How's weeb Hearthstone, Sup Forums?
How's weeb Hearthstone, Sup Forums?
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17 hours in so far, it's really fun, really like how there's barely any random effects.
80 hours in. It's still fucking amazing.
This games shits on hearthstone in every conceivable way (except the UI and English VA).
That's coming from someone who played hearthstone for 2 years.
I wish I had a YouTube channel or something so that I could shill this game more. It really deserves to become popular.
I'm sure you can't explain why like every other person I ask
It's always "It's just better"
Shills need to die
A game that would be DOA if it weren't for the fanservice, just like every other weebshit game
the game needs more singleplayer content desu
95 hours in, my left arm is slowly losing sensitivity, game is a blast, needs more shills
> multiplayer focused game
> needs more single player
Are you one of those guys that get scared of facing other players and panic
Not that user, but the game is really good, each class has a different mechanic to play with, each class has a lot of tools to work with, so they can make different kinds of decks like control, aggro, combo, etc. When you lose it's either because you got fucked by bad draws or because you misplayed at some point/ the opponent was better than you, the evolve mechanic makes trades more interesting and adds some neat complexity to your turns, you don't feel like you got fucked by the RNG of some bullshit card like Barnes in HS.
not really I played a good amount of ranked matches
i guess can't really complain about content in a f2p game, but im sure the story will get an update someday
It really doesn't. The game is heavily focused on multiplayer, yet it has several Story Modes chapters already.
Shouldn't it continue at some point? Since every character story ends in a "To be continued..." message.
I play it for the thrill of opening packs.
New set when
Next month.
Next year.
I'd like some advice on which of these cards I should get rid of for vials. Right now I want to focus on blood and have forest, sword, or shadow as a secondary deck, but I haven't really decided there.
You should do it before it gets too big and you'll be overshadowed by others. If it gets big.
They got to fix some bugs. Like miss clicking.
I want to take her bells away from her.
.>using the english VA
Of course I can explain why. The reason is that the game has significantly more strategic depth.
There is almost no RNG in card abilities and those that have it are usually more specific than HS (e.g. Return one of your highest cost minions that died to your hand).
The evolution mechanic is absolutely fantastic. Deciding when to and when not to evolve adds a new layer of depth to the game. You can evolve early to gain board presence, but really shouldn't do so unless going second. You can evolve as a form of removal, or you can save your evolves to activate important abilities. You can use your evolves waste fully if you know that you can renew them later in the game. You can evolve to get some extra damage on face if you're fighting a losing battle as an agro deck. You can plan around your opponents evolves and play accordingly. It's brilliant.
40 card decks ensure that you almost never play a game where one player runs out of cards. This is the standard for card games so I'm not sure why blizzard felt the need to make it 30. Having 3 of each legendary improves consistency and allows you to actually build decks around legendary cards.
In terms of the collecting side, you get dozens of free packs. You get like 40 for just starting and the devs are always handing out more. In the first 50 or so hours of play you'll probably be earning around 5 packs a day. The legendary drop rate is higher too and it's so easy to accumulate dust.
All of the classes feel a lot more unique to play than hearthstone too. Each have unique mechanics like you're playing Guilty Gear or something. Even a simple agro face deck leaves a lot more room for decision making than the average HS deck.
Highly recommended.
The single player sucks dick. I hope they never add any more of it.
I don't use it. I just thought I better point out that it is worse than HS in case someone called me out.
Holy shit this. Even if you don't use the English voices you still have to deal with the horrid translations. I lost count of how many times I noticed the differences between the English text and the Japanese voices because pretty much all of it got changed up in some way.
>actually watching the cutscenes
No need to be elitist, senpai. I speak moon too but there's no reason to complain about a bad translation of a story that literally nobody on earth cares about.
If it bothers you that much just swap text to runes.
I have over 20 hours and only one not-even-complete deck. ;_; Takes quite a while to build any other deck if you melt everything.
50 hours in.
Lol what? Nigger I had 3 competitive decks in my first week playing. Sure, I made a couple of minor changes from the net decks but they were still good enough to reach gold.
just try it cunt
Apparently S tier decks are expensive or something. I'm still missing two cards before completion.
Two cards is nothing. You've got a 40 card deck. You wouldn't even draw those 2 cards in most games.
What deck are you trying to make?
The most expensive deck is probably purgatory Forrest craft which is undoubtedly one of the best decks in the game right now. That said you don't need tier 1 decks to reach gold. I run mid shadow, banner sword and spell rune, only one of which is considered tier 1. In the end though, the most expensive deck will depend which legendaries you pull. Just make the decks that have the same legendaries that you own.
Really want to liquify Atomy and Fafnir since I don't like dragons and Atomy disappointed me everytime I played him.
It's not so much that I cared about the story as it is me being surprised at just how shitty the translation was. I'd probably raise shit if it was a game with a plot I actually cared about.
forgot the image.
Do it.
