Daily reminder that you were the villain in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

Daily reminder that you were the villain in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

>Dagoth Ur wants to rid morrowind of the false gods
>give the gaijin empire the boot as well
>Because of dunmeri faith wants to give the four bad daedra the boot permanently

Then you the big badass hero come in and shit all over him and his plans, which as a result

>heart of Lorkan dead
>Big badass hero becomes a weaboo and fucks off to fantasy japan
>Daedra walk right on in during the oblivion crisis
>mighty whitey empire fucks off with no warning leaving morrowind defenseless
>vivec fucks off without parking sheogoraths moon properly, which ends up raping southern Vvardenfell
>falling moon causes red mountain to erupt
>walking talking swamp boots decide to chimp out raping and taking control of House Dres lands
>Dunmer forced to go into white mans lands to get away from tragedy after tragedy

Hero who had a hand in all this never came back and never owns up to the shit he had a hand in causing. If Dagoth Ur had succeeded non of that shit above would have happened,the thalmor wouldn't happen. every bad thing that happened in last years of the 3rd era and the first 200 years of the 4th era wouldn't have happened.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Daedra that cursed your entire race to have grey skin and red eyes
>Thinking her quests would end well for the Dunmer

Azura just wanted to fuck the Dunmer over one last time

What the fuck are you even blithering about faggot.

Go get some pussy faggot.


Now that you have come to me here, there can be but one result. Many times I have considered offering to share this place with you. I considered offering to accept your oath of service. You might try to buy my trust by giving me Wraithguard, Keening, and Sunder. I thought we might once again be friends... comrades... brothers in arms.

"dagoth ur dindu nuffin, he a good boi"

Daily reminder that you misunderstood what Dagoth Ur was going for.

Let me tell you my Morrowind story.

>roll Khajit acrobat
>mark of the thief
>jump jump jump jump
>eventually notice that the more you jump, the higher you jump
>jump jump jump
>jump jump jump
>jump jump jump
>jump jump jump
>Start being able to jump onto buildings
>Start being able to snipe enemies with my bow
>become a bow god
>find a deadric bow
>run around exploring Morrowing, killing everything
>stealing everything
>best items
>climb weird mountain
>jump jump jump
>jump jump jump
>jump jump jump
>run into weird looking guy in a cave
>barely kill him

What a fun game.



Also if anyone is a bad guy it is Vivec.
His ugly soul in a gem on top of my shelf always fills me with great satisfaction.

I always thought that was great, how Dagoth Ur didn't actually die.

He sees the player do all the shit to destroy the heart, which he's tied himself to, so when the player breaks it he thinks 'gg, guess I should die now', and wills himself into nothingness

What a swell guy.

>autism:the post

i bet you hated skyrim

This happened to me but I ran around with a dai katana instead

I always save the Star for Almalexia. Like bitch you don't fucking cheat on Nerevar


>Leveling acrobat.

>Bethesda will never embrace stupid shit like this a normal mechanic ever again
The Toddler has to go.

Are you really much of a hero in Skyrim?

Isn't your soul claimed by something like 6 daedric princes by the end of it all
well, werewolf and vampire princes might have their claim voided if you're cured I guess
Oh, and Sovn Gard I suppose as well

>Isn't your soul claimed by something like 6 daedric princes by the end of it all
But your big-dick dragonblood means you can tell all those guys to go fuck themselves. They ain't getting shit.

Akaktosh is another story though.

Oh, plus the necromancy probably means you might owe something to Ideal Masters for all we know

dumner got screwed
Am failing to see the downside.


To be honest, fuck the lot of them.

The Dunmer are literally deep innabayou Cajun voodoo dindus.

The Argonian are deeper in the bayou, but they're alligator people
The Khajit are gypsy shits
The Imperials are trying to keep shit together, but not doing too well
The Nords are useful idiots
The Altmer are stuck up morons
The Bosmer... I have nothing against
And the Breton are SHOOOOOORT

Nope, I teamed up with my old friend and eventually became a heartwight.

