What's your opinion on Warframe?

What's your opinion on Warframe?

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It was good, now it's not.

looks great, plays ok, but dat grind kills all fun

I don't play online-only games. Dark Sector was fun.

first post etc.

After the potato famine and killed warbros you have no reason to put up with DE's kikery anymore

The game is just a big long skinner box, never any goal or escalation or progression, just grinding so you can grind some more and not really a point or endgame at all.

I'm pissed off they got rid of the bullet jump -> double jump glitch

One of the biggest cases of wasted potential
You don't do anything except grind for materials
The gameplay is solid when it comes to abilities and movement but everything else isn't

it's a good game that got grinding sickness.

post more qts

wasted potential

>Pre galaxy map overhaul
Fun time.

>Post galaxy map overhaul
Not that fun now due to requirements to get to next planets are bullshit. Originally you kill the boss to get to the next planet but now you have to do shit to get to the next planet. Fucking unfun as shit.

Ember or whatever the fire bitch's name is is thicc as fuck.
Volt is also my nigga.
Game was fun but the grind became fucking ridiculous.

I quit after they added the water guy and before they added Volt Prime.

They just went back to the old star map, which I prefered more than the disconnected thing it was after that.

I like the SFM anims.

I enjoyed the grinding games.

Then, one day, I stopped enjoying them. I have no idea why. I think it was shortly after they put in the missions where you get the jetpack wings.

I miss only my Amprex.

>Ember or whatever the fire bitch's name is is thicc as fuck.
>tfw there aren't enough people to remember the time when Ember was actually male or had no gender with no boobs until they redesigned it because the community thought it was a female

>still no time frame
>still no witch frame
>still no ghost frame
>still no metal frame
>still no plant/nature frame

They got rid of Draco, that was the only reason i played the game.

I miss Volt + Supra shenanigans

Saryn is thiccer

>>still no time frame
>>still no witch frame
>>still no ghost frame
>>still no metal frame
Depends on what you call metal.
>>still no plant/nature frame

>create game about Warframes
>game is popular
>lots of people play game
>make the game about some random '''''''''''''operator''''''''''''''' dipshit teenager

i'd like to know why they thought this would be a good idea

Good movement and shooting, but it's shit because absolutely no fucking skill is required in the game, and how good you do is based purely on how powerful you are (how much grinding you have done).

Without good mods that only comes from vast amounts money or grinding, even people fantastic at third person shooters won't stand a chance.

Any game that relies purely on grinding instead of actual skill is shit in my book. Fuck disgaea for the same reason.

Games should be about how much skill you have, not how much time you've sunk in. This is why I hate games that limit your progression with unlocks and XP metres 90% of the time. If I play well enough, I should be able to beat the game without upgrading once, something which is not possible in shit like warframe and disgaea and FF and shit.

For a free-to-play game, Warframe's pretty okay in my opinion. I just wish the prices for Platinum weren't so fucking retarded!

So, RPGs are generally all about the gradual improvement of your characters' numbers. I'm on board with what you're saying about Warframe, but your comparisons are retarded.

Fuck RPG's. They mostly suck because of what I said.

So it's a 'it sucks because I don't like it' sort of thing.

>Dude hasn't updated in almost a year

The time for Warframe lewds is over

>buying platinum

Channel your inner jew

It's been 3 years and this shit is still in beta with barely any story at all. Ever since they changed the login reward system all I do is either start it up to get another day closer to the next reward or play when an update has some content in it besides a couple of weapons and a cosmetic.

trade chat has been ded it fucking sucks

It's a fucking hassle to play.

>grind to unlock story chapters

Partially yes, but there's no reason for anyone to like it.

Games should be about challenge and enjoyment. Feeling fun to play, or at least demanding skill to overcome obstacles.

Doing the same easy action a million times so that you can make a number on your screen bigger which will make the next action you do a million even easier isn't what I consider fun.

In most turn based games especially, skill doesn't increase at all. The next enemy is 10% more powerful than the last? Well you just leveled up to be 10% more powerful! What fucking difference does it make? None. I'm still just clicking the same "attack" button over and over.

Most of these types of games don't require skill or offer any real fun. Just fake fun, like gambling, which convinces you to keep going by giving you small "rewards" (bigger numbers) here and there. You're not progressing as a person, only your character is.

Limbo isn't a ghost frame.

I want an actual ghost frame that can go around phasing through walls and possessing enemies

There isn't a steel frame. Maybe they could make one by combining the steel/knight themes.

Oberon isn't a plant frame. I want a frame that can summon plant tendrils and stuff.

