What are the most fucked up games you've played?

What are the most fucked up games you've played?

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Probably Manhunt
Also Kane and Lynch 2, that shit wasn't made for humans


Well shit, both of them have already been posted.

On a side note, how does Manhunt 2 hold up compared to the first? I only ever played Manhunt and didn't even know there was a sequel until last month.


what's so fucked up about it? I don't mind spoilers

Robot becomes self aware kills all humans except a few and tortures robot also makes them immortal

no can opener

>those flies and spiders in your toddler sibling
Jesus Christ how horrifying
>The STD ridden whore i accidentally DIDN'T kill 1st time around

I liked K&L2

> What are the most fucked up games you've read about?

Never played it, but Grezzo 2 is pretty fucked



>Probably Manhunt

prolly this

Actor who played Steve is still imprisoned for CP

AI becomes sentient, kills all human life except for five or so, uploads their consciousness to his mainframe or something and tortures them for eternity.

He what?

Guess Steve was a kidder after all.


its got new and kinda good story, i love the main character but game got too meny of those wii shooting stages so its not same as 1, but it got its moments.

Maybe LISA, then again I was laughing for half of it. Plus its kinda hard to take too seriously when the RPG maker engine keeps crapping the bed.

I'd have to go with Harvester, sure its cheesy, but there is some pretty unnerving scenes in there.

IHNMAIMS always felt too depressing to care about.

>uploads their consciousness to his mainframe or something and tortures them for eternity

That sounds familiar.

>Used to be more fucked up with Benny being able to eat babies for sustenance

Beyond games on Newgrounds and similarly minded freeware edgefests?
Beyond what's already been named, Fran Bow.
Such an underappreciated gem as well, fully deserves its Overwhelmingly Positive rating on Steam.

Beyond that, I think Sanitarium deserves a shout-out. Soma as well given how hopeless it is when everything is said and done. What I've played of Year Walk was also pretty disturbing, would love to see more fucked up horror adventure games like that based on various local lore around the globe.

he makes the humans immortal you todger

Where's you Carlos

For me D2. Even if you played D and Enemy Zero, it's a fucking unicorn in every aspect. It features sections in third person and first person, shitloads of dialogue and cinematics, a hunting mode, random jrpg like enemy encounters, exploration, snowmobile driving, puzzles, experience points and a level system, philosophy, well implemented violence, guns, weird sex stuff, drug themes, some pedo shit. For me it's worse than D and E0, but it's still great and insteresting though it has some slow parts.

US version is censored so it's better to play the JAP version.

The game itself its dumb but the concept of postal 1 was pretty fucked up

That side mission in Digimon: Cyber Sleuth where the one guy meets his digital waifu online in virtual reality and his body gets stolen to be sold for his innards and he can't log back out because his body isn't there anymore was pretty fucked up.

Loved the quotes and that fucking music.

One of those games that deserve to be remade, or at least re-conceptualized.
Imagine what Team Silent/Project Siren could do with that concept, or Suda51 for that matter.

Coming to post this.
I really enjoy Hatred and laugh at it attempting to be so over-the-top violent. I think it's a unique and underrated game, and I'm a normie too.

What was the concept about?

Saya no Uta and Theresia Dear Emile.

Sanitarium is a fantastic game,saw it on sale the other day, wanted to replay it.

Harvester is also fun for the first 2/3 of the game

Fran Bow deserves more love. It's twisted, but there's a nice balance to the style and tone of it all.

This looks awesome

underrated post

In terms of theme? The Lisa series could be pretty brutal.

It didn't always take itself seriously, but the underlying tone is a pretty dire one.

You snap and start killing everyone.


ITT: people who watched retsuprae

A homicidal schizophrenic who's guided by his visions on a spree killing rampage.
Soundtrack example.

Just what the title implies. There's some more lore there from the old website or whatever that explains that after Dude is fired and snaps that he believes the population have been infected with parasites that control their minds and he's the only human left. The game ends with him in a padded cell.

Spec Ops: The Line

That shit changes who you are.

>Saya gets gunned down
>Fuminori just breaks down inside after seeing his waifu die right in front of my eyes
>Literally falls face first into an axe
Saya was such a good VN.

Galerians, cause underage kids shoot drugs and swallow pills like pizza and also kill everybody.

I loved SOMA, because the real horror of it comes from the existent dread of the situation more-so than what any monster can do to you.


A lot of people give it flak for the Hobson's choice, but I still really liked how they characterized the protagonist's psychological downward spiral.

>some people wanted a "happy" ending where simon escapes to the surface and has robot adventures
>some people want a SOMA sequel where human-robots re-colonize the earth

Rule of Rose was basically the love child of Silent Hill and Lord of the Flies.

that's the thing, the world and the shit that lies on it can corrupt somebody to the very core.

I loved the ending, but a small part of me still thinks it's funny to picture Simon 3.0 somehow reuniting with Simon 2.0 to awkwardly commiserate together


wait what? that game was a stupid generic shooter with some forced choices

>will you rain fucking fire on the poor civilians?
>you can't progress the game anymore
>you rain fucking fire on the poor civies


Would have been infinitely better as a novel.

No matter how good the setting or story is, all SOMA amounts to is a walking simulator of the worst kind. Aren't even any basic puzzles or anything to keep it interesting.

