Turns out they're actually pretty good. I'd even say 9/10, maybe 10/10 if they included more Pokemon.
Turns out they're actually pretty good. I'd even say 9/10, maybe 10/10 if they included more Pokemon
>I want them to continue to cram 1,000 pokemon in each generation
Also here's a list of all the sprites in the game, because why not.
I do, since they clearly are already all ugly as sin I expected more than 50 this time around
>no buneary
>he wants fewer Pokeymans
>catch starter bird
>get brick break right away with fighting z move
>game is already braindead easy
totem fights are literally so dumb when you can just z move them
I disagree, not only have a heard quite a lot of disappointing things from other people, but I've found the games to be very disappointing myself
The only reason I'm still playing it is because with the exp share off, the game almost has some challenge to it, and I'm hoping it gets better later
>I'd even say 9/10, maybe 10/10
fucking no.
all the bullshit hand holding every 10 seconds along with a cut scene every few minutes kills this shit.
Has anyone been playing with the "no outlines" option in the NTR plugin?
It looks like ass.
Why do the Skull grunts look the same as the punks?
Punks are renormed Skull grunts. Reformed Guzma and Plumeria get new designs too.
theyre actually afraid of hitting 1000 pokemon which is why they stopped adding so many and resorted to things like mega evolution
>Battle powerful trainers fand meet memorable characters from the past
>No Gold
>No Silver
>No Lance
>No Giovanni
>No Steven
>No Iris
>No N
No this game is dead on arrival. What a fucking wasted potential. I'm still so fucking mad
new waifu i love her
Good luck at the Grass trial.
Lol all the characters you mentioned are trash, specially gold.
This game is the best Pogeymanz game of the console gen, easy.
Granted, that's not saying much, but this game has a level of ACTUALLY FUCKING TRIED that we really haven't seen from a Pokemon game, and certainly from a first-of-the-gen base game since Gold/Silver.
It's flawed, but it feels fresh in a way Pokemon hasn't in a very, very long time.
Better than ORAS, better than XY, not as good as B2/W2, probably as good as Black/White, but in different ways. 7.5, maybe even 8 out of 10.
I agree.
This game will probably sell very well, even with the hack I guarantee 95% of normies don't even know it leaked. So I'm excited about future games.
>why can't we fight giovanni
>a character that canonically vanished without a trace
Are you kidding me
How are the totem fights in this game? Judging from the demo, I was afraid that they would be too easy because you are only fight one pokemon that can call on henchmen.
The game definitely mixed up the formula a lot, which I was really excited for considering the formula had gotten very stale and stuff like HMs needed to removed for ages
But I feel like the new direction they decided to take the game wasn't really a good one, at least for the older audience.
For every good new feature there's a bad one or something that was removed, and for every new thing that works well there's something that doesn't.
I'm hoping that they decide to actually refine this new direction to make it good, instead of instantly retreating back to "what works", but as it stands now Sun and Moon feel pretty disappointing so far.
If nothing else, I do agree, it feels like that actually put some effort into parts of the game.
I've been finding them interesting, but I'm also pretty much under levelled for the level curve
Some of them are genuinely difficult, while others are honestly pretty easy.
While Pokemon games are generally basic and easy, SM actually do have some difficulty compared to the rest, and the totem fights are a good example of that.
Not gonna lie, a couple of them are pushovers.
You've got to be kidding.
They're better than X/Y easily, probably better than ORAS. They're not nearly as good as BW or HGSS. The small amount of new Pokemon is really a killer in a game where so much of the fun is discovering and collecting Pokemon.
I'd give a 6/10.
You could fight him in B2W2 though.
i wanna fuck lillie
her too actually
>Less towns and routes than any other game
>Replace gyms with trials but only make 7 short trials
>Villain hideout is the smallest hideout by far
>Most trainers reduced to 1 or 2 Pokemon
>Huge focus on handholding and cutscenes
Which part of S/M was actually trying?
>he thinks PWT is canon
Canonically dead rather.
The manga is canon btw :^)
Should I pick a male or female trainer?
So, are we rerolling for the Pokemon game of our dreams in 3 years?
>Dead on arrival
>Mainline pokemon game
That's not how it works.
