A prospective PS4 (Pro) buyer here

A prospective PS4 (Pro) buyer here.
How do I get sound out of this thing?
Do I buy a cheapo DAC like

Or do I get fucked by Sony some more and buy a headset? It costs about the same.
I don't have a TV, will be hooking it up to my monitor, but unlike the PS3 the PS4 has no analog audio out.

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buy a capture card and use your computer setup

Logitech Z5500 master race

I was thinking about buying a Sound Blaster Z (it has optical in), but I don't really want to be forced to have both my PC and consoles running at the same time if I just want to play some PS4 exclusives.

>I don't have a TV, will be hooking it up to my monitor, but unlike the PS3 the PS4 has no analog audio out.
I tried extracting analog audio with a cheap HDMI audio extractor, but those don't support DVI monitors. So what's even the point of these shitty things?

If you're going to hook it up to your monitor who gives a fuck

I run my ps4 through a capture card and hdmi passthrough for my dac/amp headphones. A bonus is also I can freely record and take pictures smoothly

Buying a PS4 Slim eventually. Best to go now, around Black Friday or wait for January sales? PC gamer so buying one so I can mainly play the Crash Remasters, and any other exclusives that come out.

For an MRSP of 299 bucks there is no need to wait, it won't get much cheaper.
Recommendation: Get the 500 GB version, then replace the harddrive with a 2 TB one.

The pro has digital out. Or you can simply use any headset and hook it up to the controller

>Or you can simply use any headset and hook it up to the controller
That is awful quality.

A prospective new gaming system buyer here.
Why should I get a PC?
PS4 Pro has exclusives coming up like Horizon, RDR2, God of War, Days Gone + all the multiplats, that PC gets.
A genuine question: What is the PC line-up in 2017? I honestly can't see any worthwhile PC only title coming up. IM NOT trying to be a sonygger, I actually want to get a PC, I just can't come up with a reason when I think of the game library.

Am I missing something?

For me the main advantage has been having a machine that (hard drive depending) can have games from across generations and are easily accesible in a few clicks. Cheaper games and the reason beforehand have led me to play WAY more games than I had back when I had a 360 and PS3.

1. Yeah, that's my reasoning too, but that would be mostly games that I have already played (I miss backwards compatilibity with my current PS4, I admit).

2. Another thing are controls. I like playing shooters and controllers are completely atricious when it comes to shooters.

3. Graphics - I plan to to get a i5/GTX 1060 6GB PC, which will hopefully allow me to get better graphics/framerate (1080p) than on the PS4 pro.

Im just worried about the upcoming games library - things don't look too bright for PC. Good thing for me that Im into oldschool RPGs - i'll get to play PoE, new Torment, Tyranny - but these game dont need that good hardware to play. Here's my question - are there any big titles coming exclusively for PC? I just can't find any.


that's all you need.

>- are there any big titles coming exclusively for PC? I just can't find any.
I'm looking forward to Mount and Blade 2 a lot.

It will sound like shit plus I'd still need an amp.

>A genuine question: What is the PC line-up in 2017? I honestly can't see any worthwhile PC only title coming up.
Haha, I got new PC build in 2013, which had literally no worthwhile games released for it. All the 8th gen multiplats coming in later run worse than on console.
You wait first for 5-10 of worthwhile PC games to release, then you build the perfect PC for them later. This is what I do now.

>All the 8th gen multiplats coming in later run worse than on console.
>on my shitty pc

ok this might be stupid, but do capture cards have the ability to upscale to higher resolutions? I'm running my ps4 on a 1440p monitor, which does a poor job at upscaling. are capture cards able to upscale and if they do, would it be better than shitty monitor upscaling?

This, capture card is comfy m8

slims gonna be 250 on black friday

How does it work?
I pass through the HDMI to my monitor and output the sound through onboard?
Is there significant lag?

Does your monitor has a port for headset/speakers?
Then just plug it in

If not, I dunno, buy the Sony headset.

It does, but it's sounds pretty flat and volume is quite low.

Are you absolutely sure it's the port's problem and not your speakers/headset?

In this case go with the Sony's blue-tooth headset for the PS4
I don't have it but the overall feedback is quite good as I've heard. Much cheaper and practical than buying a whole new TV or some optical converters.

As someone who built a gaming PC for the first time in his life after being mainly a console player: the only advantages I personally find for myself are the piracy (which is getting extinct thanks to Denuvo) and emulation.
Multiplats run and look better but 90% of the multiplats nowadays are shit anyways.

Emulation is a godsent though.

>tfw bought ps4 in 2013
>Can't buy pro with NEETbux

Is this thing going to have bundles that aren't call of duty?

Acquire job.


>PCfags meme potato masher so hard even they start to believe it that this is viable option

Die in abject poverty then.

Well something like a 950 certainly is a match for PS4/XBone.
Thing is that's way below what I'd consider a reasonable standard of fidelity/performance.

I assume the PS4Pro still has optical out for audio, if yes then that one is going to work, yeah.
Depending on your headphones' impedance the volume might be pretty loud though since those usually aren't designed to deal with raw inputs. The quality is not going to suffer because of that though so don't worry. The PS4 doesn't let you change system wide volume software side but almost every game I've played had settings for volumes in the options so it's not like it's a big deal.


I'm using Audio-Technica ATH-TAD400 headphones with 35 Ohms.
I was looking at DAC/Amp combos for ~70€, or alternatively the Sony PS headset, but I would prefer to be able to use my current headphones.

And yeah, Pro has an optical out. Also PS4 is compatible with USB DAC's apparently, but I would still prefer optical since I could use it with my PS3

Will using a DAC from the optical out introduce lag on audio? I play rhythm games so this is important.

Well you have to run it through a DAC either way, regardless if you get an extra box or have in integrated in your TV/receiver/whatever.
Conclusion is it shouldn't.