>Daily reminder that you were the villain in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
that's wrong
azura is the villain in morrowind
your character is also not the neravarine, it's just azura messing with you

the champion of cyrodiil is also not sheogorath
the champion of cyrodiil was told by dyus that they will not succeed in their task, and dyus knows everything, so the champion of cyrodiil did not succeed

>You have a noble spirit. I share the power I have from the Heart to help free mortals from their ancient fears of the gods. Who knows what we might be capable of once we no longer fear death? Your goal is worthy, and I honor you for it.

Woah, really makes you think...

If Dagoth Ur wasn't a bad guy, then why was he making people into Ash Vampires and causing the spread of the Corprus disease?

Because dreamsleeves are for kids.

Then who was the hero, at any given time in each title?


it was you!

Sometimes nobody wins

Why is Nerevar so special when he is the only character who can't wield Sunder and Keening without Wraithguard?

Special doesn't always mean good


>Azura was so dedicated to her dead husbando, Nerevar, that she tricks some fucking moron into doing all her dirty working and preventing the Dunmner from finding happiness
He was avenged. Le CHIM xD could not stop her love.


red mountain is Hell on Earth, his cult is composed of lovecraft monsters that carve their faces off and do OCD rituals involving stacking chairs in weird ass positions, he wanted to commit genocide against a bunch of people that did nothing wrong, he invented the blight for biological warfare, he spewed ash from the volcano and ruined most of Morrowind's farmland, the weaker members of his cult turn into tumor zombies that are used as cattle except their flesh regrows back so they never die and they're in constant pain.

He's insane, he's called the devil by the ashlanders for a reason man

>instead of remastering Morrowind/Oblivion Todd "remastered" Skyrim

I didn't pay much attention
What did they do to skyrim?
Upped the textures or something?

>closest thing we will ever get to a Remastered morrowind is Dragonborn

Added ENB into the base game and remade some textures.

Ctrl-C -> Ctrl-V'd the entire thing from Skyrim's version of Gamebryo to Fallout 4's.


Reminder that the big bad was so weak, it took only 4 minutes for a weapon juggling man wearing rags to ruin his plan.

>her dead husbando, Nerevar
I thought Nerevar was Almalexia's husbando?

>and remade some textures.
If by that you mean literally just upscales

So how's Legends?
Anyone playing?

You're right, that other user is confused.

Stop using racial shit to bait people into a TES thread. People will come in without using any divisive racial shit.
I'm not even white nor asian.


Daily reminder that Dagoth Ur got served.


Calm down, nigger.

similar thing happened to me

i happened to found the final boss and just thought he was some random guy in a cave

i kill him (easily) and then everyone proclaims me to be a hero

n'wah detected

>Randomly walking around North side of the map in the evening
>Stumble across cool looking cave
>Walk in
>Suddenly I'm Nerevar now
Was fucking weird, I skipped like a quarter of the main quest.

>yeah I just randomly executed this extremely specific sequence using extremely specific weapons in extremely specific locations that require extremely specific safeguards xD
Want to know how I know you guys didn't actually beat the main quest and are just shitposting and memeing about it?

Can you actually do that? I specifically remember going to the cavern of the incarnate early in one of my playthroughs and it wouldn't let me in.

I guess in that context it might seem fucking dumb but at least morrowind allowed you to go anywhere you wanted and do whatever you want in any order instead of spoon feeding and holding your hand the entire time.

>tfw Dagoth Ur only wanted to Make Morrowind Great Again
>getting tricked by the Daedra, again

Reincarnation was a mistake


He means the cave of azura with all the failed incarnates.

>That's the frozen island up to the north, right?

Every fucking time.

So Dagoth Ur WAS the good guy?

Why does the world and his wife think he's a villain then? Although technically Dagoth did create the blight so regardless of his intentions turning everyone into a zombie isn't a positive thing either.

Depends if you think destroying an illusory reality that would also mean the non-existence of the that 'reality's' inhabitant is good or not.
From their perspective, he's pretty bad.