>2016 not enjoying Pokemon
go play your ps4
How is the porn?
I love this image
Lillie porn and the OST for SM make the game 10/10 desu
Told you so. Just spread the word and make sure NOBODY plans on playing SuMo.
>but this game has a level of ACTUALLY FUCKING TRIED
NOA employee detected.
>Being a nigger lover
Bet you're a cuck too, seeing those 2 seem very connected
sun and moon will be one of the best selling pokemon games, breaking records
>thinking the normies know anything about the leaks, even if you think the game is bad, which it isn't, it'll still sell a lot..
Great, couldn't show up anytime sooner to ruin this thread Pokebarneyfag. I'm just gonna avoid pokemon threads entirely until the game comes out.
When can I get evolution stones for eevee?
You seriously need help dude. It's not funny anymore.
Does this shit get better later on? I'm like 5 hours in and I just want to do my thing but all these faggots keep telling me what to do, even the pokedex tells me what to do. It's like a never ending tutorial level.
>9/10, maybe 10/10
I'd agree. I'm having a great time in my mountain cabin playing pokemon.
have an owl
The game is poor, but you're just as deluded as the pokemon fans you mock if you don't think the game will still sell like hotcakes
The linear nature of the game and the focus on story and cutscenes will be loved by the young children the game is actually targeted at
is pokebarneyfag really retarded? i thought it was just a meme but now i see i was wrong
does he know what he's doing is embarrassing? does he know that we know when he's samefagging?
i'm legit having a hard time fathoming this amount of retardation
>does he know what he's doing is embarrassing? does he know that we know when he's samefagging?
nigga if he knew he would've stopped by now
just ignore him
I'd give it probably a 6.5 or a 7/10. It's alright, I'm enjoying it more than XY, but:
>post game is shit yet again
>battle tree is a massive disappointment
>encounter rates for new pokemon are surprisingly low, which makes the fact that there isn't that many new pokemon even worse
>some of the new music is really good
>some of the new music isn't that good
>full, non-grid movement is good
>the story is OK, for a Pokemon game
>trials are hit and miss, but mostly miss
>too few Alola Forms for it to a significant addition
>super training and hordes removed
>Join Avenue 2.0 is tedious
>character customization has improved, so that's good
>presentation is alright, removal of circles in battles and having trainers present is nice
>12 hour apart gimmick is kind of lame
>framerate can get really shitty if you're using an O3DS, and would be unplayable during Battle Royale if it wasn't a turnbased game
>z-moves are an OK addition, mainly because there's a bunch of unique interactions with certain moves
>.. .but you can't skip z move animations, and they go on way too long to make me want to actually use them
>mostly good designs this gen
I think that's a fairly fair assessment.
What would you consider a good postgame?
What previous gen pokemon are in the pokedex?
I've only got a team of
rock wolf
ice ninetailes
worked out and don't like any of the other pokemon at all/don't need more of that type.
>someone is autistic enough to spend every single hour of the day shitposting about how much they don't like something with the sole mission of ruining everyone else's fun
>this exact person literally pretends to be different people just to try and drive his nonexistent points home
i thought my friends were lying when they told me about you but holy fuck this is sad
Post game is the multiplayer IDK what you're talking about
The campaign is roughly 40 hours if you explore, with some post game. Then you can breed, battle online, trade, iv and evs.
Easily worth 40$ which is nothing.
Thanks for correcting the record 300 pokebucks has been deposited into your PC
>spooky archer owl
Who else should be on my team? I'm only using Gen7 and Alolan forms. Don't say Salazzle, I am not hunting for a female Salandit.
>Post game is the multiplayer
That's a pretty cheap argument.
Sure it's not exactly wrong, but when previous generations like 4 and 5 have had so much single player post game content, you can't reasonably expect people to just be happy with "MP is the post game"
The post game content is what provided the interesting and challenging stuff for solo players, and after the insult of the Mansion replacing the entire Frontier in ORAS, it's pretty clear people still want a proper post game.
>Ilima had dialogue over me not using Z moves against the Kahuna
That was a nice surprise, can't see why anyone would ever bother using one against the old man considering you can get Butterfree real easy and turn the whole fight into a joke with him
Please don't make fun of him, he's actually retarded. Not the jokey kind of retard, like, he's a full blown genuine retard.