Midrange Sword. I had a Banner deck before I decided to switch over to try what I had completed of my midrange deck at the time. I can say that I do enjoy making bannerfags eat my shit.
>I lost count of how many times I noticed the differences between the English text and the Japanese voices
Literally every single line. It's not just a flavor change either, it's changed the characterization of a few characters.
Steam says 59 hours and I probably have another hour on mobile. Although there's quite a bit of time I left the game running in the background.
Liquifying stuff always hurts, but I got a sweet Otohime now.
>every person I've played online in ranked or unranked has dark angel olivia accompanied by 20 other rares/legendaries
>try to play take 2
>literally nothing but swordcraft and havencraft decks
>still run into dark angel olivia
Really? What rank? I barely ever see her. Sometimes I see her in havencraft deck but I've never really seen her in other deck except in arena. She's really not that good except in control decks because the game is just about decided by the time you can play her.
32 hours says steam, but I once left it on overnight by accident. So, maybe like 24?
I really wanted to try a Forestcraft/Bloodcraft deck, but ALL I get are decent shadow cards. So I'm stuck with control/aggro shadow.
Olivia its shit m8, if you don't win on turn 9 or less there is a problem with your deck.
Basically Hearthstone with evos and weeb art
Craft one more lord of the flies and play midrange shadow. It's probably one of the most fun decks in the game IMO.
Hearthstone with weeb art and much better card design.
Well there's more boobs in weeb art than blizz art so you got that for you
Personally anime characters don't do much for me. It's the actual interesting card effects and room for strategic play that elevates the game IMO.
But I guess you're just here to shitpost, hey. Carry on, I guess.
I've been using this deck and doing really well. It's quite cheap too. You don't need the Liza but they're nice. The Blessed Fairy Dancers and the Rhinos are amazing. So many turn 6 wins.
I'm rank 1, I've only managed to win 1 ranked match so far, and about 2 out of the 50 unranked matches. Everytime I go up against people that have some crazy good cards. meanwhile I've got 2 legendaries to my name, and about 2 golds per deck.
25 hours reporting in
kill me
Maybe played for 10hrs on mobile
Only have exp as swordcraft but seems like I have lot of forest leggos. Love Lucifer doe
Not him, but I've seen her since D2.
conjuring force is pretty shit
Oh shoot, that looks good I'll give it a shot thanks!
You mind giving me some pointers on what to go for next? Still midway through crafting this Death's Breath, and not too sure where to go after that.
I'm genuinely curious about it since I like card games, I can't help sounding like a douche.
Might try it later though since I wasn't called a faggot this whole time
Oh, lol. Sounds like you should probably reroll. I got 9 legendaries and numerous golds out of the free packs they give you when you start. Sounds like you hurt got unlucky.
jesus christ man, I got 4 from my starting packs
Here's my deck code: vnzi
I play on steam
Why didn't you re-roll?
I didn't learn about rerolling till after completing 3 story modes and about 15 hours of playing also
Oh, in that case, definitely give it a shot. As I stated in an earlier post, I feel that it's better than HS in almost every way (coming from someone with hundreds of hours in HS).
You get a lot of free shit just for starting so give it a shot.
So what? You can still reroll. Just look up a guide.
meant to link the post saying I play on steam
oh, I had heard that if you play on steam you couldn't reroll
You can't reroll using steam but you could have gone through an emulator.
He still can. Just reroll on an emulator and then link the new account.
>except the UI
lol fuck you the UI is awesome looking and literally what has drawn me to my first card game ever compared to shitstone and their fucking boring ass table of le epic blizzard trademark
just make an acc on an emulator, and keep rerolling on that till you get a good roll, then send the sync # to your steam acc
oh nice, thanks!
Basically the game is very open to all differing playstyles.
Even right now where elf and haven are real strong, every single class has at least 1 deck type that's very strong.
Combo, Aggro, Control, and Midrange all see play and most aren't brainless, even the aggro.
Control here is fun because it's not like HS's 'spam removal until fatigue, then have a who-can-outheal-fatigue-damage fight' Instead it works like this, Aggro wishes to bully the opponent down for the kill between turns 4-6, Midrange will go for the value plays and just roll over you on turns 6-8, and control goes for an unstoppable kill sometime between turns 8-10. Having games go real fucking long where nothing really happens just doesn't occur.
Each class has a gimmick of some sort that completely defines how they play, like elf having tons of cards based around playing X cards before it to activate special effects, Sword having 2 tribals that buff one another, or shadow being able to spend its graveyard to buff its cards.
Then combine the fact that most neutrals are very generic in terms of effects, they do not stray from shit like some weak heals or card draw, so there are no neutrals that see near universal play due to their amazing utility, ala hearthstone.
Also there is a huge stat squish here, with base stats being 1/2,2/2,2/3,3/4 (anything past 4mp isn't ever going to have base stats) combine this with more expensive and weaker AoE and burst spells means that shit sticks a lot better and outside of evolution, trading up and down is a lot less of a problem.