The best thing about Warframe was that the premium currency was incredibly easy to earn off of other players that I don't even understand why anyone would ever buy platinum.

>play for a few hours
>get some keys for the void
>do void runs
>get items
>get like 20 plat AT LEAST for a 3 hour session

If something like Ash Prime Blueprint dropped or something that was like an easy 80p

I used to just sit around in the trading areas and buy low sell high while i watched vids on youtube.

Basically this.
And already posllted the only relevant thing about Warframe threads, so we can ca it a day.

There's something about this image that goes beyond Warframe, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Let us know when you put your finger on it.

Most RPGs are turn-based and are more 'puzzles' than skill based.

A lot of them sure you can just grind for days and win by hitting attack over and over again, and that's a viable way to play. Or you can forego grinding and actually approach fights how they were designed and 'solve the puzzle' as it were. That way braindead idiots can grind their way through, and 'skilled' players can actually beat it much faster without the boredom.

I'm not saying all RPGs do this or are particularly good at it, but that's what I consider the general design philosophy to be.

While Warframe completely eschews that and is *just* grinding, almost completely divorcing skilled gameplay from results.

I guess I'd suggest doing a challenge run of an RPG some time. Kinda makes you actually think about how you're going to accomplish things when you're limited.

You make some good points, but I still see a few problems with the whole system Honestly though I don't wanna get into it right now.

What I will say though is that I quite enjoy what Dark Souls does, where it's perfectly possible to beat the game as a level 1 if you are good enough, but leveling can make things easier (though still challenging). I usually hate the idea of a self imposed challenge (like using only pistols or whatever), but in something like Dark Souls, where I have proof right there on the screen of my accomplishment, I feel fine about it. Maybe that's just me.

I also quite loved undertale but that's another story all together.

Yeah Dark Souls seems more naturally suited for challenge runs. I dunno, I honestly couldn't finish FFV until I tried that 4 Job Fiesta thing, being limited made the bosses way more interesting to me.

But taste is taste and I totally get not being down with some stuff - despite how they're classics and the pinnacle of JRPGs, I can't manage to overcome my boredom enough to even finish Chrono Trigger of FF6. Either way I'm happy you came back at me with real reasons.

also can't finish WRPGs, I don't even know why I'm arguing this when I almost have the same problem

It's a parody of one of those pictures that some sort of horror house/attraction where it automatically takes a picture when it scares the shit out of you

I think I remember hearing that this one was supposed to be a setup for a car to crash into you

Warframe is a genuinely bad game that I cannot stop playing.

sell every item you own and then you wont feel like playing anymore

This Just avoid, its a game that failed in its potential and turned into worst example of f2p grindfest in any online game

Also no fun allowed approach of the devs toward the community pisses everybody off, they will patch out every fun glitch or exploit even if it makes the game more enjoyable and simpler. Basically its as if Valve patched out bunny hopping and surfing out of all source games for no fucking reason ad when begged by community to bring it back they would tell you to fuck off.

Digital Extremes literally hates its own players, its so bizarre.
Seriously, go fuck yourself DE for running the agem into the ground.

I have 2k plat, there's no going back





Do a giveaway for pictures of feet.

I got a drunk guy to give me feet pics for 20p, his feet were gross.

You didn't use the good one

I kinda enjoyed it for a bit after they buffed the flamethrower but then the GET IN THE WARFRAME SHINJI updates happened and I dropped it

I've watched this several times and I'm fairly certain you can't see any nipple.

Every weapons sucks cock and isn't as useful as the Boltor prime.

It's a PVE game. Everything is useful.

Haven't played in a long time but i remember there being a prime pistol that did a significant amount of damage, I had the boltor prime but still remember using the pistol exclusively.

Needs better short term goals, much less "guide dang it" (just let me choose a fucking grind target and then just highlight the planet/missions to get the mats at) and while basically functional the gameplay could feel better.

Movement is fast but clunky and none of the attacks, from guns to melee to specials, feel good. Using swords in Bungies Destiny feels great; every swing makes a solid impact with the NPCs. Same for bullets. Warframe is just running into mannequins and mashing a button in the controller while your character swings at the air in the general vicinity of the NPCs. Guns feel like pea shooters.

Too bad that Destiny is worse overall compared to Warframe.

i have 8k and never paid a dime for any of it

i have roughly 7000 hours played

i will never touch this game again


Give it all to someone so that way it ruins the fun for them and frees them from this evil

How can you get plat in game? Selling stuff at the trading post on Earth?