I personally really like Palossand and Tsareena.
>got hyped over finally catching an Abra and leveling him into Kadabra
>just remembered Alakazam is trade only
Goddamn it all
I always find it more fun to wing it when it comes to ingame teams. So you don't waste hours trying to find one thing specific, and find some unexpected favorites that you wouldn't have used otherwise.
I'm in the minority here but I really like Drampa. Oranguru is really cool too.
where do i find this guy?
You get him once you beat the game.
Anyone else a huge fan of Silvally, dude's lovable as fuck.
How many new Pokemon did they end up adding? Not Alohan form shit, but actual new Pokemon? And I assume it's not out officially yet? I've hacked my 3DS but I haven't checked Freeshop or CIAngel.
A bit over 80 new ones.
safari zone. 1/168,000,000 chance to see
impossible to catch
only one bush has him and its far as shit to get to
>starter bird
which one
why's there 2 green dogs and snakes from 6th gen?
>last Pokemon I played was Heart Gold
>actually bought Y but barely played it/was bored to tears, so don't even count it
>was planning on getting Sun at release
So are they actually bad or is this general Sup Forums shitting on everything bad? I'm having second thoughts now. Also, I'm paranoid about their being a Switch port just next year with its much better resolution. Anyone worried that will happen?
7/10 too much water
I saw my friend beat the game and he also commented on how much fun he had beating the champion compared to X&Y and ORAS so I'd say it's solid.
They made two different forms for the two possible abilities so you couldn't use an ability capsule to switch between them.
So what's the earliest I can get a Type:Null?
It's literally two people shitting on everything, it's without a doubt a very solid entry
It's a great game, but nobody here is really shitting on it. Unless you're talking about Pokebarneyfag though, and in that case he just samefags all day.
Don't ask me why he does it, though. I tried asking him but the only response I ever get is "We've been working months to expose the horrors of SuMo." Dude's seriously got some screws loose. It's like he seriously thinks his samefagging is multiple people.
Postgame only
The first island is a overly-long, glorified tutorial but bear through that and the rest of the game is pretty fucking good. My main complaint with the game is pokemon distribution, some pokemon have a less than 5% chance of being caught, which includes new mons.
Well fuck, I wanted to use one all game
Thanks for the info anyway
Whats the besk pokemon for the DS? for someone who never played a pokemon game before.
Sure thing user.
Yeah, the first part of the game is very handholdy. It does iron itself out though.
Diamond/Pearl are my personal favorites.
Do you want Lillie to be straight or a lesbian?
>Get to the second island
>Excited to go and explore
>Immediately get hit with a road block and forced to go to the hotel to babysit Lillie
Jesus fuck, I remember when I was able to get to the new town and actually explore a bit before having to do stuff. This is disappointing me.
Start with black and white, then move onto Black 2 or White 2.
OR you could play Pokemon Platinum to get a good feel on what a pokemon game is like and move on to Heartgold/Soulsilver.
Don't be worried, the game is actually solid. The reason why they samefags are posting this is to get people from not buying Pokemon because they're anti-pokemon fags
Having a lesbo after me sounds funny, since my trainer will only be doing depraved heterosexual acts.
Thanks, i'll start with B/W then.
To explain my reasoning:
>Diamond/Pearl are straight downgrades to Platinum, are super slow, and have a shit variety of Pokemon
>Platinum is probably the most difficult game in the series, probably not the best for someone who doesn't understand the mechanics.
>Heartgold/Soulsilver have really poor midgame balancing, because it was designed so you could do the middle gyms in any order.
>Black/White only contain Pokemon from that generation, and are one of the more story-heavy games.
>Black2/White2 are sequels.
Is she Game Freak's Lucina/Dancina?
I hope so. I want another game set in Kanto, 20 years later, with Lillie as the champion.
well i have the slut fire lizzard and the bird learns flame charge from the TM with the fire z move
seems fine
You'll never be as autistic as barneyfag user, just give up
Probably, though the question is if people will latch onto her anywhere near as much
>unironically playing as the shitty, bland-looking male trainer
I hope you fags don't do this. Chickenchan will be sad!
Cute shotas are always superior to cute lolis