Also very few spells can hit face, there is very little in terms of bullshit reach, decks can reach far, but it's because you let them do it, not because they used 2 lit bolts to do 6hp to face.
Also there is no armor, 20hp is max, this is amazing.
>So many turn 6 wins
get out of D rank
I'd say the only thing I dislike about this game is how creatures never really stay on the field, creatures may as well be damage spells with how quickly you and your opponent just shred each other's. but that's just my experience
I think you might be the only person on earth with that opinion, assuming we're both talking about the steam version.
>I think you might be the only person on earth with that opinion
yeah sure that's exactly why 99% of the playerbase said nothing about the UI except cuckstone faggots that switched
I have this theory that you could just make a roll for each deck you want to make and then swap the link between saves every time you want to play something else
Has anyone tried this?
Did you netdeck that or make it yourself?
Cause I remember beating a deck that looked exactly like early today.
I think I killed your by using suiciding a rabbit necro while having two wights out? Also I was spamming YOU SHOULD COME ON MY ADVENTURE
Literally pay2win cancer that makes it nearly impossible to actually unlock packs in higher ranks where you always play against netdeck tryhards both in ranked and unranked matches.
>tfw no one talks about the other recent ccg
It's actually fun, which is honestly no surprise because PvZ is one of the few franchises that has consistently good games
>climb ranked ladder with a budget meme deck
>complain you are matched against imbeciles like you
ayy lamoe
Maybe because 99% of the playerbase are weebs.
I haven't played it but I LOVE the garden warfare series
HUH. That's a stupidly funny coincidence, cause I've played all except the garden warfare series.
Are you talking about the same game? Even at gold rank I can make about 2 packs a day. That's much better than any alternative game on the market.
>use banner meme deck until I start losing
>switch to spell witch meme
Good shit
Nigger, I have not once seen anyone say a single positive thing about the UI on the steam version. It's fine on the mobile but on PC it's objectively bad.
You gotta plan on what you're doing and what the opponent is doing.
Like say I'm fighting an elf and I'm shadow. I'll put down a mummy on turn 2, I 100% expect it to eat a sylvan justice. But I'm putting it down cause board presence and force them to answer it.
Now on turn 3 I've got 1 shadow, say I've got a rabbit necro, a skeleton, and a dark conjurer in my hand. I'm not gonna just drop the rabbit necro, as they could easily have another sylvan justice or elf child may + nature's guidance and easily clear my board. Instead I'll do the skeleton and the conjurer to have two 2/2's on my board, as there is no way for elf to clear both with just 3mp and it would be a horrible waste of a turn to do something to clear both with 4mp.
Or same shit with evolutions, if I'm going second against a dragon or a haven, I'm not going to just put down a 3/2 or 2/3 that has a good effect and not evolve it on turn 4, because it will 100% eat a baldman or dragon warrior, but by evolving it I'm gonna deny them the free kill of my important minion and force them into a suboptimal trade at best.
You gotta predict your opponent and be proactive to make your minions stick.
Wish i could appreciate the game, but im not so good at card games.
Nice art, though.
>he never met Mordecai
Well, the flow of the game would complete shift towards a more stale play. I kinda like the way it is now. You compete for floor control and even if some hard hitters come into play, you still have the chance to get out of it.
I'm new to card games and was told it was better than Hearthstone, so I started them both at the same time.
Hearthstone gave me a few packs of five cards for accomplishing the tutorial, doing some bot matches, and other newbie stuff. Getting expansions would be an impossibility for me unless I invested real money into the game.
Shadowverse gave me over 40 free packs of eight cards, mostly for the new expansion, just for getting out of the tutorial. If you liquefy a bunch of the stuff it gives you, you can have a competitive deck on day 1.
I dropped Hearthstone immediately and stuck with Shadowverse. The art is better, too, if you can get past the anime stuff. From what I saw, Hearthstone's art style and content was incredibly boring compared to stuff like the Apocalypse deck.
If you like the idea of hearthstone but dislike the direction that that game is going with the RNG effects, shadowverse is a good alternative. I can't say shadowverse has no RNG (it even has a card with a similar effect to the infamous knife juggler), but the effects it has are a lot more specific like discard the lowest cost card in your hand and therefore a lot easier to manipulate in the way you want it to.
I'm rerolling now but I only seem to get 10 normal packs and 25 darkness packs
instead of the 40 I keep hearing about
Really digging the game. Have a mid-range shadow deck built right now that Im tinkering with but Im looking into building a Forestcraft deck because Ive heard its high in skill ceiling. So I have like 4k vials saved up for tias and ancient elfs.
Game is good but balance is kind of fucked right now
It makes no sense how fucking better than the rest some cards of forest are
Check out Mordecai the Duelist out of Shadowcraft.
If they get him going, and god forbid use a ressurection to get copies of him you are fucked.
Yeah, Forestcraft is kind of bullshit. Hopefully they either balance it or release some equally broken shit for the other Types.
You get an additional 5 when you link to steam I believe.