It's the protagonists story, not yours

The Void
Masochisia (ignoring the cringey dialogue)
Harvester (I'm not far in though)
The Cat Lady (ignoring the retarded puzzle/progression design and gamebreaking bugs)

overrated. good fantasy setting and dialogue but far from a 10/10. too much shitty point-and-click logic.

You just had to remind me of that shit didn't you?
Harlan himself reading that whole thing, recorded and uploaded to youtube, is pure fucking gold.

The chase sequences could be hit-and-miss, but I think the interactivity of lonely exploration and making choices like choosing whether or not to kill off Simon 2.0, or staying with the last dying human still added a layer of personal investment to it. It made you stop and think about the choice, rather than leaving it to someone else to pull the trigger.


I can't really agree with you on that.
It's not perfect, sure. But not many people have played it, despite its rating on Steam. Hell, that's probably why it still has that high rating on Steam.

Still waiting on Ninja Tears.

My only nitpick is that I really want a sequel with all the ideas they left open, and I'm not sure if they'll make one.



that part when you are swimming in blood, and then you hear babies crying, and then some chainsaws and the crying just stops.

The last boss was incredibly disappointing though.

considering Dingaling's mental breakdown, it might never come out


Real life.

I honestly want to die. I have so much anxiety over going to sleep, but nobody will talk to me

Sometimes I wonder if ending it all will be the better option.

I'd like to think that his name was actually Not Important, and that was why he was so angry at the world

If you can't rely on on close family/friends to support you, seek professional help user.

Don't think anything will magically help everthing away instantly.
Babysteps, babysteps, babysteps.
If you REALLY feel like shit watch an early Jackie Chan movie. I don't know why but it worked for me.

Don't give in to despair user. Keep you heart open, and just keep moving forward, focusing on one issue at a time.


Not even kidding

I used to be mortified at this game for whatever reason

do visual novels count?

Saya no Uta was a really well done horror story, I especially enjoyed the first act where you come to understand Fuminori's absolute despair at knowing he has gone completely insane but has no way to change it.

I have too much to live for. Just bitching in the one place I can. I won't do anything. I just wish I could get help more easily.

The oddest things can help when you're feeling that vulnerable.
The Muppets movie might very well have saved my life a few years back, along with Mr Blue Sky by ELO (seriously, staying suicidally depressed listening to that song is sort of impossible when you are that hyper aware of yourself and your external circumstance).


>the void
literally the only game I've ever played where I couldn't even make it through the tutorial before I stopped playing

>you can plant some of your color in this garden and it'll grow more, but don't use too much or you'll run out and die
ok, guess I'll paint some green on this tree over here
>no, you must use a giving glyph to plant color, now that color you used was wasted
oh shit, right, ok let me try that again with a giving glyph
>no, you must use a giving glyph to plant color, now that color you used was wasted
wtf I did, let me try this one more time
>no, you must use a giving glyph to plant color, now that color you used was wasted
lost any interest in continuing after that

it wasn't until MUCH later that I learned that you basically have to draw glyphs full screen or the game won't recognize them. That might have been a nice thing for them to tell me since they had literally just said DON'T USE TOO MUCH OR YOU WILL DIE.

fuck, This scene still gets me. the way he screams at the end always fucks me up.

>Mr. Blue Sky
my nig, that song is pure joy


they want you to do it quick but big, once you get a bit of practice it's second nature

you can't actually die from drawing glyphs anyway, it uses color that's already drained through you, i.e. it ain't your HP anymore, it's MP now.

shame you got stuck there, shit's a hell of a game. there really is nothing else like it.

>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)21:05:51 No.357634275

I can barely take this one seriously because voice acting


Not THE most, but an often forgotten one.

Yea, that game.

I got it in a yard sale on some floppy disks when I was like eight years old.

I would have killed myself a long time ago if dying didn't take so much effort and pain.

moving away from horror games for a moment


these desu

if you want a fucked up story look no further than saya

the story contrasts really well. at the beginning you are sympathetic to fuminori, and by the end you want him to die because he's fucked in the head

Good to hear man.
>I just wish I could get help more easily.
Ofcourse i don't know your position, but the fact that atleast two people that never heard of you and will probably never meet you cared enough to write a post might give you an indication that there are people out there willing to reach out.

Also not to shit on you or anything, everybody needs to vent sometimes, but implying you want to harm yourself even though you don't really do can get people very worried.

Oh and fuck me, Jackie Chan got an oscar today. Godspeed Jackie Chan.
I'd reccommend Rob-B-hood, I was surprised that a movie what sounded like a big pile of different movie cliches cashgrab actually had such an amount of shit going on and was rather engaging. It was the perfect christmas movie for me.


This. I played it when it came out, I was 13 at the time, it's quirky, cheesy and fucked up beyond repair, and that's what makes it so good and crazy at the same time. The city feel like David Lynch wet dream and the overacting is scary and hilarious.
I just love this game, but yeah, it's fucked up.

Manhunt is good, a good rush of violence

>first time playing
>inadvertently get the "bad" ending where Saya flowers
quick, someone call XCOM

don't do it lad

Speaking of visual novels that one scene in Chaos;Head where a woman is tricked into taking care of her dead baby was probably the most fucked up thing I've seen in vidya, if VNs count.

I think he's out, ED seem to confirm

at least he didn't become a serial killer...

>Saya flowers
>"bad" ending

Wish we could get a sequel. Madness Returns had problems, but I still liked the ideas it had.