are pretty shit.
>Ashly "Millium" Burch
Jesus, do I have to marry a fucking man in this game to get a half-decent waifu?

I would if i weren't too old to appreciate early 2000 generic anime jrpgs as much as i used to. Teenager MCs don't do it for me anymore.

You say that as if anything has changed.

Laura and Fie are both top-tier.

The MC Kevin is 21-23

No wonder you like mediocre games.

Sure I will. But don't expect much Estelle.

Most gamers are a bunch of sad casuals and your marketing budget is about 0.1℅ of the latest Ubisoft trash.

Actually my chosen girl was Alisa, but Laura and Fie are both great as well.

>we will never get another greatest love story ever told because Falcom fell for the dating sim meme

Trails SC sold less than 50k on Steam.

Nihon Falcom is the definition of niche games.

I changed. I'm 30yo and can no longer imagine myself in the shoes of one of their MCs and pretty much the only reason i can look fondly at older jrpgs is due nostalgia, but if they were to release today for the first time with modern anime aesthetics i would probably not be interested. Been trying to abandon this shithole too but i always end coming back from time to time.

Still looks like a teen.

That's why Cold Steel tried to fish for the Persona audience.

I'm 30 years old, as well, but self-insert isn't the only way to enjoy these games. I just love playing for the story and the full experience - The soundtrack, voice acting, combat mechanics. It's all very exciting to me, and Cold Steel 2 did it very well.

man, the last jrpg i had fun with was dark souls 3.

what happened to these games that everything went to shit and that every jrpg just became a loli simulator with copy pasted combat mechanics, everything looks and plays like neptunia?

Which did kind of work out for Falcom because CS1+2 are just under 1 million copies sold overall.

dude what?

Nothing about Trails is anything like Neptunia.

The combat for Cold Steel, in particular, is nothing like Neptunia. It is more similar to Grandia, except vastly improved.

Neptunia is a light-hearted series about cute girls. Trails is a serious series of story-driven JRPGs about an illuminati-style secret organization that influences global politics for their own ends, or at least regional politics on the continent of zemuria.

Luckily I like all different forms of Japanese games, from Nier to Ar tonelico to Dragons dogma.

It has ruined me though, I literally can't play a Western game anymore.

Fuck off with the "her game" meme. If a genre has to pander to the waifu community to support a game rather than gameplay then it's shit

No, I already dumped 100 hours into your mediocre franchise.

Though it caused some backlash in the japanese community since some OGs apparently felt they were being betrayed or something. But they'll come running right back when Estelle makes a 5 minute cameo in CS3.

Good for you then. I don't really feel immersed into their fantasy worlds anymore, and looking from a bystander role such as an older support character feels kinda depressing.
I've been gradually growing bored of video games in general as of lately and only keep playing a number of action games instead of turn-based ones to be honest. It's not only the setting of jrpgs that turn me off but also their combat systems.

Crossbell when?

So you're just a retard who thinks you're some kind of special snowflake, then. Gotcha.

top lel

I'm still visiting an image board full of teenagers and social outcasts so yeah, i'm an idiot. I'll try harder to not come back.


Just as I thought.

Bye now, mr. special snowflake.

No Drakengard 3 was better I enjoyed all the waifus and waifus killing each other brutally.

Still halfway through SC, hopefully I can get myself on that.

Trails is both tremendously overrated and underrated simultaeneously like many classic RPGs. It offers something that isn't in pretty much just any rpg- a lived in world, non-conflict quests, some interesting lore, some okay political stuff, dialogue out the yin yang, combat that doesn't complete suck balls and some interesting customization options and subsystems with orbments.

However, each of these things comes with a couple caveats: the combat is still pretty omniprescent, slow and has limited depth, orbaments boil down to generally a few uninteresting choices and almost might as well not exist for like Zane, the pace is a bit plodding and having to run everywhere will get on the average player's nerves, JRPG/anime tropes to too high a degree holds back the plot, pretty obnoxious amount of missables and dialogue foster fatigue especially since most of the dialogue is somewhat inane, and the graphics weren't that impressive even at the time.

Scope is a double-edged sword.

This game came out like a week ago, it's supposed to be pretty good.

after CS3

or if that fan translation ever gets unfucked

I cant begin to imagine the hell that is your life

>It is more similar to Grandia, except vastly improved.

I wish they would rip off Grandia's upcoming turn/action wheel instead of having the list on the side.


calvard game when

Beyond your lifetime.

Just like Estelle they have the most boring and uninspired cliche personalities. Trails series really sucks in that regard.

i haven't even played the first yet

Yeah, it's pretty good. It's kinda if you mix Ys with Diablo.

Why would I spend 40 hours staring at a shitty version of asuka

I can't wait for the SJWs playing the game to see Renne's door.

The Cold Steel games significantly improve upon the combat system. Should check it out when you're done with SC

Yeah, just have to get a PS3 or Vita.

If calvard is another anime school I am contacting Trump and ordering him to nuke Japan.

I don't buy games featuring retarded screeching harpies, sorry.

>Another Alisafag
God bless you, user. I thought I was the only Alisafag here

Sure. I just played FC and SC, so I'm looking forward to the 3rd. Since it's coming out in spring, it shouldn't be that long of a wait, and then I can play Zero/Ao and CS. Trying to resist playing them (and the 3rd) right now because I've had enough of JRPGs for quite awhile.

You know, even though I completed Trails 1, I'm not in any sort of rush to play the second. It was such a vanilla JRPG experience. Competent but unremarkable.

I think it's the characters that people get really involved with and they want to see how their stories play out. That's how it was for me, which is really damn rare. Usually I play any game for the gameplay, it's rare that I continue because the story and/or characters are that interesting if the gameplay isn't too great.