Trade with other players, never spend a dime on buying platinum, it's incredibly easy to earn it via trading

Yup for a studio of fucking hundreds it's pathetic how shallow Destiny is and besides lack of content they've fallen into the classic mmo trapping of being unable to outpace the issues that arise. For every fix or quality of life improvement they get out the door there's two more things pissing off the userbase.

>Sell stuff at the trading post
>Have actual good stuff to see at the trading post
>No one wants to trade after waiting an hour

I fucking hate this.

trading post didnt exist

we had trade chat

trading post = auction house? we asked for this for like 2 years and never got it

its about time

The two main problems I had with Destiny is that enemies always seemed to be bullet sponges regardless of how good my equipment is.

The other thing being that enemies don't seem to have any personality at all. Warframe, Halo, and other games have all this dialogue and callouts between enemies. Even if you can't understand it you still get an idea as to their personalities. In Destiny I felt like there was no personality to the enemies in most cases and it left me bored.

Nothing great was ever achived without grind, user.

With every update the game became worse and worse until I stopped playing it.
Shame though since I had fun making ironic edgy builds

I stopped playing last year but it still might apply

>someone wants to trade with you
>they agree to pay your price
>they don't have enough credits to cover the trade tax
>they leave to do a mission to earn credits and never return

>everyone on the forums and plebbit suck it up because they're all also dipshit teenagers
>DE insists on filling in every lore gap with even stupider horseshit than anyone could have possibly imagined

What the FUCK was so wrong with faceless murder monsters?

This is why I wish there was a way to gain plats in game without buying more or from trading. Make them rare drops or some shit in missions.

>6000 plat
>only good cosmetics require steambux
>haven't played in months
is war within any good?

Your kid reaches ssj2.

nope its even worse. They killed off trading since now it only takes two to three tries to get any prime part you want. The only people left are those who have arcanes.

The fan art is good

>They killed off trading since now it only takes two to three tries to get any prime part you want

What did they do?

Does Warframes even have skin underneath their "armor"?

i dunno why all all niggas hate it so much. just login to shoot shit, and it has grind bullshit to give you looooooooongterm goals. as long as you like the core gameplay, which is cool, its fun. whenever they do damage 3.0/scaling rework itll be worth it i guess

yall niggas werid, just open up tradechat and look for people buying stuff. use warframe.market for prices. its annoying but shits easy

ehhhh. it wasnt worth the 4+ month wait. but we can use operators in missions and got rng mods that fix shit weps if your roll is good

i got (rewarding) endless missions back so thats all i really gave a shit about

I agree to an extent, but at least in Destiny you're grinding actual gear and weapons and it feels better than just grinding for materials all day

rip going fast

ain't playing again


if you mean endless relic missions, nobody even uses anything beyond intact relics, so its not like the market is being flooded with more rares

most shitters dont have millions of useless relics to get past 2/3 waves anyways

i.e jew harder

The armor is their skin; it's a carapace packed with meat, not a suit.

oh hey let's remove our best feature that we only added through sheer incompetence

rot in shit you clueless retards

What's the point of having breasts then?

The void no longer exists and instead if you want to get a prime part you have to go to a void tear that only appears for a limited on certain planets. You no longer need a key, but instead you bring a relic with you that has a certain % chance to drop a prime part, you can also charge this relic to increase the drop chances.


more meat

this shit confuses me
are they suits?
some kind of emergency weaponized iron lung that near-dead people got shoved in?
i thought they were a sort of humanoid drones

For the porn user


It's a suit that retarded teenagers wear.

I enjoyed it back in 2013. I tried getting back into it last year and it sucked.

Too bad, I had 8 frames including the prime ones and all prime weapons maxed out

The last frame to be released when I quit was Zephyr.



nbah, the retard teenagers sit in their retard-chair and control them from far away

except apparently the tardnagers can walk around just fine?

>Horsecocks everywhere

Into the trash


Learn to proofread.

see but thats a time commitment. while its not hard to farm for shit and sell it, it takes a lot of time to do all that shit when you can drop like $60 during a 75% off coupon and never have to buy plat ever again

learn to suck my dick you weenie

Warframe is a very unfortunate, schizophrenic ordeal. It is, at its very core, a very fun and enjoyable game. The mechanics of shooting, running, jumping and killing is _fun._ You enjoy doing that.

But these mechanics have been layered with enough cotton wool that every time you see a new update, you wonder if the core of the game still shines through.

And sadly, no matter how much DE fucks it up, the core of their game is ALWAYS there, as fun as always, and that is what makes playing Warframe so hopelessly tragic.