>when the sequal uses a different voice actor for the MC.
When the sequal uses a different voice actor for the MC
Other urls found in this thread:
>when OP is illiterate
>he doesnr know what illiterate means
>when the sequel is a completely different genre
Sometimes that's necessary.
Don't be an autist, it's better than NEVER CHANGING VOICE ACTORS EVER, or straight up writing key characters out of the sequels because their voice actors weren't available, both of which nips do regularly.
stfu hayter
>when the sequel is on a different platform
>sequel is better in every way other than the voice acting
>it's so bad that it makes the game feel worse
post vidya characters who switched to 100% objectively superior voice actors
I don't know, voice actor for Ezio as Batman in Arkham Origins was pretty good.
>voice actor dies
>character becomes silent for the entire duration of the game
When the new voice actor is better
mainline SMT fags BTFO
What games has this happened with?
retard fuck off
>>when the sequal uses a different voice actor for the MC.
How about having a different VA for every single game?
>in sly cooper 1: Roxana Ortega
>in sly cooper 2: Alesia Glidewell
>in sly cooper 3: Ruth Livier
>in sly cooper 4: Grey Griffin
Cole MacGrath: Infamous 2
>no japanese voice option
I fucking loved Infamous 1&2.
Heck I'll probably replay infamous 2 right now.
It makes me wonder if the problem was the VAs not being available, or if Sucker Punch just didn't like them.
I will never forgive Splinter Cell
Have you practised your Kanji today?
>sequel is a card game
>following episode is followup to two episodes ago
Hey my dudes what if we replaced an iconic and beloved voice actor with some french canadian cocksuck for the sake of motion-capture lmao
>he didn't play the undub version
Master of ceremonies? What does this have to do with anything?